VF5 Quest Mode AI - A cut & paste job

Discussion in 'Console' started by Jeneric, Feb 17, 2007.

  1. Jeneric

    Jeneric Well-Known Member

    Is it just me, or is the AI in Quest Mode seems directly taken from Evo? I really mean directly. The AI uses the exact same patterns. It doesn't use ANY moves that are new to Final Tuned or VF5, unless they've supplanted an Evo command. The only time it uses OM is when it in Evo would have done an evade attack.

    Did somebody get paid for making this port?
  2. Jide

    Jide Joe Musashi Silver Supporter

    Although, seriously I hope they try and fix this sort of thing. Interviews with AM2 are rare so finding out what is happening with the 360 version is pretty moot at this point.
  3. EmpNovA

    EmpNovA Well-Known Member

    So basically the AI is complete shit and the game is worthless as a single player game? If that's the case I'm probably not even going to waste the money on a PS3/360 to get VF5.

    I mean if the AI aren't even using the new moves....

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