VF5FS vane far reaching moves

Discussion in 'Vanessa' started by erdraug, Sep 7, 2012.

  1. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    While trying to test combos for DS [3][K] backdash stagger i discovered (belatedly :oops: ) that the dojo CPU can be set to "backdash". So i thought i'd make a list of vanessa's moves that connect vs the CPU set to backdash, because that would mean these are vane's moves with the best reach, which could prove useful to know if you're playing an opponent that likes to space! (eg. Jacky pokes with [6][P] > gets blocked > backdashes to bait whiff > takes half of vane's lifebar :mad:)

    Testing this in the "Abandoned Dojo" stage, starting position - center, both foot positions:

    16f DS [3][K] staggers
    22f DS [6][6][K] knocks down (might low wallsplat)

    15f OS [6][6][P] +6f (might wallstagger)
    17f OS [4][P][+][K] knocks down
    17f OS [2][K][P][P] combos, knocks down (closed only)
    18f OS [4][K] +7f (might wallstagger)
    18f OS [6][6][K][+][G] knocks down (might high wallsplat)
    23f OS [9][P] floats
    37f OS [K][+][G] sideturns*

    *not so sure about that one since it doesn't register as a CH. I also set the CPU to crouching and the move still connects but i'm convinced this is because the CPU doesn't try to crouch immediately

    ...the list ended up being very short :mad:

    BTW i also tested the jumping attacks, everything connects except DS jump > [P]. Not recommending their use or anything, just for completeness sake.

    Same deal, now using the "Player's back to edge of the ring" setting. These could be considered moves with decent reach:

    12f DS [P] combos to [P][K] +4f or [P][P] -1f
    13f DS WS [P] staggers (open only)
    14f DS [4][P][+][K] floats
    16f DS [K] +7f (the second hit will whiff! :( )
    16f DS [1][K] is even
    19f DS [6][P][+][K][+][G] staggers
    22f DS [1][P][+][K] foot crumples (the normal combos will whiff though; i only managed to connect with f+pkg but a u+p pounce is more damaging. On the other hand, at this range, it's actually positive on block)
    24f DS [6][K][+][G] slams (the normal combos will whiff though, i managed to connect with f+p,df+k)***
    26f DS [9][K][+][G] knocks down (open only)
    47f DS [4][4][K][+][G] crumples****

    12f OS [P] combos to [P][K] +4f, [P][3][P] +1f or [P][P][P] -3f & possible followup
    14f OS [P][+][K] combos to [P][+][K][K] knock down or [P][+][K][P] -1f
    16f OS [6][6][K] floats
    16f OS [1][K] is even
    19f OS [6][P][+][K][+][G] staggers
    22f OS [1][P] +4f (closed only)
    26f OS [1][K][+][G] floats (the normal combos will whiff though, i managed to connect with f,f+k+g)
    47f OS [4][4][K][+][G] crumples***

    ** yup, ONLY the DS version of the move connects :eek: despite still sharing identical frames, it appears the two moves are NOT identical in this version.
    *** this only works because vane's back is to the wall, not really sure if it should count.

    Here's what's left:

    DS [3][P]
    DS [3][P][+][K]
    DS [K][+][G]
    DS [4][6][K]
    DS [4][6][P][+][K]
    DS [6][K]
    DS [6][P]
    DS [P][+][K]
    DS [6][6][K][+][G]
    DS [6][6][P]
    DS [3][K][+][G]
    DS [1][P]
    DS [4][4][K]
    DS [4][P]
    DS While Holding [G] [8][P]
    DS While Holding [G] [2][P]
    DS [2][P][+][K]
    DS [2][P]
    DS [2][K]
    DS [2][K][+][G]
    DS [1][K][+][G]

    OS [6][P][+][K]
    OS [K]
    OS [4][P]
    OS [6_][K]
    OS [4][3][P][+][K]
    OS [6][P]
    OS [3][P]
    OS [3][K]
    OS [6][K]
    OS [3][K][+][G]
    OS [9][K]
    OS [4][6][K]
    OS [3][P][+][K]
    OS [2][P][+][K]
    OS [6][K][+][G]
    OS [4][1][2][3][6][P]
    OS [2][P]
    OS [2][K][+][G]

    IMHO these moves could be considered as having sub-par reach.

    I'll eventually test which of these moves whiff from starting position - center vs an opponent that doesn't even backdash (i'm guessing moves like [2][P] or DS [3][P]).
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2020
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