Virtua Fighter 5 EX2 Fighting Stick broke

Discussion in 'Joysticks and Other Controllers' started by LemmyIsTheGame, Dec 27, 2007.

  1. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    I have had a problem where a button becomes hit-and-miss and doesn't register some of the time. My first stick's /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif button (A) broke and didn't guard when I held the button some of the time rendering it unusable under the correct button layout. My 2nd stick's /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif button (B) had a fault where pressing it didn't always register (rather than holding it).

    I am using LT, X and Y as /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/g.gif /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/p.gif and /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/k.gif on both sticks now and am just hoping that they continue to work. Maybe the buttons closest to the stick suffer due to their location (like the Square button on the PSP)?

    Other than this major problems, I think the stick is perfect. The stick is 100% accurate and it feels as good as any other stick I have used in the past.

    Are there any adapters or substitutes to use if the stick becomes completely unusable? And has anyone else had similar problems?
  2. KingZeal

    KingZeal Well-Known Member

    Mine just developed a near-identical problem, except that my A button doesn't work at all.

    It seems that this is a common problem, unfortunately. I'm back to using the 360 controller for the moment. It's not so bad for using Eileen, but it's HORRENDOUS for using Kage or Aoi.
  3. LemmyIsTheGame

    LemmyIsTheGame Well-Known Member

    Do you think it's just the A and B buttons that will be affected then?

    Also, I should be grateful that my A button works most of the time as I can still navigate the menus and then use the other button layout while playing.
  4. KingZeal

    KingZeal Well-Known Member

    No. My X button stopped working as well just yesterday. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/frown.gif

  5. hikarutilmitt

    hikarutilmitt Well-Known Member

    The B on my EX2 stick seems to want to stick a bit, now. I've been terribly tempted to order some Sanwa buttons and replace them.

    EDIT: but I also just modded my Ps2 Tekken 5 stick to be a 360 stick as well as having Sanwa buttons and stick, so I dunno what the point would be, now.
  6. KingofcarnageVF

    KingofcarnageVF Well-Known Member

    So its not just me! My A barely works and LT and RT doesnt work for crap. What the hell can we do?
  7. KoD

    KoD Well-Known Member

    Assuming its a mechanical problem with the buttons or the small daughterboard pcb underneath them, you can desolder all of the buttons, replace them with Sanwa, and wire them directly to the main pcb.

    Or you could buy a VSHG & get it modded /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif
  8. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    I got two Hori Sticks, and the Red B button (for punch) isn't registering an input at all, or I get auto-fire for this specific button. Is there any cheap solution to this problem (which seriously pisses me off)?
  9. Mikhal

    Mikhal Member

    This seems to be a common problem as I've had a DOA4 stick where the red B button wouldn't respond sometimes too. I fixed it by desoldering the pcb where the button was, pushed the PCB in towards the button terminal more, and resoldering it. Haven't had any problems since (been over a month already since I did it).
  10. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the hint; I will give it a try. Will post whether it fixed my problem :D.
  11. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    OK. I did it but it didn't work out. It's really the micro-switch for me that is not working properly no matter how close the PCB is to the button.
  12. Stiff

    Stiff Well-Known Member

    Why not desolder the PCB and use wires to connect it to the buttons? You can replace the buttons with Sanwas very easily provided you have a metal file or even a mini-tool Dremel thing (and a soldering iron). Obviously it's a fiddle and takes a little while to solder 2 wires to every point you've desoldered and you'll probably have to do all the buttons, but hey.

    I modded an old DC stick into a 360 one with Sanwas:


    I recycled the old DC buttons and balltop into a friend's Hori who had an A button that didn't respond all the time.


    I think I'll swap out those buttons for Sanwa ones for him too. I'll also use my old Hori shell and an old Madcatz pad to try making another stick with Sanwa stuff. If it all works I'll post it up here. (If the forum stays alive).
  13. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    I did that, too (Sanwa-fied the HORI EX2). In the end I replaced the restrictor with a Sanwa 8-way one, and all the HORI buttons with genuine Sanwa ones. Works like a charme.
  14. Subbers

    Subbers Active Member

    I'm in the same boat as you guys: my B only works about half the time. Really bummed out about it, but I guess I can use this as an excuse to get a decent stick for this thing. Shame that there is no high-quality stick available for the 360. I'll have to talk to someone about that VSHG mod.
  15. gkrykewy1

    gkrykewy1 Member

    The RB, LT, RT, and y-axis (up/down) spontaneously stopped working at the same time on my EX2. The controller was not dropped or mistreated in any way. The only other symptom that may be related is that I felt sort of a static electric shock (very minor) when touching the headset jack after I first noticed this problem last night.

    I opened the stick up, and none of the connections appear loose or anything, and I don't see any other visible signs of defect.

    Any suggestions? Is there any known reason why these particular buttons would be linked together somehow, and would fail together when the other buttons worked?

    I'm not sure about any US hori warranty presence, so I'm not sure what to do. I could buy another locally (if I can find one) and return the defective one to the same store, but that's dishonest and I'd rather not do so if I can think of something else to try.

    I wish the Arcade-In-A-Box sticks weren't quite so expensive.
  16. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    I think that in the end it's really cheaper and less a hassle if you buy an Arcade-in-a-Box one.

    My sticks' (two of them) malfunction was caused by a defective microswitch (B-Button) that also showed no outer visible signs. The whole product itself is a failure - at least here in Germany I can't find any shop anymore where I could buy another HORI EX2. Damn it.

    My suggestion is: check up on the warranty of the stick. Maybe you can return it to your local gamestore (as I did it) and get a replacement or they send the stick back to HORI for repairing it.

    If that doesn't help then you could either get another HORI EX2 (that would start to misfunction in time) and mod it (if you can solder), or you get the more expensive but hiqh-grade Arcade-In-A-Box Stick.
  17. gkrykewy1

    gkrykewy1 Member

    Thanks for the reply. I don't think there's any warranty - the stick didn't even come with any sort of paper/manual, IIRC. What I could do is buy a new one, and then return the defective one in its place. It's dishonest, but I'm not happy about the stick only lasting 6 months either. Maybe someone would give me a few bucks for this for parts.
  18. GMonroy

    GMonroy Well-Known Member

    Just buy a new one and return the defective one and tell them that it is defective and that you do not want another one.
  19. PinoyAkira

    PinoyAkira Member

    i modded my ex2 with sanwa buttons some weeks ago..
    then the B, X, LT, RT, and RB stopped working at the same time..
    the last day i played they worked perfectly >_>

    any help??
  20. gkrykewy1

    gkrykewy1 Member

    Except for the modding, that sounds very familiar! Same thing happened to me - worked perfectly fine one night, and the next day half the inputs were dead.

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