VF5:FS Tutorial # 18 Evasion #2?

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by spacetime, Jun 18, 2013.

  1. spacetime

    spacetime Member

    Hi, I'm current able to block the strikes with DF ,DF, G but am struggling to successfully evade the opponents throws during Tutorial #18 - Evasion #2 in Virtua Fighter 5: Final Showdown and would like some help
  2. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Just to be sure. You have to let the CPU hit you with the punch, kick combo first. Then do the crouch dash to block, and stand up quick enough to block the next hits, but be ducking long enough to duck the throw attempt. It's basically like canceling the crouch dash half way through by pressing block and letting go of the stick/going back to neutral.

    Here's a video of it I made. It should look something like this when you do it.
    spacetime and MarlyJay like this.
  3. spacetime

    spacetime Member

    Thanks for trying to help but I think I have found my problem either I have really bad eye=hand coordination , The sanwa JLF isn't the right stick for me or both

    here is video that show how hard of time I'm having hitting df,df right maybe I'm just inputting the commands too fast I don't know
  4. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    You did it once. You should just try to do it faster. Maybe you have a monitor that lags and is that the reason you are inputing 33g so late. The trick is to buffer the input before dural retreat his leg after she's hit you.
  5. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Hey bro, sorry it took so long for a reply. You might already have it down by now, lol.

    But yea man. It looks like your character isn't even attemping to crouch dash. You can try and go into free training, put the display on (whatever one shows the lil arcade stick), and try just crouch dashing forward over n over. Just constantly hit [3] and/or [1] for a lil bit. Then you can try going from [3][3] to [1][1]. You don't have switch from forward crouch dash to back crouch dash fast. Just do it to get a feel of where the diaganols are.

    Then if/when you want to work on getting a lil speed for crouch dashing, do [8] or [2] and cancel it with a [3][3] or [1][1]. Doesn't matter which. Though you can't fuzzy guard from cr.dashing backwards. Once you get good at that. Fuzzy guarding without evading will be a cinch :)

    I think you may just not be hitting the directions right. Your timing of when to do it seems to be a little early too sometimes. But it's just not happening. When I do it, my inputs show lots of crazy directions too. So I can't say for sure if it's your stick or not. You said yours has an octagon gate, right? I've heard the diaganols are kinda hard to hit with those. Can't speak from experience though. If shoryuken type motions are easier for you, you can try that too. It takes a lil longer to do, but you can still bust it out [6][3][2][3] or [3][2][3]. You can do that with the evade to crouch dash practice too. That's how I cancel my evades most of the time so I can have one of Akiras' moves loaded up.

  6. spacetime

    spacetime Member

    thanks for get back to me but I'm having a really hard time doing two df in row it will usually come out like df,d,df or df.f.df even when doing it slowly
  7. Tha_FeauchA

    Tha_FeauchA Yosha!

    Yea it's the same thing for me. I can never get two clean [3] inputs. There's always a [6] or [2] in there on the way down, and back to neutral, lol. It'd be nice if my recordings where clearer. But you can still kinda see that when I crouch dash, there's way more than just two inputs in there. In that last video, I'm aiming for [3][3]. But there's still other inputs happening.
  8. Lulu Lulu

    Lulu Lulu Well-Known Member

    LoL they should set the dummy to not repeat the same move 5 times in a row.... I passed because the dummy used strikes 5 times in a row.

    Speaking of which, I need help with the Final lesson in the Tutorial.... Evasion #4 I think it was. I can't make heads or tales of what they want me to do.
  9. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    Could you describe it? I haven't gone through these since 2012!
    Lulu Lulu likes this.
  10. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Answering more questions for this sites staff -__-

    Evasion Tutorial #4 is something most people that have been playing this game for the last 3 years still can't seem to do so don't feel bad lulu. It is Evade Dash Cancel Which is tapping up or down and cancelling the evade with a fast 'Forward Forward + Block' to defend the high circular after you eat the CPU's PK. So you use 866G or 366G inputs. Evade Crouch Dash Cancel is a quick Up or Down Evade + Down-Forward Down-Forward and Guard (833G or 233G) that actually works to beat the move but it wont clear that tutorial, it needs to be just Evade Dash Cancel not the evade crouch dash cancel. You will want to learn how to use Evade Crouch Dash Cancels as it's a very important part of the games basic movement system and you can use throws or attacks from the cancelled movement like Pai's 8336P+G or 833P+K (up or down evade works for these of coarse not just up/8).
    Lulu Lulu likes this.
  11. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    jimi Claymore and Kruza like this.
  12. Lulu Lulu

    Lulu Lulu Well-Known Member

    Yep thats the one... lol that seems alil more than Basic Movement...
  13. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Well it might take you a little time to get use to doing the inputs, but it is the basic movement in this game. Tapping Up and Down Forward Down Forward isn't very hard, certainly isn't as hard as Tekken's movement imho and combos in this game aren't like SF4 1f link type of difficulty, so the movement is basically the most challenging thing you'll have to learn from an execution stand point. It just takes practice to get used to it and the window to cancel an evade is pretty large so no worries ^_^
    Lulu Lulu likes this.
  14. Lulu Lulu

    Lulu Lulu Well-Known Member

    I think I can get use to that.... its the directional inputs that I have overcome right now.... it might take me a while.
    steelbaz likes this.
  15. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Ah stick with it, you'll be fine ;)
    Lulu Lulu likes this.
  16. Lulu Lulu

    Lulu Lulu Well-Known Member

    LoL speaking of sticks.... I should get one. Ontop of playing on gamepad.... I don't use the D-Pad... I use the analogue stick. Which appearently isn't common, I've been told.
  17. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

    there are lots of 360 pad players! @Rare_Entity and @BBountyHuntyr come to mind
    Lulu Lulu likes this.
  18. Lulu Lulu

    Lulu Lulu Well-Known Member

    And now I feel motivated !!! :D
  19. oneida

    oneida Long Arm of the Lau Silver Supporter

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  20. Lulu Lulu

    Lulu Lulu Well-Known Member

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