Virtua Fighter characters added to Sega Heroes

Discussion in 'News' started by MadeManG74, Jan 14, 2020.

By MadeManG74 on Jan 14, 2020 at 4:24 PM
  1. MadeManG74

    MadeManG74 Moderator Staff Member Tournament Manager Silver Supporter

    Virtua Fighter's Pai Chan has been added to Sega's all-star crossover mobile game Sega Heroes!

    SEGA Heroes logo [SEGA Heroes Asset Pack].png

    This tweet seems to hint there may be more Virtua Fighter characters to come:

    What do you all think of Pai appearing? Who else would you like to see from Virtua Fighter make the cut?
    Hero - Pai Chan [Portrait].png Hero - Pai Chan [Battle Pose].png

    For more info on Sega Heroes, check the official website:
    Sonic The Fighters and beanboy like this.


Discussion in 'News' started by MadeManG74, Jan 14, 2020.

    1. beanboy
      Pai Chan? Aye! Cool!:D
      Haven't played this game yet though.:p
      Last edited: Jan 15, 2020
    2. Sonic The Fighters
      Sonic The Fighters
      Still not enough SEGA...

      You all know what we want !
    3. Sebo


      Yes, you must mean Jeffry.
    4. Sonic The Fighters
      Sonic The Fighters
      Jeffry in VF6.

      I can't wait to see upgraded VF characters with 2020 graphics.

      Fucking Nagoshi milking Yakuza to death... 10 Yakuza games in almost 10 years...

      Make this great studio working on Virtua Fighter !!!!!!!!!

      Yakuza who really care now ????

      After 4 or 5 games, Yakuza got boring so much, just stop a bit !

      These guys would not like making a great Virtua Fighter ?????

      Must be so annoying to always work on the same game forever..........

      Make the fighting game now stupid ass SEGA, that's VF turn !

      AM2 still on Kancolle wtf !!!!!!!!!!!

      Why there is not yet a person at SEGA that decided to start making Virtua Fighter 6, that's just insane !

      What they gonna show at SEGA FES 2020 and JAEPO 2020 ??????

      Fucking Kancolle again or Hatsune Miku ?
    5. Sebo
      You're not looking forward to a mobile game that is dangling VF characters in front of VF players?

      beanboy and Sonic The Fighters like this.
    6. Sonic The Fighters
      Sonic The Fighters
      lmao :LOL:


      Exactly my type of games and i what i wanted more than anything !!!!!!!!!!!!
      Last edited: Jan 16, 2020
    7. MadeManG74
      Calm down, tiger. Virtua Fighter 6 was cancelled, get over it.
      This topic is related to Sega Heroes, It's not like this mobile phone game is the reason VF6 isn't coming out.
    8. Sonic The Fighters
    9. def
      I'm surprised Pai is the first VF character to be in that game.. I would think it was Akira or Jacky. I read some of the comments on social media having to do with this post by Sega. It seems there's a lot of voices wanting a new VF or a collection.
    10. Citrus
      This game is a joke, and another case of Sega "quality control".
      Compare it to any other mobile gacha, and KOF Allstar in particular, there is a world of difference, even that Pai looks bad...
    11. MadeManG74
      Kage has now been added as well;
      VF Heroes VF Kage rs.png VF Hero - Kage Maru [Battle Pose] rs.png VF Hero - Kage Maru [Portrait] rs.png
      cobratron likes this.
    12. cobratron
      Sonic The Fighters and Mister like this.

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