VF5R New system features,its influence on gameplay

Discussion in 'Arcade' started by SUGATA, Oct 2, 2008.


    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    There is very important question: how do you perform Side-turned guard (STG) in VF5R instead of standart(turning into face-to-face position then Guard)Guard when you are side-turned to enemy? (i.e. possibly: just press and holdibg G(whithout d-pad)=>STG;
    press d-pad with G=>turn to enemy and guarding)...

    Why the question ("is the STG manual or auto?") is so important?! Because...
    1)When your character[for ex. Kage] getting CH(NH)[for ex.Lei Fei perform 1P+K=+9fr] while is side-turned(ST) in VF5(not R)-your character (Kage) AUTO TURNING AT THE SAME TIME face-to face to Lei with -9 disadv.
    So Kage can:
    -Guarding (at 10th frame)-against Lei's attacks.
    -Attacking (move's start-up from 10th frame)-against Throw attempts.

    2)What we see in VF5R?
    at 0:04:
    Kage NOT (AUTO) TURNING face-to face, he still stayed ST to opponent-this is the NEW features in VF5R!
    So Kage can:
    -Guarding while stay in ST-i.e. STG(at10th frame)-against Lei's attacks. (I think be simply press and holding G).
    -Attacking (move's start-up begins after 3fr(for turning to enemy) from 13th frame)-so this is guaranted throw situation, not work against Throw attempts.
    -Turning to enemy and Guarding-(I think D-pad+G)-(after 3 fr for turning, from 13th frame become Gurding face-to-face) against enemy's attempts to move to Kage's back; and is less vulnerable position to Low attack(is STG work against Low?), Side-counter hit(very dangerous), Possibly can Fuzzy guarding while turning(against Throw attempts).

    RESUME: i think these new VF5R features (STG and Not auto turn when hit while ST) bring more manual(less auto), more variants of your possible conscious actions(=>more Tactics and Mind game), and more risk if you take the wrong decision(as we see in VF5R's great dmg combo).

    Questions (i am not sure about this):
    1)When i am ST-and press attack-my char teurning(3fr) and only then perform start-up; or without 3fr-delay(as BT-attacks) we'll see side-turned attacks in VF5R?
    2)What about crouching(and guarding Low) while STG?

    What do you think, friends?
  2. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Wow that was pretty crazy! STG when desired? Never seen that before.
  3. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    In that example, the Kage did not guard at 0:04. That's why he did not turn to face Jeffry. The blue flash indicates counter, though. Not sure what to make of that.

    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    So , what was happen here:
    Kage got side CH (blue flash) by Jeffry's 6K+G, =>Kage-15disadv, and ST.
    Then Jeffry perform 41236P+K with exe=18fr.
    So if old frame data is correct, then Kage can become STG (also he has bonus 3 fr before Hit), but as we saw he getting 2nd hit,-it was possibly because he trying to turning to Jeffry with Guarding(-15+(-3 fr for turning)=18 fr, so Kage perform "face-to-face" guard only at 19th frame and this is too late and he get 2nd Jeffry's hit. I think that this is Kage's mistake(he did not perform STG) and not garant.

    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    1)Answer to 2nd question "What about crouching(and guarding Low) while STG?" :

    It seems we have LOW Side-Turned-Guard (i think by 2G) in VF5R-2:22:

    So, is it possible to perform Fuzzy guard(not crouch dash FG i think) when ST ?!... it's very interesting, because this mean the development(and rebalance) of ST-element in VF5R: i.e. we more often become(and stay) ST during fight, but now we are less vulnerable(STG, Low STG, ST-Fuzzy Guard(?) ) in this position, i think.

    2)The question "When i am ST-and press attack-my char teurning(3fr) and only then perform start-up; or without 3fr-delay(as BT-attacks) we'll see side-turned attacks in VF5R?" ...is still actual!...and very important(to system mechanic).

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