VF vs DOA event

Discussion in 'General' started by JuliusR, Apr 7, 2021.

  1. JuliusR

    JuliusR Member

    Hi everyone! My name is Julius Rage and I'm looking for a few VF players to participate in a DOA vs. VF online event? Basically we'd have the players play both games with the players splitting a share of a crowd funded Matcherino pot!

    I've done this successfully on the DOA side a few months and every event has grossed $160+ dollars each, so it's definitely a way to draw interest and money.

    Are any VF players interested in getting involved?
    Rodnutz likes this.

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    I am interested. Let me know the rules and how it works.
  3. gido

    gido Well-Known Member

    Seems cool, where can I watch this event?
  4. JuliusR

    JuliusR Member

    So to start with it would maybe just be me and another VF player.

    We'd do a First to 10 in both VF5 and DOA5. Whoever has more wins in total games wins. If there is a tie, by fan vote in the Twitch we decide the game for the tie breaker.

    This would be the first event of many but for now I want to test it. I'd have promotional art work made up to hype the matches as well like this one below.

    We would also set up a Matcherino with the two players splitting the pot.
  5. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

  6. JuliusR

    JuliusR Member

    Are you interested in being involved on either the PS4 or Xbox side?
  7. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    If I had one of those systems I might have joined. But unfortunately for now, I don't have either.:confused:
  8. JuliusR

    JuliusR Member

    If you have a PC maybe we could do something for that too.

    Let me know!
    beanboy likes this.
  9. beanboy

    beanboy Well-Known Member

    The PC I use these days, is kinda old and kinda outdated.:confused:
    I'm working on getting a new pc or laptop soon, but that might take a few months.:)

    Okay cool.
  10. JuliusR

    JuliusR Member

    beanboy and gido like this.
  11. gido

    gido Well-Known Member

  12. JuliusR

    JuliusR Member

    Would you bet interested in playing?
  13. JuliusR

    JuliusR Member

    It would be you in a First to 10 in Virtua Fighter and a First to 10 in DOA. We'd flip a coin to pick which First.

    There are actually 3 different separate challenges in this.

    1) Win the most matches in DOA
    2) Win the most matches in VF
    3) Finally, we'd count up who won more matches overall.
  14. gido

    gido Well-Known Member

    Lol oh no im trash in both games...

    Still learning the basics & fundamentals I just like to watch

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Let me know the time and day. I have doa 5ls on xbl and vf5fs on psn and xbl. Also who will be the opponent? I might be able to do it depends on the time and day.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2021
  16. JuliusR

    JuliusR Member

    Well I'm thinking May 1st.
    It's a Saturday.

    The best days that work for these events would be Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

    As far as who you'd actually play? Not sure. It may end up being me but if not me then someone else I can cross promote with.

    Do you have a Facebook account?
  17. CYMasterHavik

    CYMasterHavik New Member

    Hi Julius. You're everywhere these days.

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