Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned

Discussion in 'News' started by Shou, Feb 19, 2004.

By Shou on Feb 19, 2004 at 11:11 PM
  1. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member


    Official site: Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned

    At AOU 2004, Sega AM2 has announced a new upgrade entitled Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned which adds new single player aspects as well as balancing out the game more while adding new moves. Expected in Japanese arcades during the Summer of 2004, however, no news of a console port have been announced. Expect media soon.

    Jacky Bryant Tuned

    Aoi Umenoukouji Tuned


Discussion in 'News' started by Shou, Feb 19, 2004.

    1. Shang
      ... WHAT THE FUCK!
    2. Dandy_J
      lol give akira hadouken plz


      they're gonna have to change jackys voice to go with that look...picture it...
    3. PurpleBeefyMan
      SHaa-WING!!!! WE'RE NOT WORTHY!!!!
    4. KTallguy
      Although I'd rather see VF5 it seems pretty cool =)
    5. kungfusmurf
      Silly Jacky still looks like Paul from Tekken to me. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif
    6. namenotmine
      haha when i saw him i was like where have i seen him before....

      oh yeah and drool. i hope they put in uneaven level
      desighn in...
    7. SlimTYME
      Yeah, they might as well give jacky a phoenix smasher and a falling leaf. LOL.

      Seriously though, I wonder what moves will be toned down?
    8. Raider
    9. TrojanX

      Very excited for this game. I'm not too worried about the gameplay, but I sincerely hope they change the music and have more interesting backdrops.

      Akiranomics have to be performed...!
    10. SpeedFreak25
      wow, this is just the news i wanted to make my day, a new vf game. i am wondering why it isnt vf5 maybe like evo it will still be too similar to vf4. i hope they make it for ps2. any1 know ne thing about graphical improvements or new modes. (do you think that 2 on 2 battles or 3 on 1 battles would work in 3D or would it mess it all up) or maybe a story....? (though i no vf has never been about story) plz keep me informed on ne thing new
    11. woodman
      I hope they "Detune" (haha the new title is so useful!) Lauser (looks at srider)
    12. Robin
      I want Ini D style auras for high streaks ^_^
    13. Dark_Bandana
      Now to get more topics about Akira's knee, anyway I hope they actually make the Items more usefull by adding more defense, speed, or more FPS.
    14. Shadowdean
      That would completely fuck up the game and I pray that items do not affect gameplay aside from maybe being able to knock them off ala vf 3.
    15. Vith_Dos
      I would like to see uneven arena's and new area's of the current arena's added, but as this might be a big undertaking I'm gonna guess that such things won't happen until VF5.

      However, after they 'fine tune' everything for this installment of VF my extreme hopes go into them actually working on storyline / other things that make casual gamers more interested in the series.
    16. RagingSilver
      Lol Jacky does look like Paul as well, lol.

      I hope this is a good one and all is fair in this version. I hope Goh gets some nice new moves that are useful and hope they change the background music, it's awful in Evo cept Durals stage music. New items are good. and I hope it comes to the PS2, lol (I wish)
    17. Cappo
      YEAH BOY! /versus/images/graemlins/cool.gif
    18. StoneColdSerb
      I hope they read the Brad threads here and give the man a well deserved tune-up.
      Moreover, hopefully shitloads more match-vids will be added, too.
      Finally, I'd love an even deeper advice/tactics/strategy/combos etc. section, maybe with interviews with top players etc.
    19. BLooDBLaZe
      [ QUOTE ]
      kungfusmurf said:

      Silly Jacky still looks like Paul from Tekken to me. /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif

      [/ QUOTE ]

      I thought that when I saw the news on the homepage. But yeah... They better change Jacky's voice to match his face. A little more gruff, a little less little girl.

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