VF5:FS Sarah Combo Chart

Discussion in 'Sarah' started by BLACKSTAR, Sep 6, 2012.


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    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager


    UPDATE, 03/14/13: It's.....done. 7 months, several WEEKS worth of hours dedicated to this list......and it's FINALLY done. :confused:
    UPDATE, 10/09/12: Lots of new combos, but not close to finish yet (as you can see with all the holes and undocumented notes :3 ).

    EDIT: Also, Let me make a clarification. THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL LIST. This is the data captured and recorded by BLACKSTAR. In other words, do not assume that everything here is 100% correct (though that is my ultimate goal). I've done all of this myself, and I'm only human. I found a few mistakes and corrected them just now. I encourage, if you feel like testing something out for yourself, please do so.
    FINALLY after working for a week straight, I've made a chart on Sarah combos and their effects on every character in VF5:FS. Check it out and take a look. I hope you fellow Sarah players will find this helpful.

    At the same time, I'm just one guy. I make mistakes, and also, not every VF5:FS Sarah combo is listed. By all means, see for yourself if the combos are infact listed correctly. If you see anything missing, believe there needs to be something added, or changed, POST IN THIS THREAD, and I will test and change the document if necessary.

    Also, any Sarah forum/VFDC admins, if you need access to change the sheet, let me know and I'll give you permanent access.

    IT WOULD BE A HUGE HELP if you guys also post combos and/or vids with combos in this thread

    $ir JDE, PurpGuy, Craigbot and 3 others like this.
  2. Galz

    Galz Member

    wowow nice job dood
  3. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Great work! Way to build the scene, man.
    PurpGuy and BLACKSTAR like this.
  4. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Yeah that's a good sheet and will help lots of people, using the word neither kind threw me off for a minute. Not sure if you've seen of the Japanese sarah combo videos with advanced situational setups vs Taka and other characters. The Taka setup got over 150 points of damage :cool:

    I didn't really notice those in their but I haven't looked through everything yet, still working on morning coffee. Will keep an eye out for you on PSN..

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    yeah. alot of the situational stuff like specific wall combos or situation taka combos, I didn't bother with yet. I wanted to begin with a list of BnBs and commonly used combos, as well as combos that players may use as their foundation.

    I'm gonna keep updating this list, at the very least until VFDC publishes their own list (which probably wont be until SEGA comes out with an FS vers. A mook in japan, whenever that will be). Even then, I'm going to keep updating it for my own personal studies.

    To keep the list updated, I'm going to do my own research, but IT WOULD BE A HUGE HELP if you guys also post combos and/or vids with combos in this thread, so that I can test and add those as well

    EDIT: oh yeah,and i updated the legend as well, to help avoid confusion
  6. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    BLACKSTAR likes this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    And also, just sayin' to anyone out there, this list is not gospel yet. If there's something on the list that you want to check to see if it needs correction, PLEASE DO, because it would improve the list

    EDIT: and if there are any suggestions to improve the interface and readability of the list, put it out there, and i'll look into it
  8. DWR

    DWR Well-Known Member

    Nice work!

    Something that you can add:

    (FL) 3K, 2P, 6K+G, _6P, 66K+G (80 dmg on normal hit)

    Works in open stance up to vanessa but not on Shun Di and El Blaze, These guys have the shortest fucking legs in the game and wont be refloated by the punch. In dojo I nailed this one even on Brad but that was a combination of planet allineation and dumb luck. The _6P can actually be delayed to make it easier. Maybe is kinda inpractical? I like to drop it because I do not check the stances, and then rant about it for the joy of my friends.

    And since you are listing the wall staggers too, 66K and FS K can lead to

    wall stagger > 1K, 8K, (FL) 3K+G, P, 4K+G, P, 66K+G

    Wich is 111 dmg if staggers with 66K on normal hit, 118 if the stagger is (FS) K. Yes, it is not guaranteed and if they block the 1K you can prepare the lube, but every stagger is...

    Another one, the universal follow up of the edge combination can be listed for completion:

    (FL)P 2K, K, K, K, (FL) 1K K, (FL) P K (69 dmg in NH)

    Of course "universal" does not include Taka. And you can end with (FL)6K K for 75 Dmg (if I remember correctly), but will whiff on mid-heavies upwards if you are not in the correct stance.

    Also from 9K:

    9K (CH), 1K+G K, (FL) P+K (69 Dmg) (can end with FL 6K K exactly like the previous one)

    Again, on Taka doesn't blah blah blah, but great oki, and since you use 9K for oki this is basically oki inception.

    Then, there are other useful tools like 8K+G(CH) -> combo, or PP from step in counter hit -> combo, but these are quite situational and more like "maximize the damage" than "I'm doing a combo".
    Mister and BLACKSTAR like this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    Alright, I'm gonna work on updating it over the weekend
  10. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    I'll test out some of these wall combos today, should help me shake off the rust. Haven't been playing with Sarah much lately, everyone been using subs haha :p

    So have you tested all of these wall combos out? For one reason or another I can't get some of them to land, also wondering if the damage listed is on normal hit or counter hit. On the plus side i just came up with my own workable variations that do about 111-118 damage on CH.
  11. ThisGuy

    ThisGuy Active Member

    That combo does work on Shun and Blaze. You have to delay the 6P after 6k+g hits, in closed foot position. Just wait until you see their feet coming down. You have to delay against Pai as well, or else the 66k+g will hit, but the animation won't activate.

    Great list btw Blackstar. I'll try to go over this tomorrow and help out. Great stuff.
    DWR and BLACKSTAR like this.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager


    Which ones do you need help with?

    Oh and (underlined for anyone's clarity) YES, any combo I listed as 'open/closed/both/whatever' I've actually confirmed to have landed myself before writing it in the list
  13. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Just one of the P's didn't land on 1 particular combo, not a big deal since I get about 1 or 2 points less damage out of them sans the P. Plus i've been using various FL wall staggers to start the combos etc, it's not practical for me to have limited wall stagger starter options, so I try all the staggers and check the damage. Setting up FL4K might be more situational and harder to land then starting with P+K Sabaki into FL, which gives the same wall stagger if it hits. Just stuff like that :D
  14. DWR

    DWR Well-Known Member

    Good to know, thank you. Gonna check the timing in dojo. I usually wait till their legs are at the highets position, so maybe I'm trying to refoloat them too quickly.
    Mister likes this.
  15. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Got them all working, you can use P+K instead of FL4K to start some (maybe all) of the FL4K combos. It is a 1 point of damage difference for the combos, but gives you an easier option imo to start them with. If they block the P+K then you can try to go for FL4K after the block, giving you another attempt to setup the combo.

    Also some really high level Sarah play in here from YOU Sarah, ridiculous side turned setup, match starting at 40:22.. http://www.ustream.tv/recorded/25285184
    ToyDingo and DWR like this.
  16. SpLSlick

    SpLSlick Active Member

    Thank you for making this chart...My head was just hurting trying to find combos that worked across the board for certain characters...This really made my day :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  17. hitstun

    hitstun New Member

    Good job, Blackstar! I've been messing around a little bit, and I have a few more 9K combos you could add:

    9K-->1K+GK-->FL K-->FL 7K (70 dmg vs Jean)
    9K-->1K+GK-->FL 7K (62 dmg vs everyone but Taka)
    9K-->3KK (46 dmg vs everyone)

    Edit: the K is a FL K
    BLACKSTAR likes this.
  18. DWR

    DWR Well-Known Member

    From 9K I usually trade (a little) damage for oki. 7K hurts as a finisher, but you'll find yourself very far away and if they go for a perfect ukemi the game is basically back to neutral. Finshing with (FL)[6][K][K], or (FL)[P][K] will let you keep pressure with a sacrifice of only 5 dmg points.
    Mister likes this.
  19. SpLSlick

    SpLSlick Active Member

    There is a combo in there that I am having difficulty landing on Jean.
    Fl k+gk, p, 1k+gk, Fl 8k = 73 dmg. The punch seems to whiff no matter what. However, it does work perfectly fine on Akira and Jacky so I really don't understand why it doesn't work on Jean. Can anyone verify that it does work on Jean?
  20. DWR

    DWR Well-Known Member

    That's true, on Jean that combo only works in open stance, to make it always work just do:

    (FL)[K]+[G][K],[6_][P],[1][K]+[G][K], [8][K]
    SpLSlick and Mister like this.

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