VF5FS character matchups

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by RisenGlory, Sep 19, 2012.

  1. RisenGlory

    RisenGlory Active Member

    Just curious, for everybodies main character, what are the most difficult character matchups to deal with and why?
  2. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    I'm pretty sure Taka has a pretty tough time with everyone. Just how much more can his heart take?
  3. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    The most difficult matchups are the ones I haven't spent time in lab breaking down their options yet. Right now Lau, taka, shun fall in that category.
  4. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    For Eileen everyone is a bad matchup, with the possible exception of Lei-Fei in my opinion. Him and Jeff, has similar problems in terms of risk reward as far as i can tell, but she can't really damage Jeff significantly anyway.

    She just takes too much damage from just about everything and deals too little from most things she can do. 100 damage if CH from most NH 17f launchers in the game is just too much. Winning with her means not getting hit.
  5. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    You sounding like less of an eileen player by the day my man. I get that you might be discouraged about using her but just saying the same "lolz eileen takes mad dmg she suxz nowz" is just geting kinda old. Say something constructive or useful or just don't say anything at all.
    Maxou and SDS_Overfiend1 like this.
  6. AnimalStaccato

    AnimalStaccato Well-Known Member

    He's just being honest. He's a mod, it's his responsibility to point out if a once top tier char is now pants.

    I respect your loyalty Tricky, but Eileen is weak as fuck.

    The only thing going for her (IMO) is that her moves are hard to tell apart and I can't tell which level they're gunna be hitting.
  7. Lord_Hollow

    Lord_Hollow Well-Known Member

    Jacky... Good Lord, Jacky. I am free to Pais, also. And Shuns.
  8. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    The point of the thread...

    So what exactly did i do or say that doesn't go along with this? The thread asked for opinions and reasons why. I never said she sucks or that she couldn't win. If you don't agree with what i said, give reasons why and argue the point. "Say something constructive or useful or just don't say anything at all" is a massive cop out.

    And don't put words in my mouth or assume stuff. I use Eileen far more than any other character. The idea that i'm discouraged is ridiculous. My Eileen is serious business; anyone who plays me will tell you that. I'm just not so fan struck i refuse to see or mention her faults.
  9. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    Eileen takes a lot more work than she ever has before to win, this is pretty much a fact nobody is disputing here. I am not implying that Eileen is top tier anymore, especially in a 1 and done format. I very much disagree that in the best of 3 match she is bottom tier though.

    I'm not going to get into a real tit for tat you said this and I read it as that thing cuz I don't think that's going to get us anywhere. (this is as far as I'll go & this post is already too long) you just said everyone is a bad match up for her. Okay if that's the case then go into detail as to why everyone is a bad matchup. Saying opponents can get 100 pnts dmg on a CH isn't actually a good reason because she can do 97 dmg on CH too from a 17f launcher.

    I have no doubt that you use eileen a lot and I've seen she can be quite strong too. My issue is that in tournaments when things count your answer to your eileen being figured out isn't better mixups or better yomi. It's to switch characters. That's where my comment of you not really being an eileen player is coming from, and what I hear in the subtext of your comments about her weaknesses. Instead of just strengthening your gameplay with the girl you opt to switch to another character when you feel like those weaknesses are causing you to lose. Every tournament video I see of you you've done this switch. At evo it worked for a little bit and we actually almost never saw any more of your eileen.

    From your own actions, not your words, your answer to eileen's weaknesses is to not use eileen. Regardless of what you're saying that is what you do when things count. There is nothing wrong with that, you do what you need to for that win man. However, if instead of focusing on that new character you put that effort into figuring out how to deal with that matchup better with eileen THEN I'd be far more comfortable calling you my eileen brother. But so long as your answer to your opponent when pushed against the ropes is "oh well I can't win with eileen better stop playing with this weak character" I just can't feel like you're really an eileen player.

    That is why I have issue with the manner in which you speak about your gripes of eileen's weaknesses. You bring no solutions to the table other than "she sucks, don't use her."

    When I brought up my matchup issues I didn't say it was an EILEEN problem I said it was MY problem. I don't know the matchup well enough and it's on me. This next statement isn't just directed at you but is a more general one. When someone losses it's not their character's fault, it's their own fault. All my losses even to the top tier characters has never been because eileen sucks, it's been because I was too weak to win. Lets not use our character's placement in the tier list be an excuse for a loss. We're mostly grown men here, our ego's can deal with accepting that we were just too weak to win the fight.

    Is irrelevant to discussion.
    SDS_Overfiend1 and Lord_Hollow like this.
  10. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    While on the subject of Eileen...

    My current opinion of Brad is that his RN tools are very basic, and has a tough time escaping pressure. Eileen can be a rough matchup for him because of this. I would have a tough time with a Eileen player good at applying her pokes. I guess that's sort of a bad matchup for Brad, and a strength for Eileen - as long as she can maintain pressure. Brad's combos and punishment will kill her.

    P.S. - Doesn't Eileen have some really nice side pressure?
  11. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    yes she has great sideturn pressure.
  12. Libertine

    Libertine Well-Known Member Content Manager Brad Silver Supporter Content Coordinator

    Yeah. For that matter, I'd say that Eileen would fair pretty well against characters weak against strings. In my opinion. she can have an easier time dealing with characters like Jeffry and Wolf. Just my early thoughts on taking a look at the rest of the cast.
  13. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    The problem with wolf is that he's hard to damage since he falls so fast and he hits real hard. His 12 frame punch does make eileen's pressure game a lot more scary though. She's real nice against characters that don't have an 11f punch.
  14. Lord_Hollow

    Lord_Hollow Well-Known Member

    Tricky, that is EXACTLY how I feel about Aoi. I feel she is an incredible character and can win against any other character, but it's ME who isn't up to her power level yet. I've seen other Aoi's decimate their opponents, regardless who they fight against. So, when I lose with her, it's because of me and I accept that (Not saying you don't , Marly, just responding to that part of Tricky's post). She has all the tools needed to win and then some, I just have to know when and how to use them effectively.
    Maxou and Tricky like this.
  15. Maxou

    Maxou Well-Known Member

    That's how I feel about every character in VF.
    I feel like there's so much stuff that people and I need to learn that I can't talk about MUs at all.
  16. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Speaking from my limited online experience with Vanessa, here's a is completely subjective, and biased by my VF5 vanilla experience, list of vane matchups:

    Akira: Bad matchup. Same as vanilla, only safer and more damaging. DS is outdamaged and sabakis are riskier than usual; OS lacks low throws to to stop him from constantly fuzzying after everything.
    Aoi: Good matchup. Kingo is kingo. Everybody else f+pkg shoulder ram until they prove they can unstagger, then d+k,p(,p)
    Brad: Can't say, i haven't played enough opponents. Looks bad though, he hits like a truck.
    El Blaze: Good (online) matchup. OS f,f+k+g kills rocket discharge from a distance. This is 99% of the online Blaze play i encountered.
    Eileen: Even matchup. I lose regularly but then again i don't do any eileen specific floats.
    Goh: Bad matchup. Ouch. Hits like a truck, forces you to think outside the box.
    Jacky: Bad matchup. Hits like a truck. Good luck keeping up in terms of damage in DS. As for OS, sebo's VF5 vanilla adage "OS is a neutered jacky" still holds true - but i'm starting to suspect he was referring to the impotence and not the playstyle :eek:
    Jean: Even matchup. I'm pretty sure my consistent losses will be reduced once i learn his options and mixups.
    Jeffry: Even matchup. Still hits like a truck but i'm used to it by now. Besides, Vane's heavyweight combos seem more damaging in VF5FS. Also, somehow jeffry players i run into didn't throw a lot.
    Kage: Even matchup. Used to him by now, no big changes.
    Lau: Even matchup. Hits like a truck. Used to it though. Krye is krye.
    Lei: Bad matchup. The rushdown is still intact but apparently he now has a couple of new moves with good range that allow him to also play a spacing game.
    Lion: Even matchup. Lion used to be my alt so maybe i'm just used to him. Apparently he's stronger in VF5FS but i haven't seen anything DS k,k or OS p+k,k can't deal with.
    Pai: Good matchup. She's not scary anymore.
    Sarah: Can't say, i haven't played enough opponents. Looks even though, no big buffs from vanilla.
    Shun: Bad matchup. DS FC,df+k,pkg is gone and OS f,f+k no longer floor scrapes. The new f+pkg is nice but slower. I still win occasionaly but only because online shun layers are too lazy to punish unsafe/unhitchecked moves.
    Taka: Even matchup. Play from OS, learn the character specific combos and you'll be fine. Tempted to say good, but i'm sure it's just because i got lucky online.
    Vanessa: Mirror matchup.
    Wolf: Even matchup. Still hits like a truck but i'm used to it by now. Besides, Vane's heavyweight combos seem more damaging in VF5FS. Also evade p+k, grizzly and low throws on crumple are gone so he has to work for his wins. Remember to break f+p+g and ground d+p+g.
    AnimalStaccato likes this.
  17. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    Bus Orez
    hmmm only problem matchups i really have are Brad Shun and akira. Akira for obvious reasons....
  18. Johoseph

    Johoseph Well-Known Member

    Lau of America
    Lau fears no man. Or woman. :D......

    I'd say Vanessa and Akira. Vanessa isn't really fair to say because I don't have the experience fighting her to say it's a bad matchup. And Akira just has everything Lau has but better :eek:
  19. Sozos

    Sozos Pai Sucksan Content Manager Pai

    Tbh i havent play against all cast. I need exp against shun,elblaze, lau, lei. Till now i have problems against Akira and Jacky.Jacky's insane damage is a big problem.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    for Sarah......

    Aoi and Vanessa make me wanna..... (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ !!!!!!! Completely ignoring offense with sabakis and counter stances force them to tell ME when I can attack

    Jacky makes me...... щ(ಠ益ಠщ) !!!!!!!!! The stupid amount of EX highs, backstep moves, and delayable strings makes it very annoying to try and counter attack, and it's demeaning to see my character constantly flash yellow from CHs.

    Pai.......(@O@) !!!!! 13f double palm(iirc)!!! good frames!!! good throws!!!! ggs!!!

    Wolf......... \(`O´ )/!!!!! good moves, really good half/full circulars, annoying unblockables, half-screen shoulder ram,100 pt throws, Raw stance that gobbles up every friggin move.... *RAGE*

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