VF4 First Tournament

Discussion in 'VF.TV' started by Myke, Jan 21, 2002.

  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Sega's <a target="_blank" href=http://www.sega-tokyo.com/event/vf4ft/>VF4 First Tournament</a> has a movie available for download featuring a match between Kyasao and some (impressive) Akira player. The presentation of the match is done very nicely, and it appears to be part of a much larger TV or video presentation featuring Bun Bun Maru, and Chibita among others.

    Here's a <a target="_blank" href=http://www.sega-tokyo.com/event/vf4ft/mov/15.wmv>direct link to the movie</a> in case you have trouble finding it on the page.

    Edit: OK, after further inspection (and harrassment from SummErs) it appears that this movie isn't part of the actual tournament, but more of a famous highlight/digest. And the Akira player's ring-name appears to be Mukkii Yuki.
  2. Mr. Noisy

    Mr. Noisy Well-Known Member

    I think it's from the actual tournament...a part of the video tape that they sell

    Mukki Akira lost to Kyosao in the first round of B Block
  3. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Yah, this is from the "First Tournament" in Oct. 28. At Kanispo and Akhibara, the arcades have a video of this tournament continuously running.

    The tourney was divided into three groups. The winner of the first group is Gerrira's Aoi. The winner of the second group is Chibita's Jacky (who defeated Kyasao's Kage in the semi's). The winner of the third group is an Akira player, who's name I forgot to note. The winners of these three groups faced off against each other, and I think the result was Chibita 2-0, Gerrira 1-1 and Akira 0-2.

    This was the tape that I was talking about in a previous post. The website that Myke linked to listed a price of 15,000 yen -- is it possible to buy the tape from that website? I couldn't seem to find a "add to shopping cart," "check out" or "order" link. Would anyone know how I can get my hands on it? I tried to find in Tokyo but to no avail, but the guy from Akhibara did tell me that it was possible to purchase it online.

    EDIT: OK, I just saw the clip. The clip isn't actually taken from the tape displayed at Kanispo and Akhibara (they didn't show anything from the tournament, just the matches).
  4. Bu_Jessoom

    Bu_Jessoom Well-Known Member

    Hmm, I thought the Akira player was ' Ohshu Akira' for some reason. I thought I heard the commentator yell his name out or something. He looked a little like Ohshu from the VF3 JPN Tournament.
  5. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    The tourney was divided into three groups. The winner of the first group is Gerrira's Aoi. The winner of the second group is Chibita's Jacky (who defeated Kyasao's Kage in the semi's).

    Jacky player is Neo-Tower. Akira player is Nagato, who recently supplanted Kyasao from No.1 VF.NET ranking. According to the tournament diagram, Chibita lost in the 2nd round.

    Tape is going for 1,500 yen, approximately 10+ US dollars. It's going to be on sale at the National tournament on Feb. 3rd, retail stores on Feb. 4th. Nowhere on the web page says they will sell the tape online.

    I'll be back in Japan in mid-Feb for about a week, I'll see if I can grab a copy or two.
  6. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Oh shiat, I always assumed that Neo-Tower was Chibita's other alias?! Are they both C-Chaps?
  7. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    NeoTower and Chibita are different players. Kyasao is C-Chaps as well.
  8. Mr. Noisy

    Mr. Noisy Well-Known Member

    Jacky player is Neo-Tower. Akira player is Nagato, who recently supplanted Kyasao from No.1 VF.NET ranking. According to the tournament diagram, Chibita lost in the 2nd round.

    Nagato supplanted Kyosao from No.1 VF.Net Ranking?
    If you mean most win ranking...
    Edo is currently number 1.
    Mukki Akira is currently number 4.
    Chibita is currenty number 8.
    Both Nagato and Kyosao are not in the top ten

    Neo-Tower is not C-Chaps. The other C-Chaps is Kyosao ...and probably The Gerira (Aoi player) as they are from the same team
  9. sta783

    sta783 Well-Known Member

    If you mean most win ranking...

    I meant the VF.NET ranking by points. I guess they have their own ways of calculating points, as there are many players in Top20 whom I unheard of. My information though is biased toward Tokyo players though, as I rely on my friends and Internet for this kind of information.

    The other C-Chaps is Kyosao ...and probably The Gerira (Aoi player) as they are from the same team

    C.Chaps members are: Kyasao, Shu, Chibita, BunBunMaru, Aniaki and MkII. MkII is a female Famitsu writer who writes those Famitsu columns.
  10. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    I think I'm responsible for that confusion, as when I was at KaniSpo, Chibita was using a 5th dan Lion card with Neo Tower as the name (and a 5th dan Kage card).

    The Akira in the AM2 clip is Mukki, not Ohsu.

  11. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    You know what's the weirdest thing?! When I saw Neo Tower's Jacky, I too peered over to the other side and thought I saw Chibita playing!??!?!
  12. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Mr. Noisy, are you familiar with an Angels -something or other team? There's this really, really good looking girl on that team, I think she plays Pai and Akira. Her Akira was only 3 or 4 dan, but it was a ruthless Akira (only uses SDE, QCB+P, type moves). I was more than happy to lose to her. /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  13. Mr. Noisy

    Mr. Noisy Well-Known Member

    Good looking girl? Pai? Akira? Angels Team?
    hmmm....don't know
    maybe, 1st Angel
  14. nycat

    nycat Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4 First Tournament <>order form

    <font color=orange>Shota-san</font color=orange>: This may be the order form for the VF4 Contest
    ...only this is CD version... check out the URL s attached
    and you should be able to get a pretty good idea from chart.

    CD available for 1,500 Yen. Featuring VF4 Tournamant

    <font color=black>The Brotherhood of Lion </font color=black>
    Thx for all your help with Lion, Shota-san.
  15. chucky

    chucky Well-Known Member

    good play by both of them, but the akira player could easyli have won if he pulled him self together after the second round.

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