Vf music

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Guest, May 22, 2000.

  1. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Does anyone own and is willing to sell VF1 and VF2 music cd's. If not, does anybody know where I could get my hands on them since they're pretty old news by now. Is it me, or do the tracks in the first two VF's (especially VF2) put VF3's music to shame? Thanks in advance.
  2. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Haha. Obviously VF3's music sucks compared to the previous 2, but the previous 2 weren't really striking - but still listenable. I won't sell you my CDs but I know where you can get them. Any Game Tokyo should have it and maybe Japanese Game/Anime/CD/Comic shops. But the company that recorded my version wasn't Hitashi but Sonmay, a Taiwan company. Gd luck.
  3. Guest

    Guest Guest

    >Haha. Obviously VF3's music sucks compared to the previous 2

    sez you.

    for the original question: import shops, web or otherwise. also check on ebay. search for virtua fighter. one comes up every now and then. be aware that some CD's are from the saturn versions of vf1 and vf2, which are actually remixes and quite different from the arcade music.
  4. Mirkan

    Mirkan Well-Known Member

    Hahaha yes, true

    Very true, that about VF3 music sucking... Hahaha
    Even VF2 music rocks compared to number 3 in the series.
    The best of the 3 however is VF1. I mean the original VF1 tracks. At least they are the most rememberable.

    I suggest (If you've got a Saturn I STRONGLY suggest) that you buy the Sega Saturn version of the two games and just stick them into your CD player. Voila! You've got VF-Original kick ass music!!!

    Just a thought

    By the way...:

    "I'm faster than lightning!"
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: VF1 Music MP3s?

    For the poor souls like myself who do not have access to either a VF1 arcade or the Saturn version and have long forgotten what they sounded like, would anyone know if there are mp3's of the VF1 bgms available anywhere?

    m y k e
    how ya gonna win when ya ain't right within?
  6. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: VF1 Music MP3s?

    Hey Myke, hmmm.... this is gonna probably be along the lines of Omega Boost and the other games (I can hear Myke say "grrrr") but maybe I'll eventually go around to ripping the Saturn VF1 and 2 tracks onto MP3 if anyone's interested.... However, I'm not to reliable at getting things like this done :p ask Myke. (Now I'm reminding myself: Omega Boost, Omega Boost, Omega Boost....)

  7. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: VF1 Music MP3s?

    yes! id love to hear the vf2 tracks in mp3. take your time cause ill keep checking back on this site... probably for years
    my fave track is jeffries stage. that song was bad ass esp for a fighting game.
  8. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Re: VF1 Music MP3s?

    Sounds cool Chanchai, but I'll believe it when I see it :)

    As for the VF1/2 soundtracks. Are the home versions identical to the arcade's soundtrack? I remember someone (Rich?) stating they weren't.

    m y k e
    how ya gonna win when ya ain't right within?
  9. Mirkan

    Mirkan Well-Known Member

    Uhm, In VF2 at least...

    In VF2 you can chose from the arcade original tracks or the Saturn remixed ones...

    On the CD, the 11 (or 12) first tracks are from the arcade version.


    "I'm faster than lightning!"
  10. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    Re: Uhm, In VF2 at least...

    If I understood Rich correctly, I believe that the VF1 soundtrack on the Saturn is indeed different than the arcade, however, I got the impression that they were generally considered "better" than the original arcade VF1 soundtrack? Anyways, that's what I understand, I'll let Rich represent himself properly.

  11. Guest

    Guest Guest

    Re: Uhm, In VF2 at least...

    all of the vf series has far better sound and music on the arcade version than its saturn counterpart. being the biased pig i normally am...i'll admit my statements regarding vf3's graphics are up for argument, but the sound in any of the vf1,2,3 arcade units is not. there is no comparison between them and the saturn version.

    so, yes, vf1 saturn is a complete remix of vf1 arcade music. it's not as drastic as vf2 saturn remix. i prefer the original arcade music.

    vf2 saturn has redbook recordings of the arcade music, but they are very short (70-80 seconds) and the quality is not as high.

    vf3 dc music is strange. it's not a remix, but it's not the same, either. it sounds like weak tinny crap compared to the arcade music.
  12. Mirkan

    Mirkan Well-Known Member

    Hey, no way!

    That's a damn lie I tell ya!
    VF2 sat music may sound crap ass on a Saturn, but in an ordinary CD-player the sound quality goes up from 22khz (The Saturn's soundcapacity) to 44khz.

    And for the length of the tracks, here's a complete list:

    Akira Yuki: 1:15
    Pai Chan: 1:20
    Lau Chan: 1:19
    Kage Maru: 1:32
    Jacky Bryant: 1:31
    Sarah Bryant: 1:33
    Jeffry McWild (Hehe, what a name =): 1:38
    Wolf Hawkfield: 1:34
    Shun Di: 1:20
    Lion Rafale: 1:14
    Dural Maru: 1:33

    As for the quality of the Arcadeversion, I can't really tell. The arcades here in sweden are so bloody noisy so I can't make out the sounds. But these tracks aren't bad. I guess they're as close as you could get without buing the entire arcade machine... =)

    PS. Yeh, I think you are biased =D

    "I'm faster than lightning!"

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