VF5R Open Battles

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by Namflow, Aug 27, 2008.

  1. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    Just participated in my first Open Battle last Sunday. Here are my thoughts:

    - The machines were set to 100 yen / 2 credits. w00t!

    - Its cool how it shows your win/loss record for the Open Battle before each fight. Also, if there is a VFTV setup it will display the current rankings for the Open Battle.

    - The first match you play someone is worth the most points. After that if you play the same person over and over each match is worth less and less. This promotes players to get up and play new people.

    - I was in first place for most of the night but had to leave an hour before the open battle ended so someone pry overtook me in points.

    - Im pretty sure you get item tickets for participating in an Open Battle as I had 3 last time I checked and no idea where I got them. I wonder what exactly you get for winning one of these things.

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