VF4: 91 Consecutive Wins in London

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by adsega, Sep 29, 2001.

  1. adsega

    adsega Well-Known Member

    As this will surely make its way on here in due time, I though I'd save people the hassle (and the victor the excuse -- and frankly, because I have nothing better to do) of letting people know: Hatim Habashi got a winning streak of 91 (or 93, depending on who you ask) wins on VF4 ver b in London tonight, just as the power went off for the night. The arcade manager did not know what he had done.

    Everyone tried - but nobody succeeded - in kicking him off - although Ryan Hart wasn't there.


    And so the plot thickens for the Dynamic League tournament in London, where on Sunday 21 October, the shit will surely hit the proverbial fan with all the European big boys wanting the glory in the first bona fide VF4 tourney outside Japan.

    To quote Hatim, who has lovingly been nicknamed "prince" by event organiser Derrick, "Boyakasha".

    Adam Doree

    DL article: http://www.gamerweb.com/content/dl092501.html

  2. Prince_Hatim

    Prince_Hatim Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4: 93 Consecutive Wins in London

    The new record to beat, set by yours truly.

    Unfortunately the arcade had to close, otherwise I may have well been the first VF4 tetsujin in the wild west.

    Once a champion.......always a champion.
  3. adsega

    adsega Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4: 93 Consecutive Wins in London

    That last fight was mine! The real reason they turned the power off was to avoid a serious upset.

    Adam Doree

  4. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4: 93 Consecutive Wins in London

    will you fucking people give me a fucking break already. a player in boston ("jerky" on this board) ran up a 101 win streak within a couple of weeks of vf3's release. did this make boston the mecca of vf? did it make andrew a tetsujin of the west? bullshit.

    mike, i suggest a tagline for those entering the vfdc homepage - "a no-logic, no-reality zone. enter at your own risk."

    "What we got here is a failure to communicate..."
  5. adsega

    adsega Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4: 93 Consecutive Wins in London

    Here we go again... lighten the fuck up!

    The big deal was that it was the first time this big winning streak happened on VF4, and we all had a great time. If you have a problem with the fact that you don't have VF4 where you are yet... er, blame Derrick.

    Stop running crying to Mike every time somebody sucks the jam out of your donut. You sound like a whining fool!

    Adam Doree

  6. Prince_Hatim

    Prince_Hatim Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4: 93 Consecutive Wins in London

    Bungle.....chill man.

    You're not the only one who reads messages on this board. There are people in countries other than the one you're in who read this board too. Nobody mentioned Mecca of VF anyway..

    It seems you're suffering from "noVF4inmycountryitis", it's a common disease,. I have a temporary cure for this, it takes 3 months. Go to www.tbzone.co.kr, download and watch 1 movie every 6 hours (3 times a day). You'll soon get over it.<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1>Edited by Prince_Hatim on 09/29/01 11:01 PM (server time).</FONT></P>
  7. dynamic-league

    dynamic-league Well-Known Member

    Yeah, it was a great session tonight.
    The Prince was also the first to play Lau in proper VF4 style and even using jumping off the wall attacks successfully. Most players under pressure revert to VF3 tactics.
    I was having difficulty finding gaps in the attacks and taking advantage of delay.
    Kage's elbow stopped him in his tracks a few times and Jacky's kick combos had him dazed at times.

    PS. Adam that GamerWeb Akira animated Gif is excellent.

    "Rise to the challenge"
  8. Prince_Hatim

    Prince_Hatim Well-Known Member

    That's better.

    <font color=yellow>Once a champion.....Always a champion</font color=yellow>

  9. Mr. Bungle

    Mr. Bungle Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4: 93 Consecutive Wins in London

    bite me. i'm suffering from common sense. granted, i do not know you and you may have been facetious, but i didn't detect it. you sounded like a blithering idiot to me, and i reacted on that, not on the fact that i don't have vf4. 93 wins on a brand new game with people like adsega to slaughter continuously (i've seen his gamerweb movies bbHAHAAHhahA) - big fucking deal. andrew himself had the brain and a sense of modesty to quickly make that same point when he racked up the 100 wins in boston.

    "What we got here is a failure to communicate..."
  10. Prince_Hatim

    Prince_Hatim Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4: 93 Consecutive Wins in London

    What we've DEFINITELY got here, is failure to communicate.

    <font color=yellow>Once a champion.....Always a champion</font color=yellow>

  11. [PKG]

    [PKG] Active Member

    Re: VF4: 93 Consecutive Wins in London

    Not bad... not bad at all. Unfortunately haven't not had time to play much VF4 these days, BUT i will make my return... and when I do... Fear!
  12. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4: 93 Consecutive Wins in London

    reality check

    U're right, he's not the only one that reads the board.
    MANY of us here are getting sick of u guys doing nothing to contribute to the board when u have the game~!

    U want an example to prove my point?
    Just go read spotlite's posts abt VF4...
    This is a man who spent time in Japan, keeps us updated with detailed posts abt VF4...

    Look at FeixaQ
    He's new to the board as well. But everyone welcomed him.
    Not because his VF days goes all the way back ...not because he's soo famous back home people still remember who Chris Tan is...even though he's basically MIA for yrs. When FeixaQ finally registered himself, we immediatelty remembered him n his nick BECAUSE HE CONTRIBUTED to VF in the past. Not to mention the other games he played and contributed to the online community as well.

    And when FeixaQ appeared, he almostly instant contributed to the board...keeping us updated on movies, links etc

    Myself and many included...have not seen a single thing to come outta UK...all we have heard is Derreck's non stop spams abt how good him n his pathetic dynamic league is, how we might fall behind cause we're in the west...

    Has it ever occured to you some of the posters here are Koreans, Japanese, Cantonese, Chinese, Aussies, Swedish, Americans.

    U're talking to the world. Just because UK has VF4 is insignificant.

    Instead, all we have heard is non stop bragging and bragging and bragging.

    And has it ever occured to u, ur own country men cannot stand all those braggings the few of you have constantly done

    U must think u're very smart. After all, U found the cure for 'noVF4inmycountryitits' sickness.

    Why don't u use ur intelligence and try and find a cure for Derreck's inability to shut the fuck up sickness?

    <font color=red>~~~ 'Flock off feather brain, or u can stick around and find out the hard way!/versus/images/icons/mad.gif~~~'
  13. ice-9

    ice-9 Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4: 93 Consecutive Wins in London

    So Hatim...how'd you do it? f+P,P ad infinitum? *wink wink, nudge nudge*
  14. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: VF4: 93 Consecutive Wins in London

    Bragging about win streaks among a group of friends may be deemed acceptable and in good humour, but to an international audience it just comes off as plain arrogant and pompous. If any of it was meant to be tongue-in-cheek (especially the bit about almost proclaiming yourself as a tetsujin) then it was certainly lost on me.

    There are a few people in the UK who make valuable contributions to this board. In the past there was uk-guy (what ever happened to him?) and now I see Adio following his footsteps in terms of providing detailed character information. Great stuff all round. But then there's another group of guys who are nothing but self-serving leeches who contribute nothing when they're in a position to contribute a lot.

    In any case, congrats on the wins. Maybe a word or two on the people you were actually up against would help us gauge the weight of the win rather than dismiss it entirely.
  15. SummAh

    SummAh Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4: 93 Consecutive Wins in London

    Esp when Ryan'Terminator' Hart has never even joked abt being a tetsujin...

    The feeble pea brains of some ppl~

    <font color=red>~~~ 'Flock off feather brain, or u can stick around and find out the hard way!/versus/images/icons/mad.gif~~~'
  16. Yamcha

    Yamcha Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4: 93 Consecutive Wins in London

    Hear, hear.

    The arrogance aspect is no stranger to fighting games but it's something I find annoying. Many Capcom fighter players enjoy playing their repective games because they enjoy beating down random people and the glory of winning at an arcade. Sure it's nice to win, and if you're good, talking a little shit in good fun isn't so bad. I find it much more rewarding to play a game like VF for fun and improve my own skills and talk about it with other people. If I get my ass kicked, so be it, I'm sure they've earned it by training harder than me. If I win, there are still things I can take from the match. Must be the aikido philosophy in me talking.
  17. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4: 93 Consecutive Wins in London

    ya never know, it might of been cheap wins!!

    (then again, I wasnt there... LOL)
  18. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4: 93 Consecutive Wins in London

    dammmn.....If only I had more cash.... I must train so I can take the throne. I'm sorry I left so early. It sounds like it was fun to watch. Hatim, Don't go having an accident before the big day ok? Muwahahaha.

  19. Adio

    Adio Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4: 93 Consecutive Wins in London

    Please. Everyone lets not take this out of hand. Honestly Hatim is a really good player, I would say he is clear second behind Ryan heart. I'm delighted that he's doing so well as I visit the Casino when I can, and really enjoy the vibe.

    This Testujin thing has been taken out of context. Hatim can be beaten. Yesterday was a good day for the UK VF crowd, There's not many of us (in the greater London area at least) who really play the game at a competative level. Please try to Ignore Derrick (Dynamic League) but, the tournament comming up in October has got many UK VFers excited.

    Adsega Is a nice guy despite what you guys think of him with regards to the VF4 movies. But that was in the past. Though I don't want to speak for anyone but myself, I'm sure Adsega created the post to air his excitement not to gloat over the unfortunate people around the world who are still waiting for VF4.

  20. Prince_Hatim

    Prince_Hatim Well-Known Member

    Re: VF4: 93 Consecutive Wins in London

    It's actually a little more complex than that, but something only us in the UK would understand. :p

    Just kidding.............about the second bit that is.

    <font color=yellow>Once a champion.....Always a champion</font color=yellow>


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