VF5US/R.E.V.O. Version 2.0 Sarah Changes

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by akai, Dec 13, 2024.

  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    Placeholder for discussion and listing all the changes for Sarah

    Official Change Log - https://www.virtuafighter.jp/vfes/ps4/ver2/en/

    Link to main thread. https://virtuafighter.com/threads/vf5us-version-2-0-update.22199/

    Move (Command)
    Combo Scarecrow (PPP8K)

    Changed the recovery on guard from -6 to +0, changed the recovery on hit from +0 to +2.

    Rising Elbow (6P)

    Changed the recovery on hit against crouching opponents from +6 to +7 frames, unifying with counter hit frames.

    Double Joint Butt (6PK)

    Shortened the total recovery frames on hit by 1 frame. When Taka-Arashi is counter hit, he will enter a special hit state.

    Serpent Frenzy (4PK, then K during double kick hit or guard)

    Changed the effect on hit, now causes a stagger on hit against Taka-Arashi.

    Serpent Claw (4PK4K)

    Changed the recovery on guard from -14 to -13 frames.

    Setup Combination (3PK)

    Adjusted the angle on hit.

    Double Thrust Kick (KK)

    Changed the recovery on guard from -15 to -13 frames.

    Rising Knee ((while rising from a crouch) K)

    Changed the damage from 23 to 25. Changed the recovery on guard from -16 to -15 frames. Changed the effect on hit mid-air, allowing it to more easily be implemented in mid-air combos. When Taka-Arashi is hit, he will enter a special hit state.

    Rising Knee Double ((while rising from a crouch) KK)

    Changed the damage from 20 to 23. Now causes a wall slump when hitting a wall. Changed the frame recovery on guard from -13 to -15 frames. Changed the effect on hit mid-air, increasing the blowback distance.

    Rising Knee Combo ((while rising from a crouch) K・K)

    Changed the effect on hit mid-air, allowing it to more easily be implemented in mid-air combos. Changed the recovery on guard from -17 to -13 frames.

    Stiletto (66K)

    Changed the damage from 23 to 25. Causes a crumple knockdown on hit from the side.

    Switch Kick (4K)

    Causes a stagger on hit during an opponent's back dash.

    Dragon Smash Cannon (1K)

    Changed the effect on hit, allowing it to more easily be implemented in mid-air combos.

    Somersault Kick (7K)

    Changed the damage from 38 to 45. This move now has 80% damage scaling when hit mid-air.

    Hide Side Kick (Deflect) (P+K)

    Sabaki hitbox activation was moved from frame 12 to frame 10.

    Serpent Toe Kick (2P+K)

    Changed the opponent's hit state, making it less likely for the second hit to miss.

    Serpent Smash Cannon (2P+KK)

    Expanded the hitbox.

    Leg Slicer (2K+G)

    Changed the recovery on hit from -6 to -3 frames.

    Valkyrie Low (1K+G)

    Changed the recovery on guard from -14 to -15 frames.

    Back Knuckle Low Kick (From Flamingo P2K)

    Changed the damage from 10 to 5, changed the recovery on guard from -13 to -15 frames.

    Edge Kick Combo Double (From Flamingo P2K, then K during hit)

    Eased the input window. Changed the damage from 10 to 5.

    Edge Kick Combo Triple (From Flamingo P2KK, then K during hit)

    Eased the input window. Changed the damage from 10 to 20. Now causes a knockdown on hit against Taka-Arashi.

    Switch Low and High Combination (From Flamingo KK2KK)

    Changed the hitbox from a high attack to a special high attack. Changed the recovery on counter hit from +10 to +11.

    Switch Low and High (From Flamingo 1KK)

    Changed the hitbox from a high attack to a special high attack. Changed the recovery on counter hit from +10 to +11.

    Heel Sword (From Flamingo 3K+G)

    Changed the damage from 15 to 10.

    Neck Hold Crush (From Flamingo 3K+G, then P+G during guard or hit)

    Eased the input window. Changed the damage from 40 to 45.

    Step~Low Kick (From Step K)

    Changed the damage from 10 to 5.

    Leg Hook Throw (From Step P+G)

    Changed the damage on wall hit. Now causes a wall slump.

    Gatling Roundup Somersault Beat (From Step 41236P+G)

    Changed the damage on wall hit. Now causes a wall slump.

    Neck Hold Crush (From Forward Slide 2KK, then P+G during guard or hit)

    Changed the damage from 40 to 45.

    Wildcat (From Forward Slide K+G)

    Added a special camera effect on hit.

    Snap Back Knuckle (From Backward Slide P)

    Changed the damage from 16 to 10. Changed the effect on hit, changing the recovery on both hit and guard to +15 frames.

    Step-in Low (From Backward Slide 2K)

    Changed the effect on hit. Can now cause a knockdown on hit.

    Leap Short Upper ((while descending) P)

    Changed the recovery on guard from -7 to -10 frames.

    Valkyrie Rage (P+G)

    Changed the damage from 30 to 40. Changed so that damage can no longer be reduced with quick recovery.

    Requiem (6P+G)

    Changed the damage from 48 to 50.

    Neckbreaker Drop (66P+G)

    Changed the damage from 50 to 55.

    Dancing Shadow (41236P+G)

    Increased the damage from 60 to 65.

    Lightning Knee Smash ((wall behind opponent) 64P+G)

    Can no longer follow up with down attacks. Increased the damage from 55 to 70 to compensate.

    Falling Angel Throw (16P+G)

    Restored Falling Angel Throw. Changed th
    Adio and KyouG like this.
  2. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    I'm pretty sure this wasn't a thing before but Sarah FL 4P+K+G is in major CH state now.
  3. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    4PK!K4K launches Taka now. Best I can quickly find damage wise is PPP4K but I'm sure there's something with better oki.

    (6P)K CH recovers long enough that you can't do 4K+G to high bound Taka but 6K+G low bound works. 6K+G, 3KK at least works as a combo from there.

    9K+GKK you can now do P, 6PK or P 6P4K as a combo after which I'm pretty sure didn't work before. 6PK is only 2 damage less than old P 7K and a lot better oki.

    EDIT: You can now do ...4K+G, 1K+GK, FL 6KK as a combo on Taka following 1K, FL 3K, side CH 3K, side 66K and anything else that allows you to high bound that I can't think of.

    EDIT 2: ...4K+G, KP, 6P4K also works from the aforementioned launcers on Taka for slightly less damage if you wanna end up in FL. Both do more damage than just using the air hit-throw after bound.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2024
  4. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Found an unlisted change: 4K is now +12 on CH

    This means CH 4K, FL PK is a combo now. EDIT: or optimally I guess FL 3PK instead. 1 damage less but you keep the pressure going.
    CH 4K, FL KKKK now combos on Taka without trying to get 4K to hit on later frames.

    EDIT: Not sure if this was a thing before but Forward Slide K is also a NH side crumple now. Makes sense since it's the same move as 66K but it's also unlisted.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2024
  5. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Against Taka And Akira you can beat basically all of their wake up attacks with P+K now on reaction. Since P+K sabaki window is earlier than it used to be you can react to wake up attack animation with P+K to sabaki the mids and hop over the lows.

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