VF4 Dural Command List

Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Mar 10, 2002.

By Myke on Mar 10, 2002 at 7:19 AM
  1. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    A preliminary <a target="_blank" href=http://virtuafighter.com/commands/index.php?chara=dural>Dural Command List</a> is now available on VFDC, under the VF4 section for the time being. Originally taken from Weekly Famitsu (2002/3/1), it's still lacking in damage values, reversal levels, and other data, so any help to fill those out would be greatly appreciated.

    Does Dural warrant her own Character section? Or can all Dural related information live happily under the VF4 section? Please let me know in this thread.


Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Mar 10, 2002.

    1. jwalton
      I guess the question is, Does Dural ever become a playable character? Maybe in the PS2 version? If so, I'd say she deserves her own section with the other characters.
    2. Yupa
      Dural is playable on PS2. You get her after you beat her in kumite mode. Too bad they didn't implement the predator version of Dural... just silver and light blue(?) it looked like to me on PS2.

      Myke, could you note from which character Dural's moves come from in her movelist? kbcat has done this with his Dural movelist over at virtuaproject. Click on the "general game info: VF4" link in the navigation bar to get to Dural's movelist.

      Dural can "drink" like Shun to power up AFAIK. Does she have moves that require a certain number of drink points?
    3. Myke
      <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

      Myke, could you note from which character Dural's moves come from in her movelist? kbcat has done this with his Dural movelist over at virtuaproject. Click on the "general game info: VF4" link in the navigation bar to get to Dural's movelist.


      I suppose I could note down which characters the moves are from. I'll use the information at VP, but there are blanks over there too, so someone will have to help fill those in. I don't have VF4 at home yet.

      <blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr>

      Dural can "drink" like Shun to power up AFAIK. Does she have moves that require a certain number of drink points?


      Yep, she has drink points too, but I have no idea whether there are drink point requirements on any moves. Unfortunately, the movelist I took from Arcadia was bare-bones (name, command, level). Again, unless someone can do/test this out, or if another publication releases the information, then I'm helpless to do anything.
    4. Yupa
      No rush at all... when I get PS2 VF4 I'll look into it after I unlock Dural...
      Creed will probably beat me to it anyways.... =)
    5. NeoTokyo
      I have beat Dural in Kumite, but where is she ??? I still can't find her :-( any help would be great!
    6. Yupa
      I don't think you can use Dural in kumite mode. Check out arcade and vs. mode. She should be selectable in the top left hand corner if you've defeated her in kumite mode.
    7. Ealsen
      Just a note. I don't think dural can pounce at all. u+P didn't work. Or perhaps she needs to have a few drink points first ? I haven't tried this one yet tho.
    8. CreeD
      she has jeffry's I think.
    9. Yupa
      Ai, virtuaproject's list doesn't have anything for u+P.
      What does u+K+G do, if anything?

      Didn't she used to have the Bryant's df+K ground kick?
    10. Ealsen
      K. Haven't tried u+K+G
      But she definitely doesn't have any ground attack. (Well, tried df+K and df+P, nada.)

      Maybe you got mixed up with Bryant's evade attack /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
    11. Djimbe
      Definately . Big D is just as worthy of a saection , if not more . Think of it this way , whom is in need of more discussion and unveiling than the charachter we least understand ?
    12. Guest
      Thanks Myke!I've been looking for this for a while.
    13. CreeD
      yeah, it musta been a while, he posted that in march ... /versus/images/icons/smirk.gif
    14. Guest
      Hey I didn't know about this site in March I wasn't even registered in till july.
    15. CreeD
      I wasn't trying to pick on you, just make sure you knew you were replying to a five month old post. But it's all good. wrd.
    16. Guest
      Its ok I thought you were picking on me. /versus/images/icons/smirk.gif
    17. redhead
      lol ,it must have been a while, /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif
    18. Slayer
      Whats that supposed to mean?
    19. CreeD

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