Virtua Fighter 5 Private Showing

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Nov 2, 2005.

By Myke on Nov 2, 2005 at 7:11 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    <font color="red">VFDC EXCLUSIVE PREVIEW >></font> handcam footage (11.1 MB)
    Huge thanks to our man on the inside, Reno, and MORE PICS INSIDE!

    source: ITmedia

    November 2nd, 2005 -- Sega's annual "Private Show" was held today showcasing it's upcoming titles to the press and amusement center operators. Virtua Fighter 5 was among the titles shown, where new screens and information have come to light.

    source: ITmedia

    From Srider's post we learnt that there'll be more outfit variations available. Here's a small screen showing 3 different Sarahs and 1 extra in silhouette!?

    source: Famitsu

    More info as it arrives!


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Nov 2, 2005.

    1. nin
      Thanks Myke and Reno! Well done

      The new movement system looks like you can hop to 8 directions.
    2. Myke
      More pics thanks to the mother f'n man Reno!






      I think SH_ put it well when he said:

      [ QUOTE ]

      [00:45] <Ace_Brad> jesus titty fucking christ this is a good day

      [/ QUOTE ]

      /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif /versus/images/graemlins/lol.gif
    3. Ogi
      Thank u so much reno !!! and myke!!
      i really like that sarah pix a lot!!!!
    4. Myke
      Here's what I think (I could be wrong!) is going on in that Akira vs Jacky scene:

      Akira does SDE, Jacky guards.

      (scene changes to sun in your eyes)

      Akira standing still, Jacky does a failed evade (notice the new off-balance looking animation).

      Akira does SDE against the failed evade, Jacky staggers (notice the traditional red hit flash effect).

      Akira does a new kind of step to Jacky's side then Double Palms, Jacky crumbles.

      Akira follows with the AS3 combo (axe blade combo) off the screen.

      The caged stadium stage looks amazing with the spotlights. And the scene with Wolf pumping his fist at the screen really shows off the lighting effects. You can see how his arms are casting shadows across his upper body.
    5. KiwE
      Fucking A

    6. HayatoK
      Wow nice quality Pics. Gotta love the video.
    7. akiralove
      the graphics are pretty crazy, definately a big step above current gen stuff (including DOA4).

      It'll be interesting if that is the failed evade animation, and they keep it. Did people complain that Evade was too strong? Failed Evade is pretty weak as/is. Crazy to see the DblPm cause a KD...

      DblPm -> [6],[6]+[K],[K]/[2_],[6]+[P],[P]?

      Akira's 3P... Looks like Lei Wulong.

      Nice to see that Blaze's jump over will actually cause oppt's Rising Kick to head in wrong direction, and his flying Frankensteiner looks cool, hoping it's in the game.

    8. nou
      I can't get the movie to play /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

      It says it can't find specified source.
    9. TexasLion
      I use this player for all the wacky vids I can't play on wmp or QT -

      Thanks Reno and Myke, that clip is amazing. That new chick definitely has to be monkey kung fu now since she moves exactly like them. I don't see what else she could be. Too bad she didn't fight anyone in the clip. And that new stagger system looks awesome if that's what it is. Now when you fail evade, not only will you be at a disadvantage, but you'll look like a fool too. Nice.
    10. Plague
      [ QUOTE ]
      Myke said:

      Akira does SDE against the failed evade, Jacky staggers (notice the traditional red hit flash effect).

      [/ QUOTE ]

      <font color="blue">GoatCheeseBlues</font> and I were watching that frame by frame. It looks kind of like a [4][6][P] rather than SDE. Do attacks stagger after failed evades? This whole off-balance thing is really cool to me... imagine a whiffed body check causing Akira to stumble a little during recovery....

      "HAH!!!... oh shit!!"
    11. nobody
      Looks like a new move to me. What's more interesting, though, is that it looks like the double-palm catches Jacky in the SIDE, without him automatically turning completely toward or away from Akira like he would normally. Maybe VF5 has added a new axis of attack after all. The new whiffed evade animation may make it easier to punish, but it looks like it will kill fancy stepping.
      The new wrestling ring looks a lot like DOA's version; it even has the scrolling green messageboard. There was also some VF4-era animation oddity during the two-character scenes, making it seem a lot like VF4 with a very fresh coat of paint.
      Off-topic, it was a nice surprise to see OSX behind the scenes.
    12. Maximus
      Thanks guys, awsome find.
    13. Pai_Garu
      Actually, it looks like a turn towards P to me that Akira did after Jacky's failed evade. I wonder why it's a red flash though, seemed like a failed ETEG getting counter hitted.
    14. SliceOfPai
      Holy jellybeans Jesus was that fucking beautiful! Looks like I finally have a reason to buy...whatever next gen platform this comes out for!
    15. TexasLion
    16. PhoenixDth
      actually rewatching it again, it looks like akira has an eyepoke now???

      the way jacky staggers and reaches for his eyes, is kind of ironic. I think the movement animations look great except for EL Blaze.
    17. Unicorn
      Is it just my imagination, or did Blaze really lean on a wall with one of his hands after hopping over jacky to turn around quickly?
    18. Jide
      [ QUOTE ]
      Unicorn said:

      Is it just my imagination, or did Blaze really lean on a wall with one of his hands after hopping over jacky to turn around quickly?

      [/ QUOTE ]

      Yes on first glance i thought he jumps off the wall but he sort of uses the wall to land then leans off and jumps across. I don't think the animation is finished for this but its cool to see El blaze roll after his move and jacky skidding across the ground.
    19. nobody
      I think the arm being thrown out is just part of the animation. It is technically pushing him back, but it's by incidental collision and not some wall-specific move/animation.

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