VF related injuries

Discussion in 'General' started by CiscoRey, Nov 8, 2007.

  1. CiscoRey

    CiscoRey Well-Known Member

    I've been experiencing some overwhelming pain in my shoulder area over the last two days. It seems to hurt most when I'm going through command attack using my Hori stick.

    I figure it may be do to my 8 hour sits. All that overhand tapping can't be too healthy. The smart thing to do would be to take a break. But the even smarter thing to do is to keep playing until the injury becomes something substantial. At that point suing becomes an option.

    So has anyone else been suffering while using the stick or is it just me?
  2. Attorney4Hire

    Attorney4Hire Well-Known Member

    I use the 360 pad, and my right thumb joint swells after long sessions. I hyperextended it playing basketball, and I know I'm looking at serious arthritis down the road.

    Small price to pay for the toe kick of death!
  3. CiscoRey

    CiscoRey Well-Known Member

    I use the ball-joint of my thumb for d-pad inputs. I couldn't use the tip of my thumb for inputs if my life depended on it. I just find the thumb joint to be more responsive.

    I also play overhand when playing fighting games. I'm not sure how others are able to play underhand when using a pad. I mean, underhand works great for 1st/3rd person shooters (for obvious reasons) but fighters? Nah.
  4. Attorney4Hire

    Attorney4Hire Well-Known Member

    I use the L+R triggers for some button combinations. It's funny, I've been using the left analog stick for this game and I have some blood clotting at the tip of my left thumbnail.

    This game is taking its toll.
  5. Black_Ant

    Black_Ant Well-Known Member

    I sit on the floor of my living room my left cheek gets stupid sore. Then I have to suffer the embarrasment of getting up and shaking *ss until my cheeks wake up. My girl walked in the room and caught me.
  6. Duckguin

    Duckguin Active Member

    I must not be playing enough. /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/wink.gif No soreness or injuries here.
  7. CiscoRey

    CiscoRey Well-Known Member

    I think I've lost several pounds since playing VF5. Lack of eating. I believe I had a bowl of cereal yesterday (at 8pm, lol).
  8. Black_Ant

    Black_Ant Well-Known Member

    I tend to pee a lot and shake from lack of food as well. However, to the MMORPG crowd, I'm by no means hardcore. They laugh at our 12 hour spans of play. Well, if they even knew this game existed they would...
  9. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    LOL 12H thats plain stupid. First you can't play with 100% concentration that long. Second if exaustion comes you won't even learn anything from your matches, since you'r going to push buttons withpout thinking and fall into habits which will hinder you drastically in more advanced fights. There is a reason why ppl do creative breaks.
  10. CiscoRey

    CiscoRey Well-Known Member

    12 hours of play is fine. You just have to have the right mind-build. Casual gamers player a little less than an hour before they're asking for someone to swap out the game. Hardcore gamers on the otherhand... /forums/images/%%GRAEMLIN_URL%%/whistle.gif
  11. samtheseed

    samtheseed Well-Known Member

    Shun is Drunk
  12. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    I'm playing VF about 5 years now. I know what I'm talkin about. I know those 6 PM to 6 AM sessions. From my experience I can tell you if you n00b battle it's no problem, you don't have to think too hard BUT you will develop habits that way and afterwards it's really hard to get them away.
  13. Sorias

    Sorias Well-Known Member

    I gotta agree with MystD. I've done many of the multi-hour game sessions, but you really don't get any better from that. I always either start losing finger dexterity or mental wherewithal within a couple hours of play at most. And once you can't play at your best, you aren't going to be learning anything new.
  14. MystD

    MystD Well-Known Member

    Also do not compare VF players to mmorpg players. Mmorpgs are the most easy games you can play. Even teris needs more skill than a mmo. Even my mom can play WOW! In VF u have to react in milliseconds. 1 H VF is more exausting than 8H playing an MMO.

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