VF5 Pai Thread

Discussion in 'Pai' started by InspectorTrue, Jun 3, 2006.

  1. InspectorTrue

    InspectorTrue Active Member

  2. Cupcake_Desu

    Cupcake_Desu Well-Known Member


    judging from the clips she seems to have a new knee string which from that info thread is performed as [6] +[K], followed by her normal [P], [K] follow ups. Guess her [6]+[K],[K] has been taken out which is not a huge issue for me as i never really used it much.

    does anyone know if [6],[4] [P]+[G] throw still has guaranted swallow follow up?? as ive seen some clips which have shown pai missing , but then guy did have pretty slow inputs, plus ive seen swallow still used during [3]+[P]+[G], so hopefully it still is guaranteed.

    She also has a hop kick similair to vannessas DS, [1] +[K]+[G], after [3]+[P].

    Also as many people know [P]+[K] causes tekken bounce if hit during combo, giving pai more combo damage potential which is a godsend considering some of her launchers float lower since FT ( namely [K], and [1]+[P]).

    also does pai go into bokutai faster, it seems lso but then i could be rong,
  3. Cephiros_VII

    Cephiros_VII Well-Known Member


    Pai Chan Costums:


    I'll add new info shortly.
  4. Cupcake_Desu

    Cupcake_Desu Well-Known Member


    ive noticed the follow up swallow after [3]+[P]+[G], and [4], [6] +[P]+[G] are not guaranted????. Recent sarah vs pai and an old el blaze match confirmed this.
    But swallow still seems pretty quick so im hoping its still 14 frames, perhaps recovery from the throws is quicker maybe not + 10 anymore???.
    Can anyone confirm if this true??? if so i dont see why they nerfed them considering they dont really do much damage compared to her other throws.
    Also in that same match swallow was performed after [6]+[2]+[P]+[G], is that now guaranteed ?????.
    Least pai has a new throw, dotn damage does nto seem great
  5. InspectorTrue

    InspectorTrue Active Member

  6. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member


    Major Pai upgrade: [2_][6][P] is no longer throw counterable on block!
  7. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter


    Article - Virtua Fighter 5 Pai Chan Combo List
    Author - Yanaga
    Source -Myke
    Translation - Noodalls

    There are many combos where you don't have to worry about foot stance, and if you just remember the weight class breakdown it's relatively simple to implement these combos.

    1. Counter hit [2_][6][P] [6_][P] [P]+[K] [P][P][K][K]
    2. Counter hit [2_][6][P] [6][K][P][K]
    3. Counter hit [2_][6][P] [P]+[K] [6_][P] [P]+[K] [9][K]+[G][K]
    4. Counter hit [2_][6][P] [P]+[K] [6_][P] [P]+[K] [6][6][P][K]
    5. [K] [6_][P] [6][6][P][K]
    6. [K] [P][P][4][P][K]
    7. [K] [6][6][P][K]
    8. [K] [6_][P] [6][6][P][K]
    9. [K] [6_][P] [2_][6][P] [6_][P] [6][6][P][K]
    10. [6][6][K][P] [6_][P] [6][6][P][K]
    11. [6][6][K][P] [P][P][4][P][K]
    12. [6][6][K][P] [P][K]
    13. [3][P][P][6][P] [3][P][P][P][K]
    14. [3][P][P][6][P] [6_][P] [6][6][P][K]
    15. [3][P][P][6][P] [6_][P] [P][K]
    16. [3][P][P][6][P] [6_][P] [2][P] [2][P] [6][6][P][K]
    17. [3][P][P][6][P] [8][K]+[G]
    18. [6][K]+[G] [6_][P] [6][6][P][K]
    19. [6][K]+[G] [6_][P] [P]+[K] [9][K]+[G][K]
    20. [3][3][P]+[G] Counter hit [3][K] [P]+[K] [6_][P] [P]+[K]

    [2_][6][P] on counter hit will juggle, from which combo 1 is the basic combo on all but heavy weights, and combo 2 will work on heavy weights. Combo 3 will work on characters other than heavy weights, Blaze, Shun and Lion, in either foot stance and does good damage. In ope nstance, the last [6][6][P][K] will work, except against Jacky, Lau, Kage, Goh and Vanessa.
    The elbow class [K] retaliation attack, on all but heavy weights and Lion in closed stance, 5 will connect. For Closed stance Lion use 7, for heavy weights in open stance use 6. Jeffrey in closed stance will be hit by [P][K] but not Wolf. Also, against middle light weights (excluding light weights and Lei and Lion) combo 8 will work, against Pai combo 9 will work for more damage.
    After [6][6][K][P] combo 10 is the basic combo. Against open stance Blaze, Akira, Wolf, Jeffrey use combo 11, against closed stance Shun and Jeffrey use combo 12. Against open stance Shun there is nothing that picks up.
    Combos 13-16 are buffered combo followups to [3][P][P][6][P] slams. Combos 13,14 and 15 the standing [P] and [2][P] something something. Combo 13 works on all characters, combo 14 works on all but heavy weights. Combo 15 relies on relaunching. It will work on Sarah, Goh and Shun as well as closed stance Brad, and if you do 1F kill on the second [2][P] it will also work on Aoi, Pai and Blaze. Combo 16 is limited to closed stance, on all characters except Kage and Shun, and the damage is high. For combo 17, if you delay slightly before executing, the damage is greater than combo 14 or 16.
    After [6][K]+[G] if the oppponent misses their ukemi, against heavy weights and Akira, Shun, Lion, Lei and Eileen combo 18, against other characters combo 19 connects. You can go for combo 20 after a side crumple. Hit the first [P]+[K] late.
  8. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter


    Article - Arcadia
    Author - Yanaga
    Source - Myke
    Translation - Noodalls


    Understand the move's properties, and you can move around your opponent beautifully.

    Introducing the moves used as options at close range fighting and the basic combos. Know the moves properties and introduce them into the battles.

    Throws and Mids at close range
    The mainstay of mids are *f+P and *u/f+K or u/f+K+G. Either move has fast execution, and you can string them after blocked standing *P and they will crush *d+P. On guard they only give small disadvantage, and on hit they give advantage allowing you to carry on attacking. Also, each move has a string attack, so if you can predict a hit you can continue with the move.
    In a large advantaged situation where the opponent attempts to abare out, you can use *D,fP to go for a counter hit. It is a double handed move, so it also is strong against sabaki attempts, and if you get a counter hit you can use the combo in the table below to take some big damage.
    *D,fP on guard gives no guaranteed retaliation anymore, but it is a largely disadvantaged situation.

    Full circular moves strong against Evade.
    When applying nitaku, using the previously mentioned moves with circular attacks mixed in will make it difficult for the opponent to deal with. Amongst them, the easiest to use is the fully circular low attack *d/b+K+G.
    The execution is fast and so it's difficult to spot and easy to hit with. However, on normal hit it leaves you at disadvantage, on block it is very open. Concentrating on the situation after the move, the turning move *K+G has good application. It is a full circular special high move, with a jump motion included in the execution, so it is strong not only against evade but also against *dP.
    After a hit you tend to be sideturned, so BT *P+K or BT throw make a very useful nitaku. Use this one as one of your moves.

    - After hit you can attack from sideturned
    - BT *P+K cannot be interrupted.

    Combos omitted.


    Make the links between situations and moves in your mind.
    Introducing the revision1 changes, mid range attack and defence.

    Footnote on Changes
    To the right is the revision 1 changes. The *P+K, greatly used in combos and standing fighting has been altered, but it is still no doubt a powerful moves. Understand the changes and use it as a main move. Further, after having it guarded, you can use *u/f+K to beat the opponent's d+P.
    Otherwise, *fbP and *fKP used to give throws on counter hit, but no longer do. Both moves have string moves that will connect, so it's not really a problematic loss.

    Beat crouch guard.
    You can fight quite adequately with the moves introduced last issue, but the damage returns against crouch guard will be quite low. To fix this, use *d/f+K and *ws+K against crouch.
    *d/f+K gives a stagger against crouch guard, and even if guarded there is a canned follow-up so it's difficult for the opponent to attack. After the stagger, a mixup of throw and *FC,f+P is powerful, but otherwise against opponents who are slow to recovery go for *PK. When *WS+K hits the opponent goes into butt stagger, and even on block there is no guaranteed retaliation. After hit it's difficult to recover, so goe with the above two options, or go for another WS+K to get another butt stagger or *ffP+K to attack.
    Either move is useful against ducking, but against evade they leave themselves open. It is important to divy up the usage of full circular attacks as well, although they often leave themselves vulnerable against ducking.

    Revision1 Changes
    The bound capable *P+K has had its damage slightly reduced, and the recovery slightly increased. Other than being harder to use in combos, it no longer gives wall stagger on normal hit, and the advantage on guard is reduced.

    - The advantage on guard is reduced, but on counter hit it links into standing *P.

    Options at mid-range
    At mid-range the main option is attacking from the fast standing *P. If standing *P is guarded it gives advantage, and *fP will beat dP, so use these two moves as the nucleus for your attacks. Against opponents who deal with your standing *P with crouching guard or crouching attacks, the stagger from *dfK is useful.
    At long range, the mid hitting *ffK+G and the low attack *ffP+K mixup is strong. *ffK+Gslams down for a combo on hit, and on guard there are no guaranteed retaliations. *ffP+Kgives foot cumple on counter hit, some advantage on normal hit and disadvantage on guard, but if you use *b to shift into bokutai, for some reason even if guarded you have advantage. The mid/low mixup from bokutai is difficult to deal with, so at long range this ffP+K~b can be a main weapon.

    It's important that at mid and long range, you can invite your opponent's big moves, backdash etc to avoid them. If you avoid a move with big recovery, you can slam the opponent for big damage with *ffKP. If you can do this your opponent won't be able to throw out their moves so easily at middle and long rang, and you can move around at this range more easily.

    Moves you can rely on for defence
    Pai possesses many moves with sabaki frames and evasive properties. Know the properties for these moves well, and look to match them with your opponent's attacks.
    *fbP will at the start sabaki high and middle *P and elbows. Against a elbow/throw nitaku it is good as it evades both options. It is especially strong against characters like Aoi, who possesses many throws. With very small vulnerable frames at the start, *FC,bP from small disadvantage can be used to avoid standing *P and crouching *P. **Didn't get this sentence.** The advantage on hit is such that you can beat light weight's standing *P with Pai's *fP. Pai's *d/bP draws her body back to evade, so it tends to work better when slightly separated from the opponent. It floats on hit, so the return is good.
    *FC or d/bKK, the first hit is crouched so it won't clash with tsukami throws. On minor counter or greater it will combo and knock down, so it is a good move to abare with. *fK+G's initial frames are considered back turned, os ti won't clash with tsukami throws. On hit it will slam them into the air for a combo, so if you can correctly pick one tsukami throw coming you can get some big damage; the value of this option is high.

    Footnote omitted.


    Introducing the big damage you can go for after throws and with new combos. If you use them well you can advance to the winning class.

    The throws with special properties.
    *ufK+G,K is guaranteed after *dfP+G, but mixing up between throw and attack isn't bad. After being hit by the throw, against an opponent who just holds guard to turn around, whether standing or crouching a back throw will connect.
    To avoid the throw basically they can only abare, so you can go for a counter hit with *FC,fP or *P+K. In particular, *P+K gives advantage on guard so you can keep the pressure on, and if you counter hit them while they're doing a BT move you can sometimes get a crouch throw on the opponent's back. When aiming for a throw, unless if they use a throw that will deal with throws it will cause a clash, and they can't evade an attack so it's low risk either way.
    *fP+G near a wall has been powered up. If they get splatted on the wall, you can use *WS K or *bfK to add extra attacks. Also, when you have your opponent up against the wall and connect with a throw, it may change to a wall throw and your recovery will be cancelled allowing you to move earlier. At this point, you can use various moves to make a wall combo, and get some big damage. The basic attack is *PPKK into large pounce, but depending on the angle with the wall you can get (*P+K P)xN repetitions into *PPKK, and are looking at about 50% of the life bar.

    Air juggle notes
    With the changes to *P+K in revision1, the combos from *FC,fP have changed slightly, so we'll introduce those changes.
    The biggest damage combo is [*FCfP FCfP FCfP ffPK]. It will land against light weights in either stance, and is easy to go into okizeme after the combo. For combos using *P+K to carry, [*FCfP *P+K *FP *PPKK] will work on characters other than heavy weights and Lion.

    - For other combo changes, reference the Whitebook.
  9. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member


    Whoa, awesome, thanks noodalls!! (Can't wait for Kage, Jeffry, and Goh's translations /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif)
  10. Cephiros_VII

    Cephiros_VII Well-Known Member

    VF5 PAI CHAN - Command List with PICs !!!

    All info presented here is based on my speculations after watching about 200 Pai videos. This info may not be correct. If you find any bugs, correct me.

    Official VF5 Pai Chan site: <font color="blue">http://www.virtuafighter.jp/v_waza/waza_pai_f.html</font>

    Pai Chan Command List
    <ul type="square">[*][G] - Pai has brand new guarding stance. You can use it to taunt your opponent by performing simple "dancing", Press this combination not to fast: [G], n, [G], n, [G], ...

    [*][6_] - Walking forward no longer change Pai's foot position. The fastest way to change stance is to use her new move [6][K].

    [*][2][P] - [ L ] - gives more adv. on hit?

    [*][P] - [ H ] - new animation.

    [*][6_][P] - [ H ] - new animation.

    [*][P][P] - [ HH ] - new animation.

    [*][P][P][P] - [ HHH ] - new animation.

    [*][P][P][4][P] - [ HHH ] - <font color="red">new move.</font> to BT.

    [*][P][P][4][P][K] - [ HHHH ] - <font color="red">new move.</font>

    [*][P][P][4][P][K][2][K] - [ HHHHL ] - <font color="red">new move.</font><font color="blue">(see it!!!)</font>

    [*][P][P][P][K] - [ HHHH ] - new animation.

    [*][P][P][P][2][K] - [ HHHL ] - new animation.

    [*][P][P][P][4]or[7][K] - [ HHHM ]

    [*][P][P][K] - [ HHM ]

    [*][P][P][K][K] - [ HHMH ]

    [*][P][K] - [ HM ] - <font color="red">new move.</font> kick is the same as [4][K].

    [*][P][K][2] - [ HM ] - <font color="red">new move.</font> goes to Bokutai stance. <font color="blue">(see it!!!)</font>

    [*][6][P] - [ M ] - <font color="red">new move.</font> gives stagger on crouching opponent. old chop was deleted, however this is much better.

    [*][6][P][K] - [ MH ] - <font color="red">new move.</font> kick is guaranteed after MC hit/stagger. <font color="blue">(see it!!!)</font>

    [*][6][6][P] - [ M ]

    [*][6][6][P][K] - [ MH ]

    [*][6][4][P] - [ H ]

    [*][6][4][P][P] - [ HM ]

    [*][4][P] - [ M ]

    [*][4][4][P] - [ M ] - <font color="red">new move.</font> to BT. <font color="blue">(see it!!!)</font>

    [*][2_][6][P] - [ M ] - no longer TC.

    [*][2_][4][P] - [ M ]

    [*][3][P] - [ L ]

    [*][3][P][4] - [ L ] - goes to Bokutai stance (much faster than in VF4).

    [*][3][P][K] - [ LH ] - new animation. <font color="blue">(see it!!!)</font>

    [*][3][P][K](Charged) - [ LM ] - new animation, evades low attacks. stagger on guard. <font color="blue">(see it!!!)</font>

    [*][3][P][K](During Charge)[G]or[2] - [ L ] - new animation. Pai performs jump without kick.

    [*][3][P][K](During Charge)[4](To Backturned) - [ L ] - new animation. Pai performs jump without kick then goes to BT.

    [*][3][P][P] - [ LH ]

    [*][3][P][P][P] - [ LHH ]

    [*][3][P][P][4][P] - [ LHH ] - <font color="red">new move.</font> to BT.

    [*][3][P][P][4][P][K] - [ LHHH ] - <font color="red">new move.</font>

    [*][3][P][P][4][P][K][2][K] - [ LHHHL ] - <font color="red">new move.</font>

    [*][3][P][P][P][K] - [ LHHH ] - new animation.

    [*][3][P][P][P][2][K] - [ LHHL ] - new animation.

    [*][3][P][P][4]or[7][K] - [ LHHM ]

    [*][3][P][P][6][P] - [ LHM ] - gives flop effect. continue with [6][K][P][4]or[7][K] (against all).

    [*][3][P][P][K] - [ LHM ]

    [*][3][P][P][K][K] - [ LHMH ]

    [*][1][P] - [ H ]

    [*][K] - [ H ] - has been slowned down.

    [*][K][P] - [ HL ]

    [*][K][P][K] - [ HLH ]

    [*][K][P][K](Charged) - [ LM ] - new animation. stagger on guard.

    [*][K][P][K](During Charge)[G]or[2] - [ L ] - new animation. Pai performs jump without kick.

    [*][K][P][K](During Charge)[4](To Backturned) - [ L ] - new animation. Pai performs jump without kick then goes to BT.

    [*][K][K] - [ HM ] - slam on air hit.

    [*](While standing)[K] - [ M ] - <font color="red">new move.</font> linear, stagger on MC. <font color="blue">(see it!!!)</font>

    [*][6][K] - [ M ] - <font color="red">new move.</font>

    [*][6][K][P] - [ MH ] - <font color="red">new move.</font>

    [*][6][K][P][K] - [ MHH ] - <font color="red">new move.</font>

    [*][6][K][P][2][K] - [ MHL ] - <font color="red">new move.</font>

    [*][6][K][P][4]or[7][K] - [ MHM ] - <font color="red">new move.</font> <font color="blue">(see it!!!)</font>

    [*][4][6][K] - [ M ] - old [6][K].

    [*][4][6][K][K] - [ MH ] - old [6][K][K].

    [*][6][6][K] - [ H ] - no longer special high.

    [*][6][6][K][P] - [ HM ] - <font color="red">new move.</font> [P] is guaranteed after stagger.

    [*][4][K] - [ M ] - strong evading properties, can evade many linear attacks and [2][P].

    [*][4][K][2] - [ M ] - goes to Bokutai stance.

    [*][4][4][K] - [ H ] - <font color="red">new move.</font> goes to BT.

    [*][4][4][K][K] - [ HH ] - <font color="red">new move.</font> <font color="blue">(see it!!!)</font>

    [*][2][K] - [ L ]

    [*][2][K][4] - [ L ] - goes to BT.

    [*][2_]or[1][K] - [ L ]

    [*][2_]or[1][K][K] - [ LH ] - new animation. second [K] guaranteed on MC. <font color="blue">(see it!!!)</font>

    [*][2_][4][K] - [ M ]

    [*][3][K] - [ M ]

    [*][3][K][P] - [ MH ]

    [*][7][K] - [ M ]

    [*][7][K][6][K] - [ MM ]

    [*][9][K]or[K]+[G] - [ M ]

    [*][9][K]or[K]+[G][K] - [ MM ]

    [*][P]+[K] - [ M ]

    [*](While standing)[P]+[K] - [ M ] - goes to BT.

    [*][6][6][P]+[K] - [ L ] - <font color="red">new move.</font> cancelable, foot crumble on MC. continue with: [Bokutai][P]+[K] OR [2][P](refloat) -> combo OR [6][6][P][K]

    [*][6][6][P]+[K][4] - [ ] - <font color="red">new move.</font> goes to Bokutai.

    [*][4][6][P]+[K] - [ M ] - chargeable. old [4][4][6][P].

    [*][8]or[2][P]+[K] - [ L ] - Trip.

    [*][K]+[G] - [ H ] - to BT. leaves opponent sideturned. continue with throw on MC.

    [*][6][K]+[G] - [ M ]

    [*][6][6][K]+[G] - [ MM ] - to BT.

    [*][4][K]+[G] - [ H ] - new animation. <font color="blue">(see it!!!)</font>

    [*][2][K]+[G] - [ L ]

    [*][1][K]+[G] - [ L ]

    [*][4][6][K]+[G] - [ M ] - old [9][K]+[G]

    [*][4][6][K]+[G][K] - [ MM ] - old [9][K]+[G][K]

    [*](During evade)[P]+[K] - [ M ] - old evade attack.

    [*](OM)[P] - [ H ] - <font color="red">new move.</font> <font color="blue">(see it!!!)</font>

    [*](OM)[K] - [ M ] - <font color="red">new move.</font> <font color="blue">(see it!!!)</font>

    [*](While running)[6_][K] - [ H ] - unblockable.

    Bokutai Stance Attacks:
    <ul type="square">[*][P] - [ M ]

    [*][P][P] - [ MH ] - new animation.

    [*][P][P][K] - [ MHH ] - new animation.

    [*][P][P][2][K] - [ MHL ] - new animation.

    [*][P][P][4]or[7][K] - [ MHM ]

    [*][P][4][P] - [ MH ] - <font color="red">new move.</font>

    [*][P][4][P][K] - [ MHH ] - <font color="red">new move.</font>

    [*][P][4][P][K][2][K] - [ MHHL ] - <font color="red">new move.</font>

    [*][P][K] - [ MM ]

    [*][P][K][K] - [ MMH ]

    [*][K] - [ L ] - old [4][K]+[G]. can evade same mid attacks.

    [*][K][P] - [ LM ] - old [4][K]+[G][P]. sabaki against LP, LK, MP, MK, SK (sweet /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif ).

    [*][P]+[K] - [ M ]

    [*][K]+[G] - [ MM ] - <font color="red">new move.</font> old butterfly kick but without sweep. <font color="blue">(see it!!!)</font>

    Sway Step Attacks:
    <ul type="square">[*][P] - [ M ] - goes to Bokutai.

    [*][P][P] - [ MM ] - goes to Bokutai.

    [*][P][P][P] - [ MMM ]

    [*][K] - [ L ]

    [*][K]+[G] - [ M ] - to BT.

    [*][K]+[G][P] - [ MM ]

    [*][K]+[G][P][K] - [ MML ]

    Backturned Attacks:
    <ul type="square">[*][P] - [ M ] - can continue with all [P] combos.

    [*][2][P] - [ L ] - can continue with all LBF combos.

    [*][2][P][4] - [ M ] - to Bokutai Stance.

    [*][K] - [ H ]

    [*][2][K] - [ L ]

    [*][7][K] - [ M ]

    [*][P]+[K] - [ M ] - to BT.

    [*][2][P]+[K] - [ M ] - <font color="red">new move.</font>

    [*][2][P]+[K](On Hit)[P]+[G] - [ M ] - <font color="red">new move.</font> <font color="blue">(see it!!!)</font>

    [*][P]+[K]+[G] - [ ] - to Sway Step, to BT.

    Jumping Attacks:
    <ul type="square">[*](While Ascending)[P] - [ M ]

    [*](Mid Air)[P] - [ M ]

    [*](While Ascending)[K] - [ M ]

    [*](Mid Air or Before Landing)[K] - [ M ]

    Down Attacks:
    <ul type="square">[*][3][P] - [ G ]

    [*][8][P] - [ G ]

    [*][8][K]+[G] - [ G ]

    Wall Attacks:
    <ul type="square">[*](Facing Wall)[6][P]+[K]+[G] - [ M ]

    [*](Facing Wall)[9][P]+[K]+[G] - [ ]

    <ul type="square">[*][P]+[G]

    [*][6][P]+[G] - if you get wall slam effect after throw continue with [P]+[K](bounce) -> [P][P][K][K] -> [8][P].

    [*](Back to Wall)[6][P]+[G]


    [*][4][6][P]+[G] - [9][K][K] is guaranteed.

    [*][2_][6][P]+[G] - if opponent doesn't perform TR, continue with light down attack.


    [*][4][P]+[G] - <font color="red">new move.</font> <font color="blue">(see it!!!)</font>

    [*][6][3][2][1][4][P]+[G] - old [2][6][8][4]or[8][6][2][4][P]+[G]

    [*][3][P]+[G] - continue with [9][K][K].

    [*][3][3][P]+[G] - <font color="red">new move.</font> continue with another throw or [3][K] -> sidehit -> [P]+[K] -> combo... <font color="blue">(see it!!!)</font>

    [*][6][2][P]+[G] - continue with [9][K][K] or low throw.

    [*][4][2][P]+[G] - continue with [9][K][K] or [4][P] -> sidehit stun -> contine with sidehit combos.

    [*](Side of Opponent)[P]+[G] - continue with light down attack.

    [*](Back of Opponent)[P]+[G]

    [*](Back of Opponent during [P]+[G])[K]+[G] - [ M ] - it's mach better to do [K] -> combo...

    [*](Crouching Opponent)[2][P]+[K]+[G] - continue with light down attack.

    [*](Crouching Opponent)[6][P]+[K]+[G] - continue with: [6][P] -> stagger -> [3][K] -> [2][P] -> [6_][P] -> [6][6][P][K] (against lightweight), against mediumweight substract [2][P] -> [6_][P] part.
    [*](Crouching Opponent)[4][6][P]+[K]+[G]

    [*](Side of Crouching Opponent)[2]or[6][P]+[K]+[G] - continue with light down attack.

    [*](Back of Crouching Opponent)[2]or[6][P]+[K]+[G]

    <ul type="square">[*][4][P]+[K]


    [*][6][P]+[K] - after HP or HK inashi try [6][6][K][P] -> combo..

  11. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 PAI CHAN - Command List with PICs !!!

    Great work. Thanks a lot!

  12. Cupcake_Desu

    Cupcake_Desu Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 PAI CHAN - Command List with PICs !!!

    thx for the move list update, im assuming [4],[6],+[K]+[G] is the new command for her flip move thingy which was originally [9]+[K]+[G],
  13. Taiyoken

    Taiyoken Member

    Re: VF5 PAI CHAN - Command List with PICs !!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    geewai_ho said:

    thx for the move list update, im assuming [4],[6],+[K]+[G] is the new command for her flip move thingy which was originally [9]+[K]+[G],

    [/ QUOTE ]
    Yeah, maybe. I have thought the same thing when I saw that reverse backflip or something in few videos.
  14. Cephiros_VII

    Cephiros_VII Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 PAI CHAN - Costums & ITEMS !!!

    Costume A & B are available at the begining.

    Costume C is unlocked after reaching 5th kyu.

    Costume D is unlocked when you collect first set of 7 orbs.

    I've divided items into 5 main categories: Head items, Face items, Torso items, Hands items and Legs items. However it is possible to wear more than 1 item from each category. For ex. you can wear glasses & earings, or gloves & branclet. There are also items that change costumes completly: pink pattern for costum B and white and blue pattern for costume C.
    Shoes are also quite intersting. You can wear default shoes from one costme to any other costum. Besides color of default shoes can also be changed, for ex sandals are silver(default), blue or green. I'm not sure if blue or green sandals are new items or you get them by unlocking blue and green colors for costumes.

    Here is list of all items I've seen so far:
    VF5 Pai Chan ITEMS & Costums
  15. Taiyoken

    Taiyoken Member

    Re: VF5 PAI CHAN - Costums & ITEMS !!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Cephiros_VII said:

    Costume A & B are available at the begining.

    Costume C is unlocked after reaching 5th kyu.

    Costume D is unlocked when you collect first set of 6 orbs.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    So... there are only 6 orbs? I thought there were seven... /versus/images/graemlins/deadpan.gif
  16. Cephiros_VII

    Cephiros_VII Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 PAI CHAN - Costums & ITEMS !!!

    [ QUOTE ]
    Taiyoken said:
    So... there are only 6 orbs? I thought there were seven... /versus/images/graemlins/deadpan.gif

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hmm... you may be right, I didn't noticed that there is a place for an orb in the center of that hexagonal-thing.
  17. Supid

    Supid Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 PAI CHAN - Costums & ITEMS !!!

    Definitely 7 orbs, I watched a replay on hkvf between Eileen and Aoi fighting over a chest. Aoi, who already had 6 orbs, won, the chest opened revealing a new orb and the replay ended with some animation of the 7th orb dropping into the middle of the hexagon structure; and releasing the related item.

    (And it was the 1st time I heard the so-called real-time commenter ... tied me up over laughing at the over-dramatised voice or cursing at it for detracting from the fight).
  18. KiwE

    KiwE Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 PAI CHAN - Costums & ITEMS !!!

    I have two Pai questions that I'd like to have help with if that's ok....

    1) Her 6p staggers now, if 6p staggers is 6pk a knockdown?
    2) Is Pai fucked now with the new system when 66k+g gets guarded? With that I mean that she can't instantly duck / fuzzy a throwattempt (like she can in VF4)?

  19. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    Re: VF5 PAI CHAN - Costums & ITEMS !!!

    1) Yes it's a knockdown.
    2) No, because in a back turned situation, you can back crouch dash to motion cut.
  20. Cephiros_VII

    Cephiros_VII Well-Known Member

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