goes VF2-crazy!! Check out these crazy VF2 combo movies, courtesy of GodEater. Also, I was recently informed that the link from <a href=versus/>Versus City didn't work very well. It has since been fixed; be sure to check Blast City out if you haven't!
[*]<a href=character/lau/m_vf2-laucombo.mpg>VF2 Lau combos movie</a>
[*]<a href=character/pai/m_vf2-paicombo.mpg>VF2 Pai combos movie</a>
[*]<a href=character/jacky/m_vf2-jackycombo.mpg>VF2 Jacky combos movie</a>
[*]<a href=character/jeffry/m_vf2-jeffcombo.mpg>VF2 Jeffry combos movie</a>
[*]<a href=character/lion/m_vf2-lionshuncombo.mpg>VF2 Lion and Shun combos movie</a>
[*]<a href=character/sarah/m_vf2-sarahcombo.mpg>VF2 Sarah combos movie</a>
[*]<a href=character/wolf/m_vf2-wolfcombo.mpg>VF2 Wolf combos movie</a>
[*]Largely considered the strongest VF2 player in the world: <a href=character/akira/m_vf2-akirakid.mpg>Akira Kid's VF2 combos</a>
Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Oct 25, 2000.
Discussion in 'News' started by Myke, Oct 25, 2000.
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© Jason Axelrod from 8WAYRUN.COM