VF5FS - did characters lose a couple of throws?

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Tha_FeauchA, May 7, 2012.

  1. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Not sure where to ask this at, figured this would be a good spot.

    So with 4 and 6 being the only throw directions now (besides neutral), did most of the characters lose about 2-3 or more of their throws?
  2. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Taka Content Manager Sarah Content Manager Brad

    yes they did (jeff lost splash mountain) and some others have new input to do the old throws.
  3. Ladon

    Ladon Well-Known Member

    Not particularly. Take Kage for example (I'm not gonna look up the name of the throws, instead I'll describe them):

    (Note: I'm not counting his catch throw because that doesn't have to do with throw directions. They removed his catch throw but preserved other characters' catch throws, meaning they probably took it out for balance purposes, not because of directions)

    In VF5 vanilla he had the following throws:
    P+G: Hip Toss
    6P+G: Flip Over
    46P+G: Pushing Trip
    4P+G: Failed 10ft toss
    64P+G(8P+G): 10ft Toss
    3P+G: Forced Foot Flip
    42P+G: Flip and Crush
    42P+G(back against wall): Ninja Face Slam

    In VF5FS he has the following throws:
    P+G: Hip Toss
    6P+G: Flip Over
    46P+G: 10ft Toss
    66P+G: Forced Foot Flip
    64P+G: Flip and Crush
    63214P+G: 10ft Toss w/ grab
    64P+G(back against wall): Ninja Face Slam
    66P+G(opponent's back against hi/low wall): Ninja Arm Twist

    Probably went about this the long way, but yeah, the characters still have a good variety of throws. What the change did was make it easier to break out of more throws with one directional input. Seems necessary, since multiple throw escape input is gone in FS.
  4. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Most characters have lost one or two. Eileen has lost her 46P+G that was added for R. It was a very underused throw.
  5. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    I see, thanks for the replies and the detailed info there Ladon. I know Akira alone in vanilla 5 has 4 throws that end with 1,3,2 and 4. While I haven't seen too many FS videos, I've only seen like, 3 different throws by him.

    Did they also take out throws that start with 1 and/or 3 too?
  6. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    he still has the old 1p+g but its now just 4p+g.
  7. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    He has about seven if I remember correctly, most of his stuff is still there just the animations and inputs have changed.
  8. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Jeffry lost his old [6][P]+[G] (now his old [1][6][P]+[G]), [2][P]+[G], Splash (aside from wall to opponent's back in the form of [6][6][P]+[G]), and vs. BT [P]+[G] (now his old [2][P]+[G] neck swing).

    His old Threat [P]+[G] was a wall throw in R, but it's gone :((((.

    His old [3][P]+[G] is now (Jeffry's back to wall) [6][P]+[G].

    His old wall [4][3][P]+[G] is now just [6][P]+[G](?). Does very little damage.

    [4][4][P]+[G] is his old [1][P]+[G].

    I think that covers everything Jeffry-wise.
  9. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    As far as I know, Aoi's [1][P]+[G] throw in Vanilla is now her [6][4][P]+[G] throw in FS.

    And after having a chance to thoroughly examine all the throws in Aoi's FS movelist while creating her GDS file, I assume only the [6][4][P]+[G] throw from Vanilla has been removed while all the others have been retained in FS.

  10. Tiripsem

    Tiripsem Well-Known Member

    Aoi also lost [3][P]+[G]
  11. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure that one is now the [4][P]+[G] throw for FS that's shown at a different camera angle.

    Forgot to mention before that neutral [P]+[G] throw from Vanilla is gone.

    I've also seen Aoi's Vanilla [3][3][P]+[G] throw in a FS video, which means that the command input for this one has been changed to either [​IMG][6][P]+[G] or [​IMG][4][P]+[G]. I'm guessing it's the former input. And in this case, I think the [​IMG][6][P]+[G] throw from Vanilla is the one that's been replaced in FS.

    Edit: Scratch the last part. Finally saw Vanilla [​IMG][6][P]+[G] done in a FS video and it looks the same.

  12. kingo

    kingo My bitch G0d3L is a scrub Content Manager Aoi

    no, tiripsem is right. [3] [P] [+] [G] from vanilla is gone.
    [4] [P] [+] [G] is a completely new throw.

    [1] [P] [+] [G] in vf5 becomes [6] [4] [P] [+] [G]
    [4] [6] [P] [+] [G] in vf5 stays [4] [6] [P] [+] [G]
    [​IMG] [6] [P] [+] [G] in vf5 becomes [​IMG] [4] [P] [+] [G]
    [3] [3] [P] [+] [G] in vf5 becomes [​IMG] [6] [P] [+] [G]
    chain throws, and 270 throws remain the same.

    News throws: [P] [+] [G] , [4] [P] [+] [G] , wall throw [4] [6] [P] [+] [G]
  13. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    I see. Nice rundown of the changes. So the Vanilla [​IMG][4][P]+[G] throw is what's gone in FS.

    Thanks for the info, kingo.

  14. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa


    DS Vanessa lost her [2] throws.

    OS Vanessa lost her low throws and the evade p+k catch throw.

    She gained a couple of new throws though, including one from the new lie down stance.
  15. Richkwondo

    Richkwondo Well-Known Member

    Yeah Vanessa has two new throws form her lie down stance, one is a hit throw, 2K, P+G, and the other is just P+G. She has a new low throw from DS, 1P+G. She also has two new throws form Lancer tackle mounted position,4P+G,and 6P+G. Ah, Vanessa is such a menace. If she got a new ground throw, I would go bananas.

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