VF5 Ver.C Kage Combos

Discussion in 'Kage' started by Myke, Jul 7, 2008.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    VF5 Ver.C Kage Combos

    The Xbox 360 port is based on Version C.

    If you have any corrections or additions then please post in this thread.

    <span style='font-size: 8pt'>More information about the VFDC Combo lists can be found in the VF5 Combo Lists announcement.</span>

    WILFACTS Member



    Some easy 64p+g combos with 60+dmg without the need of 336K:

    Pai Aoi Sarah: ~63Dmg
    64P+G -> 2P+K -> 2P+K -> 3P+K -> PP4PK
    64P+G -> 2P+K -> 2P+K -> 3P+K -> 66P+K -> 7K+G

    Brad, Eileen: ~64Dmg
    64P+G -> 2P+K -> 4PK -> P -> 3K+G
    64P+G -> 2P+K -> 2P+K -> 2P+K -> 66P+K -> 7K+G

    Goh, Kage, Lau, LeiFei, Lion: ~63Dmg
    64P+G -> 2P+K -> 4PK -> 6_PP4PK
    64P+G -> 2P+K -> 2P+K -> 2P+K -> 66P+K -> 7K+G
    64P+G -> 2P+K -> 4PK -> P -> 2P+KK

    Akira: ~61Dmg
    64P+G -> 2P+K -> 4PK -> P -> 2P+KK

    Wolf, Jeffry: ~59Dmg
    64P+G -> 2P+K -> 44K -> PP4PK

    67 Damage; should be ok for all except Wolf and Jeffry
    64P+G -> 336K -> P -> 3P+K -> 7K+G

    Arcade Mode DURAL 60Dmg
    64P+G -> 66P+K -> 66P+K -> P -> 66P+K -> 7K+G

    Kusanagi Giri

    For All:
    Shippuujin 6P -> 2P(hold 2 go to 3) -> 3KPP
  3. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    Shippu 3p, om p kg cancel,2p into either 66p+k 7k+g or other variants like 4pk etc etc knee.. I find this combo inconsistant any tips ( not asking who it works for ). Ex. Mental note on 64pg knee p, 66p+k ( fastest input ) , pp4pk or 1pp4pk pai, i was able to do thIs becus i found out 66p+k had to be fastest input. Maybe a mental note would be nice for the above combo im trying to be more consistant with. So far the easiest ive been able to do this is pkg cancel hold foward delay 2p. Fastest input may work, im maybe not doin fastest input?i know ppl who do this combo constant, im 40 percent still. For me its having the 2p refloat higher that is giving me probs. Its not in combo list so i figured it was due to consistancy,but i seen it done consistant. m
  4. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    You must hold forward to do PKG cancel, and your 2P can re-float the opponent. Myke just told me couple days ago.
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Yeah, Dennis asked me about this the other day and it just so happened to inspire me to put together a combo video for shippu 3p and TFT max damage combos -- which is almost finished!

    Regarding shippu, there are various timings you have to learn, some much easier than others, and you definitely need fastest input (no frame delay) on [6][6][P][+][K]. Just to confirm, it is possible to perform the following:

    shi [3][P] -> OM to back -> [P] -> [2][P] -> [6][6][P][+][K] -> [7][K][+][G] (53 pts)

    on all characters except Akira, Wolf and Jeffry.
  6. Mackfactor

    Mackfactor Well-Known Member

    Thnks guys. I thought i was holding foward maybe not.. Ill try after work. Didnt know it worked on so many characters. But u mention they all hav different timing... Thats prob the case. Sorry out of topic vf tv on xbox 360 are those version b vids? I saw a sarah n jacky combo that i cant do at all. Ja ten foot toss then knee p p 66p+k, somersault...or ten foot knee p 66p+k 1pp4pk sarah. Look foward to the vids. ( :
  7. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Generally, you always have to always hold forward for the punch [6_][P], and in most cases a [6_][P][K][G] is needed for the delay. Similarly with [2][P] you sometimes need a 1-frame delay with that, so enter it as [3][3][P][+][K][+][G].

    The on-disc Exhibition matches for Xbox 360 are definitely Ver.C! I can do the TFT Jacky combo and it needs fastest timing for pretty much everything. BTW, I'm pretty sure that TFT Sarah combo ends with [6_][P][P][4][P][K], and not [1][P][P]... but still, I'm unable to do it as well. I tried watching the replay input for clues, but no luck!
  8. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    ShouRyuuZan Combos, just posted on the front page:

  9. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Great video, Myke!
  10. Dennis0201

    Dennis0201 Well-Known Member

    Wow, the quality is really good!
    Can we have more videos for FS??
  11. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    OK, I re-watched the replay and clue is clearly shown in the replay input -- you must enter the standing [P] in neutral instead of holding forward as [6_][P].

    So versus Sarah, the combo is:
    [6][4][P][+][G] -> [3][3][6][K] -> [5][P] -> [6][6][P][+][K] -> [6_][P][P][4][P][K] 69 pts

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