Virtua Fighter vs Tekken

Discussion in 'General' started by Shukumine2, Nov 1, 2007.

  1. Shukumine2

    Shukumine2 Member

    What Virtua Fighter has over Tekken and Vice Versa?
    People,let your words to be heard!
  2. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Useless topic that has been done before.

    Nothing good will come out of it, since all debates of these kind inevitable take their base in ignorance of what one or both games is really like.
  3. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    VF > Tekken .....In every aspect
  4. Shukumine2

    Shukumine2 Member

    I love Virtua Fighter because of it´s realism.Of course VF has Air combos too,but what would fighting game be without least VF doesn´t have supernatural humans!VF doesn´t need Ending animations,mini games or other crab to be good game,because idea of the fighting game is to fight,not to bowl,or adventure with devilhuman!I repeat,VF shines in it´s realism (exept Kage-Maru´s 10-feet toss!) and that´s what good fighting game should be!
  5. Rabbit

    Rabbit Well-Known Member

    They are both good in their own ways. Tekken has a great fighting system that I have been playing just as long as Virtua Fighter. VF is much more technical and challenging. So most of my friends cant just pick up and play it unlike Tekken. Like I've said before, I'm the only one of my friends who really plays fighters and to get my friends to play we need something where they can win sometimes.

    Tekken is very deep though, with tons of moves for each character. I absolutely love it, and it will always be my 2nd favorite fighter. Taking a back seat to VF of course.
  6. puddin

    puddin New Member

    play both. they're two completely different games. is one better than the other? or are you just better at one than the other? doesn't even matter.

    while you're at it, play soul caliber, street fighter, king of fighters, dead or alive, mortal kombat, marvel vs capcom, tobal....whatever. hell, play killer instinct for shit's sake.

    fighting games. word.
  7. k4polo

    k4polo Well-Known Member

    I play tekken alot so i fit this topic well. I play it alot with like over 1000 matches online. But I feel VF is better than tekken as I can immediately tell how much depth the game has. Also VF feels more fluid then tekken though. Just putting my opinion out there though. Tekken is fun to me though just vf is the more in-depth which makes it better to me.

    And yea i play any of those fighters above me except MK.
  8. Naudin3D

    Naudin3D Well-Known Member

    Its all apples and oranges VF friend. Oki and juggles plays a big role in tekken. while my experience in vf shows a big technical aspect on actual fighting. However movement plays a more important role in Tekken. Korean back dash for example, is hard to master and must be practiced for a long time too get the maximun speed in movement. (check out evo champ Arario) Ive noticed you cant be ramdon too win in VF since the has no crush system I could go on and on
  9. Naudin3D

    Naudin3D Well-Known Member

    So if u like the danger in losing 80% of ur life from a random juggle Tekken is for u. If like a technical stategic fighting game choose VF. However I love the danger tekken offers and its asshole players Ive come to know personally. When I played VF4 evo at the arcades the players seemed more respectful. This just my observation
  10. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    This is my personal opinion as I've played both a lot. Everyone who hasn't shouldn't talk or compare the games. Using value words like "technical" or "strategic" fighter doesn't mean much imo.

    What I like about Tekken:

    Comboexecution (hate that VF5 has dumbed down combos)
    Movement options / Midrangegame
    Okizeme more varied and hence can be more fun
    Great reactiontesting constantly
    Certain characters just feel so much fun to play

    What I like about VF:

    Better gameplaybalance, no retarded + on block on everything or uncounterable moves that take half your hp at least. Certain matchups are borderline broken. 8f jabs etc fuck up Tekkens system bigtime.
    Throwsystem. Throwsystem is much better then Tekken's. When you get to the point where you throwescape on reaction and can guard low's on reaction the risk / reward of trying to attack goes to hell. You're basicly autofucked if you play tekken offensivly.
    Delay - delay's have a real, easy felt, function and is used constantly in highlevel VF gameplay. It's fun and linked to fuzzy's role.

    No random whiffs due to angles etc or illogical things happening all the time due to hitboxes like in tekken.

    VF is about making correct guesses, Tekken is about minimizing your misstakes.

    Both are GREAT games though *^____^*

    Oh yeah, this topic has been done to death so now I'm going to punch myself for even writing this post.
  11. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry


    Bushido Blade, maybe Time Killers, throw in ONE MUST FALL 2097.

    Dumbed down combos? Open, Closed, Weight Dependent (with variations!).

    No Random whiffs? Okay, they're not random in VF, but some moves have fucking insanely small hitboxes, and since they made characters with varied heights (i.e. Jeffry V. Elieen), tons of mids are whiffing against high crushing attacks.

    PM Sebo for a vote! Close this thread! CLOSE THIS THREAD! (does the Bill Clinton thumb-jab)
  12. Caj

    Caj Well-Known Member

    Topics been done to death with VF vs Tekken vs DoA.Everyone has their preferences but most people who play each game extensively usually has their own reasons.

    Now lets get this out of the way heres the typical statements you usually see in these 3d fighter versus threads.

    Not balanced enough
    Masher friendly
    Juggle system is overdone
    Ground game is overdone
    Evade system is crap
    Mishimas too powerful
    Not enough gameplay updates
    <s>No online play</s>

    Too easy to "master"
    Not enough depth
    Crappy character design
    Interactive stages take away from the fight
    Masher friendly
    Counter system too easy
    Major online lag
    Balance issues

    Virtua Fighter:
    Too slow
    No story and cutscenes
    Crappy voice overs
    Boring characters
    Boring presentation
    Too hard to learn
    No one plays it
    <s>No online play</s>
  13. Auvii

    Auvii Well-Known Member

    Virtua Fighter:
    Too slow
    No story and cutscenes
    Crappy voice overs
    Boring characters
    Boring presentation
    Too hard to learn
    No one plays it

    I love how these factors are considered negative when trying to decide the BEST fighting game....

    -No story or cut scenes, because when i want an all out brawl the instigation and motive for the start of the fight is necessary. Also character past and future is something I don't care for either with this topic. Its a fighting game, the focus and desire to know more about your character should be in his list of moves and how you can master them!

    -Crappy Voice Overs, wtf? read above

    -Boring Presentation, in what way does VF5 do this? It has the best graphics in a fighting game to date!

    -Too hard to learn, yeah I want a super easy game so i can go at it with 12 year olds.

    -Too Slow, this one is a classic reason that makes me want to punch a dude every time. Its slow if your a complete noob. Unfortunately you cant pick up a stick and mash the buttons until you win a match against someone who has played for years. Too bad.

    -No One plays, I like to equate this to any elite group. Lets use the Navy Seals. Not anyone can do it, why? Because its a real challenge.

    All these negatives are something that make VF great! Its a true fighting game, for people who want a real challenge.
  14. YagamiKun

    YagamiKun Member

    ? It's like asking, "Which is better: a Kit Kat bar or a Snickers?" They are both candy bars, they both have sugar, and they both taste good. The two big exceptions are that Snickers has peanuts and Kit Kat's have wafers. I enjoy peanuts more myself, but the occasional kit kat is always satisfying.
  15. Fulan

    Fulan Well-Known Member

    im hungry
  16. Naudin3D

    Naudin3D Well-Known Member

    You wanna konw sonthing funny this is my first post on a fighting game web site. Ive been playing tekken at high level since JOP taught me in tag. Never once have I posted on Zaibatsu funny huh?
  17. Shukumine2

    Shukumine2 Member

    I totally agree with Auvii!
  18. Shukumine2

    Shukumine2 Member

    I´m not saying Tekken is bad fighting game,it just have easier learning curve that VF,but is really hard to master all of movement and frame advantages.I have played Tekken games too,but I still consider VF better fighting game!
  19. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    These threads used to degenerate to inevitable flaming fests back in the day. Luckily the fighting game communities have matured since then and everybody generally agrees on that the other games also have merits, but I think its stupid to start these threads still, since it is always completely personal issue what you like.
  20. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    There's a fine line between "elite group" and "pompous elitist scrubs".

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