VF5R console - feature requests

Discussion in 'Console' started by focusflute, Jul 13, 2008.

  1. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    What would you like to see the in home version of our fav game?

    --I would like for it to be easier to acquire all of the items/emblems etc. I have already gone through arcade mode twice (PS3 and 360) with Pai getting all of her items and I do not wish to do it again. I want to customize other characters i play with but I would rather be playing ppl online or in person rather than going through the arcade mode AGAIN trying to aquire all of the items.

    --Include all the items that are currently available in the arcade in the home version. Xbox has Ver. C but NOT all the Ver. C items! WTF Sega????? You can make us pay for download content shortly after you update the items in the arcade to give the arcades a small window of exclusivity.

    --Allow us to get match replays sent to our email accounts for EASY upload on youtube just like the arcades. This would be a godsend. You could save the replay file on your system and have it sent to your email.

    --Allow us to outfit our characters HOWEVER WE WANT for costumes A, B, C, and D. What I mean is...if I want to use a certain item that only works with costume C, I want to use it on D as well. If I wanted to have Pai wearing her Costume C dress on
    A, B, C, and D, I should be able to. Seems like the best MAIN items (imo) are on costume C for most characters and I can't carry them over.

    --Release the game on both systems SOON!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!! /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/smile.gif
  2. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I want them to let you get item battles on XBL so I can play that instead of playing quest mode for a million hours. They let you get them in regular VS mode why not online. C'mon AM2
  3. focusflute

    focusflute Well-Known Member

    That would be a really good solution.

    Another thing i would like is:

    --Allow us to switch costumes between rounds. Make it simple like hold a direction on the stick for a corresponding outfit. For example: Hold up on the stick before the match starts for outfit A, hold right for outfit B, etc. If you hold nothing, you would get your MAIN default outfit that you created like my custom outfit C for Akira.
  4. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    I want scrubby cable pullers and quit to dashboard idiots like a certain "Air Jacky"... To be severely punished for quitting early to avoid a loss. That is the single most aggravating feature online. Punishment should be severe, like losing a whole rank and all points depleted for that rank. A game like KOF Neo-Wave for the original XBOX has it. So I dont see why VF5R wouldnt have it. U cant stand losing?? Then do us all a favor and DONT PLAY A FIGHTING GAME.

    There are other games for you. Like Barbie or Thats So Raven. All early quitters should get together in pink outfits and try them. SEGA please include that feature in R so these retarded morons like Air Jacky stop their bullshit.
  5. ShinobiFist

    ShinobiFist Well-Known Member

    Just make a PS3 version online. And I'm good.
  6. LucidNightmare

    LucidNightmare Well-Known Member

    ^This...and translated intro/win quotes, that is all really.

    It's not asking for too much Sega AM2. ^_^
  7. VFnumbers

    VFnumbers Well-Known Member Content Manager Lei

    disgraced items for pullers
  8. LucidNightmare

    LucidNightmare Well-Known Member

    One other thing I forgot, prologue scenes, cut-scenes and ending scenes...aka Story mode! lol

    Okay, now I'm really asking for alot...but seriously AM2, a bare-bones, Arcade-style, Arcade mode just won't cut it in a home-port...

    All I'm saying is: Take a few tips from your predecessor, Street Fighter(Who you seem to draw alot from...) and compliment your great gameplay with a good story as well...

    That's the main reason why SF is the king of 2D fighters...
  9. XBJX

    XBJX Well-Known Member

    I want to see a ps3 online playable version. I hope it runs very smoothly, opposed to the 360 online one I've played last year.
  10. pleportamee

    pleportamee Well-Known Member

    1. The abiltiy to accept/reject a challenger in ranked matches.

    2. Lobby system option (dare I say--gasp--DOA setup?) for UNRANKED matches.

    3. # of disconnected matches displayed next to player's win/loss ratio.

    4. More flexibility in "costume edit" mode. Color-palatte changing screen (dont know what else to call it) available for all items. No more costume A,B,C,D specifics--anything goes.

    5. Worthwile downloadable content. New levels, characters. Costume items only if they are amazingly cheap. No more charging to unlock items that were on the disk from day 1.

    6. GAMBLE mode in online. Basically make all online matches worth money (ranked or unranked) which can be used to purchase shop items. Have a rival? Bet in game currency on the outcome of a match.

    7. Post game statistics.

    8. Make certain costume items only available by winning certain matches online against real opponents. To be cool to the folks that dont have online, they should be allowed to obtain these same items in offline quest/VS mode-HOWEVER- these items should not be allowed on anyone's ONLINE avatar if they didn't earn them online.

    9. Have your current online win streak or loss streak displayed (including opponents before your current one) in between each match.

    10. Adjust the online ranked match scoring system. This is a whole topic in itself, but I'll list my two main suggestions. First, you should have points taken away for a loss. Your place on the leaderboard should reflect skill level, not just how many times you have played.
    Second, you should ALWAYS be moving either up or down on your rank with each win/loss. If you are a 4th KYU and somehow manage to get a lucky win against a Vindicator, then you should be compensated for it. Likwise, if you are a Vindicator and beat a 10th kyu, you should at least get a little credit for your win.

    11. The developers should take a much more active role in the online community. (think Bungie, Epic) VF TV would be a great outlet for this. Here are a few ideas: Developers set up online/offline tournaments, and then record and upload matches to VF TV. Interview top players, post video interviews on VF TV.
    Scan message boards-- record fights between rivals--(or other events)and post results on VF TV. Post any VF related anouncments on VF TV. (not sure if these things are technically possible--just ideas)

    12. Detailed statstics of all online matches recorded. (think HALO 3) How many times you've beat/lossed to a player, your character usage, average character usage of the online community,your move usage, what move you get hit with the most, etc.

    Just a few ideas.
  11. CobiyukiOS

    CobiyukiOS Well-Known Member

    Come on, VF5R has only just come out on arcades! Of course it's going to come out on a console, altough which one going first I cannot be certain. Give them some time to port the game so it can be better! Well, here (this topic) is just like a typical intenet forum on a future product: impatient. Let's see what AM2 has in store of Ver. B of VF5R, and go from there.

    By the way, VF does have a story mode. Kind of. Look in the manual, and the characters movelist. The ending is the next games beginning.
  12. Caj

    Caj Well-Known Member

    All I want is the amazing Evolution training modes to return even if it's to sacrifice other features.
  13. L_A

    L_A Well-Known Member

    Better than that, it should take away items if they pull.
  14. Necro76

    Necro76 Well-Known Member

    U see? This world is so wrong. This guy has the COOLEST ideas. BUT he is NOT an Am2 developer. Sadly, instead of his ideas, we'll get funny hair and clothes and NO Evo tutorials/Dojo/Challenges and no punishment for pullers. I bet if this guy worked in Am2, his ideas would get neglected in favor of downloadable pink hair for 150 satan's........oops..errr I mean .......microsoft points.
  15. Caj

    Caj Well-Known Member

    Pullers also shouldn't be able to connect to the game for at least an hour.With the amount of pullers I had to deal with I'm pretty sure I'm 3 ranks behind on where I should be /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/mad.gif
  16. LucidNightmare

    LucidNightmare Well-Known Member

    ...Please don't joke like that... -_-

    The way they have it now just makes AM2 look lazy...

    I don't know, it's just weird for me, coming from a SF/Tekken/SC background...Where there are full-on story modes/story elements, to VF, where there's nothing but a paragraph in the instruction manual...

    As I've said before, they've got the best 3D gameplay, now it's time to work on their weaknesses(Story/Characterization) and bring a balance to the game...
  17. Coroo

    Coroo Well-Known Member

    indeed i agree. but for the classic characters go back to the anime. everything after the third and fourth game check Virtua Quest. mnn nothing yet for five. but yeah
  18. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    My ideas:


    An online shop with exclusive items. (including a neon headband for Akira 'cause that would rock)

    Everyone starts with 10,000 gold.

    If you win an online ranked match you get 500 credits, if you lose an online ranked match you lose 250 credits. If you disconnect you lose 300 credits.

    In player matches you are alloed to wager some of your credits against some of your opponents. Bets wouldn't have to be the same amount. (Player 1 - 750 credits, Player 2 - 100 credits)

    Minimum wager would be 100 credits, no maximum limit.

    If a player disconnects they lose the credits they wagered. The other player recieves none.

    Credits can also be bought through Xbox live and whatever the Playstation equivalent is.


    Players would be allowed to save and send replays to each other via Xbox Live (PSN)


    Not exactly a big problem but players should be able to change their characters and stage before each match. I understand that it would increase loading times but it would be worth it.


    Have your Xbox Live motto show up as your PR statement before a match.
  19. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    It'd be really cool if they gave us another A.I. system, similar to that of Tekken DR. It'd been even more sweet if they could be traded online.

    Hmmm, if I learn to overcome your A.I., would I stand a chance against you? That'd be interesting
  20. Tsobanian

    Tsobanian Well-Known Member

    Guys, this week is E3 week.
    Today at 10:30 AM PST is the MS conference. Tomorrow (July 15, 2008 at 11:30 AM PST) is the Sony conference. There is always a possibility that a VF5R teaser trailer might pop-up.... Who knows....

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