VF2 Japanese champion?

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by matt_a, Jul 21, 2002.

  1. matt_a

    matt_a Member

    Do any UK players remember when Gamesmaster, TV show, flew in the Japanese VF2 champ who proceeded to consecutively beat the top 60 or so UK players?

    Just wondered what the guys name was and wether he still plays?, he used Kage.
  2. GLC

    GLC Well-Known Member

    I think it was Kyasao... yes, he still plays and is one of the top VF4 players in Japan.
  3. Electro_Jacky

    Electro_Jacky Well-Known Member

    electro lex
    This was posted by myself a while back

    LoL things are not as always as they seem m8. I was there and i'll go through all the points why he got a 100 wins.

    A: It was the FIRST time we had ALL played VF3

    B: The game was out in Japan a good 2 weeks to a month before we played him anyway. So it was not his first time.

    C: When we went on games master we were treated like shit marmalade and fookin ham sandwiches yum : ) and we were shoved in some gypsy carvan not even given a chance to wharm up, while the Tetsujin (Kyasao) and crew were having hot meals from a portable canteen.

    D: There wasn't 100 of us

    E: During the filming he lost quite a few times but because of the magic of television he didn't loose a game??

    F: Out of the 20 of us only maybe 10 of us were hardcore VF players while the others were just streetfighter players and scrubs who just wanted to be on tv.

    G: Ryan didn't play VF just then say a good 3 months from then he started and was taught by a couple of legenday Japanese players studying in London at the time.

    H: And for my very last point the Gamemaster crew wanted to pick at RANDOM some people to talk to the camera after the 100th win. There was like 20 of us and maybe 10 to 15 under 13 year olds? Who also participated anyway back to my point they said all people from Shefield stand up to come and talk to the camera. How RANDOM was that they knew the people from shefied beforehand and it was prearanged fliping liars : )

    As you can see I enjoyed myself and I cant wait to go again ; )

    One last point and probley the most important is that Kyasao was one of the nicest people you could meet and I hope i can chalenge him again someday.

    Optimus Prime: One shall stand, one shall fall.
    Megatron: Why throw away your life so recklessly?
    Optimus Prime: That's a question you should ask yourself, Megatro

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