VF5 in Australia - XBox or PS3 better?

Discussion in 'Console' started by Gargleblaster, Apr 20, 2012.

  1. Gargleblaster

    Gargleblaster New Member

    Please excuse complete noob question - I played a lot of VF3 in the arcade back in the day, but have never owned a console, (since the SNES, anyway) only been PC gaming.

    I'm feeling really keen to get back into VF when VF5FS is released, and was wondering which console I am better off with (is there a better online match experience with one or the other, particularly as an Australian player? Are good arcade sticks available for one or the other - I don't think I could play with a standard controller...)

    I'd only be getting the console to play VF5 so availability of other games isn't an issue.

    Thanks in advance for any advice...
  2. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    I would go with 360, it's cheaper then the PS3, same arcade sticks and majority of people in VFDC are playing on 360 since original VF5 had online but not for PS3.

    If you happen to need a blu-ray player though, PS3 would be nice.
  3. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    The PS3 is actually cheaper and is currently the best selling console in Australia. It has outsold Wii and 360 over the last year in Australia. PS3 also has free online play to go with a 160GB Hard Drive. You have to pay for online play with 360 and it has steadily decreasing sales numbers in Australia, sales dramatically decreased once PS3 Slim received a price drop there and have not picked up since. A year of Xbox Live in Australia is about $100 and M$ likes to price hike LIVE every now and then. I believe PS3 Slim is $350 in Australia with a 160GB HD and free online, the 360 with 250GB HD is $410 with no online, or about $500 with 1 year of online. The 4GB 360 will be almost the same price as the PS3 Slim after you've added LIVE, no HD though...

    360 is only bigger in America..
  4. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    That's not true! Also I can smell a little bias after looking at both yours and Ookins profiles [​IMG]

    I did a quick look on www.ebgames.com.au and it seems the price difference between the 360 and PS3 is pretty similar to what we have here in the UK, the 360 comes in slightly cheaper at $249.00 (without xbox live).

    For the OP, I really don't know what to recommend, the majority of players here (including the Australians) use 360 since that's the only version with online so far. The player base might pick up for PS3 once FS drops and the online is free, i'd advise waiting till launch so you can get more of an idea of the amount of players for each console.
  5. noodalls

    noodalls Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    If you're going to buy a PS3 in Australia, I'd suggest looking at amazon.com, that's how I bought my new PS3 when my launch one YLOD'd. Quite a bit cheaper in the end, with no problems regarding power etc. Blu-ray/DVD region would be the problem.
  6. El_Twelve

    El_Twelve Well-Known Member

    I know most of the other guys play on 360, and the Street Fighter community have more people on 360 too. I'll be playing on PS3 but I can't speak for anyone else.
  7. Mooseking_Lion

    Mooseking_Lion Well-Known Member

    80% of the competitive FGC in Australia plays on Xbox, if you're going to get a console specifically for a game (like I did for VF5) then I highly recommend this compared to PS3.

    It's where in large the VF5 players are due to the online play of ver.c and there's genuine interest from the AU playerbase in giving FS a genuine go.

    Also, if you ever want to switch to another fighter in the future (highly unlikely but it may happen) then the odds are stacked that X360 is going to be your best bet to have people to play with [​IMG]

    Price isn't everything, go where the players are. That's the most important part.

    Edit: Kenny, mass disappoint. Gets a 360 so I can smoosh your Blaze!!!
  8. Substandard

    Substandard Well-Known Member

    I would probably suggest getting an Xbox, as others have previously stated, due to the fighting game player base being much larger on that platform.

    That said, I'll be playing on the PS3, since I kinda impulse-bought vanilla VF5 when it was first released on the system, so I'm pretty much stuck with it (and the crappy Bayonetta port) and have amassed too many games now to change [​IMG].
  9. Berzerk

    Berzerk Well-Known Member

    Gunstar Red
    Xbox is the preferred system to find a bigger community and typically has better online and range of games.

    That said, it really doesn't matter. I'll get VF5:FS on both systems (I own all three), but will likely play mostly on Xbox.

    At www.shadowlooshowdown.com I will be running a Final Showdown prerelease tournament thanks to Sega (on PS3).

    Make sure you're there on May 5 and 6! (Full info to be posted to the calendar today/tomorrow. Waiting on the SS guys to update the site)
  10. Cuz

    Cuz Well-Known Member

    That's a lot of money for 1 game.
  11. Kamais_Ookin

    Kamais_Ookin Well-Known Troll

    Kamais Ookin
    It's called being a fan of VF, I did the same thing with vanilla back when 360 was really expensive.
  12. El_Twelve

    El_Twelve Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, price is an issue for me. I'm good shelling out a bit for a new game, but not a new console plus the arcade stick to go with it. [​IMG]

    Have to fight you guys at the events. I'll be there for Shadowloo Showdown, but lots of other stuff happening that weekend for me, so I might not be able to be there for long.

    Still love my PS3 though. It's got some good exclusives like Gundam Extreme VS and Valkyria Chronicles.
  13. zoning

    zoning Member

    Other people have commented on relative popularity so I'll leave that aside.
    Additional factors to consider:

    - What other games are you interested in? PS3 is mandatory for me due to being region free.

    - Are you interested in "homebrew"? 360 is moddable, PS3 is not.

    - You can get dual-console fighting sticks.

    - 360 requires subscription for online multiplayer. Some people are fine with this, but I am not.

    - If you have any personal friends who are getting FS as well, then get the console they have [​IMG]

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