VF5FS - Dojo Mode Glitches/Bugs

Discussion in 'Console' started by YOMI, May 9, 2013.

  1. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    There doesn't seem to be an general thread for FS Dojo glitches and bugs so I thought of making one.

    The purpose of this thread is to collect all bugs and glitches that occur in the training mode in Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown as there are quite many of them floating around the site as I'm sure people on the forum have run into. Let's get started then.

    Bug #1 - CPU back roll rising attack 1f late guard.
    Description: The CPU guards 1 frame later than it can/should after a back roll rising attack.
    How to reproduce: Set the dummy Reaction to Guard (any guard option will do, eg. just the normal Guard or one of the guard then P, guard then throw, etc. option) and in Details set the Getting up option to Backroll and the Rising attack to Mid or Low, doesn't matter which, all the rest of the options doesn't matter although setting Fall recovery to None can be helpful in doing the glitch. Now knock the dummy down, doesn't matter if it's off a throw or UB or what, their KND position doesn't matter either, and let them get up by doing the back roll and then block the following rising attack and do a 16f move. Observe how the dummy doesn't guard the attack even though back roll rising attacks are only -15 on block, and the hit does not cause a blue "Counter" text appear above details box as it normally does if a hit is a recovery counter hit. However this glitch works only with 16f moves, 17f moves or higher will be guarded by the CPU as normal and 15f moves or below will properly register as recovery counter hits.

    Bug #2 - CPU not teching properly after certain spinning knockdowns.
    Description: The CPU doesn't tech or exact recover properly after certain spinning knockdowns.
    How to reproduce: In CPU options, set State to Crouching and Reaction to either Normal hit or Neutral, then go to Details and set the Fall recovery to one of the (exact) options, either side roll or neutral will do, every other setting can be whatever. Now for this example let's use Wolf, with the CPU now crouching in front of you from the start do 6PP+K, see how the CPU does not tech roll the move, even though it could and should as Wolf's Rolling Back Elbow does not cause a hard KND, but instead falls on its ass into a normal knockdown. However this bug does NOT work if you, for example, would OM to their side and cause the move to be a side hit. Position settings does not seem to affect this either, can be done from open or closed or either side. The only things that need to be right are that the dummy must be crouching and set to neutral/normal hit, any other reaction will cause it to tech roll normally. This bug can be done on any character and with any character who has similar spinning knockdown moves that leaves the dummy in a FUHT position.

    Bug #3 - Crouching CPU randomly jumps after stuggling out of a stagger from certain moves.
    Description: As the title mentions, the CPU will just randomly jump after it recovers from a stagger if set to crouched.
    How to reproduce: Set the CPU State to Crouching and Reaction to either Normal hit or Neutral and then go into Details and set the Stagger recovery to Normal, other settings doesn't seem to matter. Now for this example let's use Goh, with the CPU crouching in front of you do 3K which leads into a stagger then let the CPU recover the stagger in peace, eventually the CPU should randomly jump in some random direction (extra fun challenge: try to react to this and juggle him!). I said in the title "from certain moves" since this doesn't seem to happen from every stagger, for example I can't get the CPU to jump after Goh's shoulder ram (2_3P+K), but it does happen after his 3K or for another example after Wolf's 6K+G. This also seems to only happen if the CPU Stagger recovery is set to Normal, Fastest doesn't seem to cause it to happen.

    "Bug" #4 - Jean takes higher damage from Counter Hits than anybody else.
    Description: With Jean as the CPU dummy in Dojo, he seems to take more damage from counter hits.
    How to reproduce: This seems to be more of an mistake than a bug, but it's been floating around for a while so I'll put it up. Pick Jean as your opponent in Dojo and set Reaction to Counter hit, then hit him with any move, for example with Jean's 6P. Now normally Jean's 6P would do 25 damage on CH against everyone else, but against Jean himself it "magically" does 29 damage, and this damage increase is for any and all moves. Now what's really happening here is that if the CPU Reaction is set to Counter hit, the CPU Jean attacks with K which you will then interrupt for the CH, but the CH won't be a "normal" counter hit but an "even larger CH" (I don't know the term for this) which causes more damage, you can see it from the "Counter" text that appears above the details box, the text is red instead of the normal yellow you get from regular counter hits. But the weirdness comes in when we analyze the statistics: This move does 17 damage on normal hit and 25 damage on CH as per the usual upscaling damage based on the base damage of the move on CH rule that FS has, which in this case is +8 damage, but this "Major CH", if you will, only happens from moves that do 25 base damage or more, so how can it be that a 17 damage move causes this major CH? Well the answer is that Jean's K has an alternate, chargeable version that does do the required 25 damage on normal hit which would cause the major CH, but the problem here is that CPU Jean is not doing the charge version, it is doing the regular K! By this definition this major CH should not happen from Jean's regular K, yet it does. You can verify all of this yourself by setting the CPU Jean on Counter hit and then purposely whiffing an attack so that CPU Jean does his K. Furthermore Jean's K seems to have only a small window where the major CH happens, you can test this by recording the CPU Jean to do 6P, K and then when you play that recording block Jean's 6P and then try to interrupt the following K with a move that's 15f or faster, then you will cause a major CH to happen from interrupting the K, but if the move is slower than 15f from this situation you will only get a regular CH. So to summarize: Jean taking more damage on CH is not a bug in itself, but K causing a major CH seems to be, or at the very least a mistake from Sega. I'd like to hear some thoughts about this from others.

    UNCONFIRMED Bug - Rising speed option doesn't do anything.
    Description: Simple enough the Rising speed option doesn't seem to work.
    How to reproduce: As said twice already, the Rising speed setting under Details in the CPU settings menu doesn't seem to work, the dummy seems to visually get up from hard knockdowns at the same speed no matter what the level, Slow, Normal, Fastest or Random, is set to. Doesn't seem to matter when using in conjuction with different Getting up options either nor does the position the dummy is on the ground matter either. Can anyone else confirm this?

    This is all I've got so far. Please post any bugs/glitches you've encountered in the Dojo with a description and how to make them happen and either I or some kind moderator can add them to the list. If you have anything to comment on the ones already posted, feel free to say it.
    blossy1000, Mister and Feck like this.
  2. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Nice thread man.

    About the terminology you're using in #4, I guess regular CH and large CH would be the preffered term, or regular MC & large MC.

    MC is already used a lot to describe counter hit as it is.

    mC = Minor Counter or recovery CH
    MC = Major Counter or CH

    Major Major Counter would feel wrong :p

    Not entirely sure if it doesn't do anything but just had a quick test and it definitely doesn't seem to work as it should.

    Tested with Wolf vs Akira.

    Set CPU to rising Speed set to fastest and to do mid rising attack, after Wolf's [3][K][+][G] -> [9][P][+][K] -> [P] -> [1][P][+][K] -> [6][P][P] combo the CPU will eat [3][P][+][K] everytime.

    I know for a fact that you can recover from the floor fast enough to beat Wolf's pounce with a rising attack as I tested it recently.
  3. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    Set the opponent on evade and do something with 2 fast strikes (like P,K). The opponent evades both separately and after that it doesn't evade the next hit you do, even if you are using a slow move.

    You can do it with Akira P,K or 4PP for example. You can hit 214P or 3P+K after and the opponent wont evade. They do evade 46P+K fullcharge though.

    Speaking of 4PP, if you do it fast the opponent actually does a failed evade vs the second one but it wont hit. Probably works that way with humans too and not a practice mode bug or a bug anyway, but I thought it was funny. Delay the second P a bit and they get CH*d by it.

    Didn't know that rising speed thing but it definitely doesn't seem to do jack. Jean 66P+G followed by 4K+G beats mid rising with no timing whether it's set on slow or fastest.

    EDIT: Record Kage 3K+G and don't hold guard after wards. He'll get hit with mC from moves that aren't guaranteed.

    EDIT2: I don't think the K charge thing is a bug. It's just 2 moves happening with the same start-up so they went with the higher one instead of flagging them separately. The only reason this even matters is because of the lazy way Sega's taken for producing CH's in Dojo.
  4. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    I spot it with some other chars too; they are getting RCH in early guardable frames.
  5. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    I take it that if you don't hold G you aren't canceling the recovery frames of the move or something. I noticed this mechanic when I was testing out evade punishable strings. It's handy to know because it means you need to actually hit G after you're evaded or else you might just get minor CH when you would have actually blocked. There does come a point where you are no longer minor CHable, but I haven't really explored this as it hasn't seemed important.
  6. aoi ameindei

    aoi ameindei Well-Known Member

    if lei fei goes into koko shiki or nehan shiki during a fight he will freze completly until u hit him or he will back away ( even to wall or ring out ) until u hit him
  7. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    New bug discovered: The CPU doesn't struggle El Blaze's 9K+G on hit no matter what the 'stagger recovery' option is set.

    God the FS dojo sucks.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2013
  8. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Can you get out the stagger yourself?
  9. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    Of course. The move isn't unstrugglable or anything, the CPU just doesn't try to struggle off the stagger at all no matter what the setting is, for that move alone the CPU seems to think it's set to 'none'
  10. blossy1000

    blossy1000 Well-Known Member

    Similar to while fighting Kage in dojo. It seems whenever he goes into BT shippu or BT jumonji he just stands there doing nothing until you hit him out of it or circle around him until he's not back turned anymore. It's weird.
    aoi ameindei likes this.
  11. Kanoppio

    Kanoppio Well-Known Member

    I don't think it's a bug, but you're right, there is only a small window where the large ch happens. It's where the cpu cannot confirm if the hit is charged or not, therefore it seems we'll have a large ch. If Jean will be hit after that small window, cpu will have the confirm, just when the first active frame [of the fully charged hit (or not)] starts. That's why can be regular ch or large ch, the only mistake was to put a charged move as a countered hit...but it's just my opinion. :p

    edit: same example for the Vanessa DS 3k, try to record 3k half charged, it's a 23 damage hit but if you hit her while charging (when the cpu cannot know if this hit will be fully charged) we'll have a large ch with a 23 damage hit.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2013
  12. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    Rising speed option definitely works in my book.
    I have several examples of being able to jump back to avoid rising attacks with "slow" settings and not being able to with fastest settings.
  13. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    In some scenarios it doesn't work. For examples i can always geat a meaty with wolf with [4][6][P] no matter what rising speed i set and my [1][P][+][K] will hit always a the same active frame (the 21).

    also i have a "new" bug ?!?!

    Take Wolf and Eileen for this one.
    Set Eillen to crouching and in the details set her to istantly stand up after a knock down.
    After every knock down she will rise up in the way you set in the options BUT if you use [6][P][P][+][K] she will stay on the ground, altought she can totaly do the ukemi as usual.
  14. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    The rising speed option hasn't ever seemed to work in anything I've tested, so it's certainly bugged in the way it doesn't always work properly at least.

    @Mister, that was already covered under bug #2 in the first post.
  15. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    My current guess is that the rising speed bug is connected to the (rather stupid) way VF handles rising from downed position. As in, there's a "struggle" like staggers for how fast you get up. My guess is that the option is affecting the amount of struggle the CPU performs.

    As for wether the option is actually bugged struggle like Blaze 9K+G mentioned earlier or if some KNDs (I'm guessing everyone is going with throws) actually cause a "struggle" that goes away before the attacking character recovers even if you don't struggle at all... dunno. I'd guess the latter though.
  16. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Also keep in mind some wake up timings differ. As in the window you have between the fastest get up and the slow get up to medium get up speed are very close in timing. Moreso medium and fast than slow. You can stay on the ground long as you want.
  17. Combolammas

    Combolammas Sheep Content Manager Goh

    This is not actually a bug but if you've ever wondered why moves after Jeans 66P won't cause a CH on Jacky (and probably DS Vane too) if you're using moves slower than 18 frames it's because of his neutral autoparry. The game puts him in autoparry state after that +18 ends because the dummy is not holding G. In a real match this is not an issue since people tend to press G and all.

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