Virtua Fighter Discord

Discussion in 'General' started by JED-VF3, Mar 26, 2023.

By JED-VF3 on Mar 26, 2023 at 9:08 PM
  1. JED-VF3

    JED-VF3 Active Member

    Hey guys, it's Jed. I'm really happy with how much the VF community has grown recently and so I figured it's a good time to write up a VFDC post about it in case anyone here doesn't already know what it is that we do.


    The VF discord is a general server for ALL VF GAMES. We have matchmaking for every game but are most active with VF3tb, VF4FT, VF5FS, and VF5US. We have scheduled community nights; from tournaments, to casuals, to coaching sessions. We are very dedicated to growing and playing VF while also helping new players learn the game through our strategy channels and voice chats. Currently we also are in the process of launching our community twitch channel which will consistently stream matches throughout the week, so watch out for that!

    What are the goals of the Virtua Fighter Discord?

    Our 2 biggest goals are to unite the existing community with a general server that anybody can join, it's a shame to see the community so separated and this server exists to create a place where people can interact with each other in a public space while also being able to play games in a more personal way through voice and text chats. Our other biggest goal is to grow the community through our consistent schedule and strategy channels which are dedicated to help new players learn the game. We hit 2100 members recently and are constantly growing, so we hope that the existing players in the community stay active to show that this game is truly worth playing!

    Where can I learn about the upcoming events the VF Discord is hosting?

    There are quite a few ways that we advertise our events:

    - The events tab

    Overtop of the list of channels is the events tab

    Once you click on the events tab you should be able to see a list of upcoming VF events

    -Tournaments and Announcements Channel

    There is a community tournaments and announcements channel for everybody to announce their events, it's near the top of the Discord and is great for keeping up with what's current in VF!

    -Virtua Fighter Discord's Twitter account

    Multiple community leaders and TO's of the VF community run a shared twitter account to post about our events and give important updates, you can follow this account here:

    -How can I get involved with the Virtua Fighter community and the VF discord?

    Join the discord and get comfy! It's important to know that this is the best way to grow the game, and so the existing players should try to get as involved as they can. The Discord has grown so much over the last few years and I really hope we can keep our momentum going and expand the community! Thank you all for your support!
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2023
    Chanchai, gido, joanot and 12 others like this.


Discussion in 'General' started by JED-VF3, Mar 26, 2023.

    1. 40i4
      Did you consider using different instant messaging services for this great initiative?
      A few examples
      and many more for curious people (
      Maybe you did but the alternatives aren't that good, that's fine I understand it. :) We all are almighty :)

      Discord is AFAIK
      - centralized (it's located in "one place", and controlled by single entity)
      - proprietary (someone owns it and controls it)
      - closed source (program code/recipe is hidden from public, so program can do anything)
      If that's fine for you, I support your decision.

      It happens I already created Matrix room for VF (after I quit Discord), it's here
      However, I'm only one in the room. Good part is, I'm not too busy with chatting, so i have more free time ;)
      Last edited: Mar 27, 2023
    2. JED-VF3
      Well there isn't many people using these alternatives in comparison, Discord is a pretty big platform that I feel gives a lot of potential for growth. I haven't even heard of these clients and I think the majority of people in the VF community haven't either. I appreciate the input though.
      40i4 likes this.
    3. 40i4
      Well there isn't many people using Virtua Fighter in comparison, Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat/Tekken is a pretty big platform that I feel gives a lot of potential for growth ;)

      Just kidding. I respect your choice as free and almighty being. Grow the community on Discord :)

      The sub-thread is resolved for me :)
    4. JKTwice
      I think it’s wonderful how Virtua Fighter has been growing lately. Exciting time to be a VF fan, we got VF5 on PS4, rollback for 4FT and 3tb, and new tournaments happening all over.

      VFDC is great but unfortunately Discord has done irreparable damage to forum boards in general. So it’s a good idea for a Discord and VFDC to coexist and support one another imo
      Myke likes this.
    5. Myke
      Potentially a stupid question, but I've always wondered what the "T" stood for in "TVF"?
      JED-VF3 likes this.
    6. JKTwice
      I think the server used to be called TheVirtuaFighters so it stands for "The".

      Also could stand for TelevisionVF if streaming becomes more prominent, so that's kinda funny.
      JED-VF3 and Myke like this.
    7. break
      Yo, thanks for the heads up !
      Joined and hoping for the 'Virtua Fighter' on PC announcement soon.
      Also, hope every lands safely to and from EVO Japan this year.
      JED-VF3 likes this.

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