VF5 Preparation

Discussion in 'General' started by Kidachi, Feb 11, 2007.

  1. Kidachi

    Kidachi Member

    alright, iam new to VF.

    any suggestions to get prepared?
  2. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    The BradyGames VF5 guide that's due out soon should be useful. Still, while you can read all the guidebooks and documents and frame lists you want, but ultimately, VF is a game where you learn the most by just playing. I suggest you find some friends in your area who are also interested in getting into the game so you'll have people to play against and develop your skills with.
  3. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    All of the above (Minus maybe the Bradygames book), plus check into the forums and look for strats, better combos, more insightful info, etc.

    I'm sorry, but I don't really trust BradyGames books. I've owned the Tekken 5 book and didn't learn shit like how X move parries Y (i.e. Kazuya's f+2), or how to "ice skate," good combos (including when to dash). All it was: 2-3 pages to movelists and a picture of the character (and his/her personality), a page with Ten combos (with no directions on how to do them), and a page of fucking WRONG match ups (i.e. Steve's bad match up was Julia's, LOL).
    Don't get me started on the Soul Calibur books.
  4. TBK

    TBK Member

    they did tell you how to do the combos..
  5. Sebo

    Sebo Well-Known Member Content Manager Taka Content Manager Jeffry

    Nada, they gave the moves, nothing else. No timing (you could ask a veteran player instead), when to buffer dash, etc.

    Besides, only 10 combos for each character, info you can get more of here (Zaibatsu for Tekken) for free, and all the technical info can be found in the tutorial(mistaken?).
  6. White_Worm

    White_Worm Well-Known Member

    I would suggest picking up VF4:Evo and going through the excellent tutorial mode. Most of the techniques learned in that carry right over to VF5.
  7. Jerky

    Jerky Well-Known Member

    DO pick up the Brady games guide soon to be released with the game. It was produced with the help of some board members here and should offer the most insight possible from an American guide for a fighting game.
  8. vf5jason

    vf5jason Well-Known Member

    Yep pick up the guide and play VF4 EVO.
  9. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    watch some match videos on youtube. look for patterns to see why things happen the way they do and to get an idea of speed and flow of the game.

    study the movelist of the character you want to use through the dojo section of this site. practice execution of these moves on your pad or stick so you can get comfortable and muscle memory develops so you will be able to pull out moves on reaction better.

    read all the faq's on this site and post up questions if you don't understand anything.
  10. Kidachi

    Kidachi Member

    do u guys have a link to how frames work for VF?

    and where can I get VF4evo?

    thanx 4 the help so far
  11. TBK

    TBK Member

    oh...my bad
  12. Shag

    Shag Well-Known Member

    Hmmm...(digs up T5 Brady guide)...Dude, I think you are being a bit harsh.

    I think Brady's T5 guide was very good considering at its time of release.

    The time lapse between arcade and console T5 was very short; a lot of strategies and techniques weren't discovered yet at the time of the guide's release. It won't make you an expert player but it will give a bountiful amount of knowledge to beginners and intermediates.

    I can speak from experience that it helped me out greatly. The list of combos listed in the guide helped me win a local tourney shortly after its PS2 debut. My total experience in Tekken before T5 was playing T3 alone mashing buttons to get the character endings. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/blush.gif

    I'm looking forward into picking up the Brady VF5 guide even though I know I can obtain better info. Srider, one of the mods here on this site contributed into writing it and it gets his stamp of approval.

    P.S. One of the authors for Brady's T5 guide is Joey Cuellar aka Mr.Wizard (head administrator of shoryuken.com) He may not be a Tekken expert but he obviously knows whats what in fighting games.
  13. TBK

    TBK Member

    i think its good too but everybody has their opinions..
  14. KrsJin

    KrsJin Well-Known Member

    It's hard to find VF4EVO in stores now, but you can order it fairly easy from either EBGames or GameStop.

    Frames work in VF like they do in other fighters? Just a measurement of time really. Or do you mean something else?
  15. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    View any of the command lists on here and you'll find a link to a Frames Guide.
  16. XeroShinobi

    XeroShinobi Member

    One problem I'm going to have is finding other good player in my area. I love VF series, and VF4 Evo was absolutely amazing on the PS2. Thankfully the tutorial system and learning curve in it was superb and I have gotten quite good at the game, and did eventually get some human competition. However I'm hoping with VF5 I'll be able to play against more humans. Right now I only have an Xbox 360, and will have to wait for it to be released on it. Does anyone know the exact date of release for the 360, or is it still just "To be announced"?
  17. 001

    001 Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    i was just at eb picking up wii play and the reserve book said vf5 on xbox360 is 8/28 but you never know with release dates.

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