VF5FS Jacky Bryant Combo Video

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by BolverkGTM, Jul 7, 2012.

  1. BolverkGTM

    BolverkGTM Active Member

    So me and Chibiaya play offline from time to time (we tend to play weekly or biweekly). Chibiaya has been recording some nutty combos with a regular old camera for the Jacky forums. His material deserves better recording quality, so I took my semi-crappy capture card over to his place and we recorded some combos. This video is the result.

  2. Sithlord

    Sithlord Well-Known Member

    Nicely done guys!

    Some of those wall combos are ungodly powerful!

  3. ApocryphicV

    ApocryphicV Active Member

    I know my local Jacky player is going to love this. Great job fellas. A benchmark for Jacky combo videos has been set for sure.
  4. BolverkGTM

    BolverkGTM Active Member

    Thanks a bunch! The funny thing is on counter hit, he has a wall combo that does 100%. We just forgot about recording it. [​IMG]

    Wow. After seeing your Akira combo video, those words mean a lot to me. I don't do combo videos as often as I want to, but judging from the sound of things, Chibiaya might be getting a capture card. I know he wants to make a Jacky tutorial and he'll probably record whatever crazy things he finds in his combo experimenting. Definitely expect more from him! I linked his YouTube channel in the video description. [​IMG]
  5. ApocryphicV

    ApocryphicV Active Member

    Have to give props where they are due man. I'll subscribe and I look forward to what you guys come up with.
  6. archangel

    archangel Well-Known Member

    Good vid, does the [8] [K] [+] [G] combo only work on counter?
  7. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

  8. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    Good job with this. I just found out btw that you can get crazy combos off CH [​IMG][3][P] against wall, continue with 4K+G high bound or iai 4K+G into whatever.

    I so much want to have recording equipment, but by the time I get it, all the major combos have already been recorded Im sure [​IMG]

    Oh and I finally got P+KK wallhit -> SS P finally working [​IMG]

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