VF InputCommand Tool v1.4c

Discussion in 'General' started by Ellis, Oct 27, 2014.

  1. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member


    VF InputCommand Tool v1.4c

    (For WinXP, Win7 and Win8?)

    Download --> http://goo.gl/z4AYvb <--- Download

    (creds to Myke for lending me the emoticons themselves, and Heikou for suggesting i fix the hold-direction input)

    Brief Usage Explanation:

    The Raw Key Input Box:
    Is for entering moves and combos like say: 9k p 2p+k 66k
    And pressing enter
    The input will then appear in the BBCode box ready to paste
    (It is automatically copied to memory so you can just paste!)
    aswell as show Command Graphics down below.

    The Lower VFDC Forum BBCode Box:
    Will show your typed commands with brackets,
    the way the are used when pasted on the VFDC forum or the shoutbox.
    It is directly copied to the clipboard, so you just have to paste
    into where you want them (a thread or the shoutbox)

    Start Controller Button:
    This will enable the program to capture your actual gamepad and/or arcade stick
    if plugged into the computer and windows.
    Then you can just press the commands you wish on the controller,
    just as you'd do in game. and it will show in the BBCode box for pasting
    aswell as in the Command Graphics box down below

    Space Fill Button:
    Mostly for the VFDC shoutbox, or other places that does not allow excessive whitespace (i.e bland spaces), this will insert a "►" wherever you have used space while inserting inputs
    - to make formatting a bit less clunky if wanting to paste something in the shoutbox.

    Simple Notation Button:
    This just makes it also catch: f, b, l, r, u and d to convert to 6,4,4,6, 8 and 2 and so on.
    By suggestion from erdraug. While on it still catches the regular numpad directions too.

    Themes and randomness:
    Whenever you select a new theme (colours) it will randomize A new character image.
    Whenever you have inputted(sent) a whole list of commands in the RAW box (by pressing enter)
    Or have made 25+ button presses with a pad/stick, you will get another new random VF and community related quote and other gems.

    Development Information:
    • Coded in python (2.7), using TKinter/Tcl, PIL and pygame libraries.
    • Development done on Linux, but always aiming for full Win cross-platform support
    • Using the lovely vim text editor with added python syntax highlighting
    • "Compiled" in a virtualbox session of WindowsXP using pyinstaller, for getting all the different libraries and python "baked in", so that you won't have to install a bunch of junk.
    • New versions will just be a whole repacked deal, so just delete/replace the previous one if you so will.

    I will gladly accept suggestions and/or constructive critizism

    (even unconstructive as long as you don't waste too much effort with it)

    Brief Install Instructions:

    1. Download .rar archive from link above

    2. Extract the folder in the .rar archive

    3. Run the VF_InputCommand_Tool.exe

    4. Mash em' like you don't care!


    Thanks for Testing!

    / Ellis (PReP)
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2017
    noname, Xirion11, 40i4 and 11 others like this.
  2. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    V1.1b changelog:

    . ?
    (1.1c secret silly feature - Ok, It is Random Quotes of different characteristics. among those are some "Play this guy - mains that - on this system.
    Anyways, if you feel anything is off with any quotes, or you'd like to purge your own, just let me know.
    I mostly added this to make it a bit more "alive" aswell as add a link back to our nice vfdc community)
    As such, i have also tried to not any straight-up inflammatory or personal remarks from players among the quotes - but tell me if anything seems unfitting in any way.

    . Added basic controller support:
    Make sure it is plugged in and press the controller button
    Sometimes you need to calibrate the controller in windows the usual way (control panel)
    Diagonals are kind of hard to do in some situations, the input timing needs more tweaks later,
    Oh, and multi-button presses (i.e K+G, P+K) does not work yet in this version, coming!

    . Made it auto-copy the BBCode output to clipboard directly,
    so you just have to paste after inputting with keyboard or pad!

    . Tidied up some of the hold-button graphics

    . Added delimiters (makes spaces/whitespace into __ underscores) for possibly
    cleaner ordering in the vfdc shoutbox. can be toggled with the WS button

    . Made the space for button graphics a bit "tighter together" allowing a few more buttons to show, also made it auto-clear when you reach around 25/26 button presses.
    Might tweak to allow more if needed?
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2014
    Myke and Modelah like this.
  3. Modelah

    Modelah Well-Known Member VFDC Translator Content Manager Taka

    Nice one, @PReP! :)
    Now I only need to work on my in-game button input skills :(

    Keep up the good work!
    Ellis likes this.
  4. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    v1.2 changelog:​

    . Added Random quotes, from Players Of VF and other VF-based trivia.
    Will be generated each time you commit input from the Raw input box,
    Or after 26 gamepad/stick inputs.

    x Removed controller graphics test-selections

    . Added Theme-Selection Drop-Down Box,
    It will also generate random Character Picture

    . Added Said Character Picture thing,
    a new one is generated each start, or when switching
    to another Theme.

    . Even more quotes coming each version! catch em' all ;)
  5. BlackGeneral

    BlackGeneral The Emperor of Elbows Bronze Supporter Content Manager Akira

    BeeGee VFDC
    Wish I knew more about this to appreciate it. But It looks like a ton of work you've put in for the VF Community.
    Good Job.
    Modelah and Ellis like this.
  6. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Well you could try it if you'd like. perhaps i need to do some sort of manual or documentation since everything might not be as clear as i think!

    Thanks for the encouragement none the less BG! :)
    BlackGeneral likes this.

    SUGATA Well-Known Member

    What is the function of this tool?
    To master difficult inputs?..
  8. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    The idea will probably be expanded later!

    but for now it is about taking inputs from keyboard or controller,
    like 66k 2p , and making it into [ 6 ] [ 6 ] [ K ] [ 2 ] [ P ] for paste on these forums :)
    SUGATA likes this.
  9. Cozby

    Cozby OMG Custom Title! W00T!

    Stn Cozby
    This certainly makes working on the wiki much easier. Thanks!
    Tricky, Modelah and Ellis like this.
  10. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    v1.3 changelog:

    . Added the "Standard Notation" (as suggested by erdraug).
    (Ex: f = 6 / forward d = 2 / down)
    Currently toggled by the button labeled as "Simple Notation"
    When that is on it will still accept numpad directions aswell.

    . Speaking of buttons, they are now telling you wether they are On or Off,
    Figured that could be kiiiind of nice to know :)

    . We now have a command-history box, above the input boxes.
    For now it will show the 10 latest inputs/combos/thingies you've inserted
    in the RAW Inputbox. Saving will come in next version,
    aswell will it show inputs from the controller, patience! :)

    . A Few new themes, find your favourite!.
    The "Abare Random" theme is a bit special as it will actually randomize
    all the colours whenever you switch to that from another theme.
    In 90% of the case it probably won't look pretty, but maybe you are lucky?

    . Controller/Stick graphics removed for now, they served no purpouse
    (USB controllers/sticks work anyways) and we need space for the important
    Junk, right? :)


    And please, _let me know_ if your arcade sticks or other usb input controllers work or now :)
    Aswell as any other suggestions or bugs!

    Thanks for testing!
  11. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Hey there all.

    I hope you find some use to this tool as far as it works at the moment.
    While i definetly plan to keep working on it later, i will probably give it a little rest for a short time. If not only to fiddle with other stuff (like playing this damn VF game for instance) for a while.

    I also hope that you will tell me if there is any sort of function you might lack, or wish to see in the program - aswell as if there is something not working as you'd expect (like bugs and whatnot)

    Thirdly feel free to correct me on any of the random quotes or Player information that the tool gives out currently, or express if you find yourself wishing to be left out of it.
    My main idea is mostly that it could server as a sort of "advertising" of the silly fun that goes on in our beloved VFDC forum, (and perhaps trigger some people to look up others to play with)

    But again, i hope the main concept of the program has some use for you in any way.
    Test it, break it, spam it, and see how your controller works or not!

    Now is the time for me to shut up, and for you to give me some good (or bad) feedback!

    /PReP :)
  12. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    v1.4 changelog:

    . Mainly tightened Up USB Stick/Pad Input and added multi-press to them
    Tested on A PS1 controller with usb adapter,
    but make sure to test your own VF sticks and pads and see what you think!

    . Rezised some window elements a tad bit (allowing for longer history display)

    . More random quotes and player suggestions.
    Also tell me if you want a personal Message Added to your player Details!,
    Or something changed about it in general!!
  13. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Now i really need to stop with these updates until i get some solid testing from you guys.
    1. start program, 2. If you want to use controller make sure Arcade Stick/Pad is plugged in, 3. press start controller. 4. do some fancy combos/moves and hope it works.

    See ya! :) *breathes*
  14. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    v1.4b changelog:

    . Changed ws_filling/space filling to use the same char as the new VFDC combolists
    by Myke! (i.e: ►)
    (instead of double underscores as this tool used previously)
    For The Win, or nah?

    . Brushed up the hold input graphics,
    less messy?
  15. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Time for some questions, thoughts and possible feedback:

    . You that have tested the program, do you find it useful to some capacity in it's current state?

    If not, what function would you wish to make it more so?

    . The USB controller (gamepad/arcade stick) does it work for you?,
    Do you find the timing to be alright at the moment, or is there some tweak that could be made?

    . Do you find it "logical" in how to use it, or should i/we make some sort of proper documentation if not all is as clear as i'd hope?

    Please tell me any thoughts in this thread, i'd like for an opportunity to expand on this tool, and without you, the users, it would all be for naught! :)
    Thanks for testing!

  16. Tricky

    Tricky "9000; Eileen Flow Dojoer" Content Manager Eileen

    thnx for this. Any plans for Mac OSX?
  17. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    MacOSx could be a possibility if i got a copy of Max OSX to install in virtualbox and compile in that enviroment (they way i currently do for Win).
    I think @BBountyHuntyr have tested using Wine (Windows Emulation Layer) succesfully?

    So since wether i get that enviroment going is speculative at best,
    please try to install wine (should be as well covered on MaxOSX as here on Linux i think)
    and see if there are any issues. And will see! :)

    Thanks for the comment Tricky!
  18. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Updated the top post with a small video demo thing,
    that might help visually demonstrate one of the main uses for the tool

    Might do more on the topic later if there is demand.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2014
  19. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    A mighty plead for testing:

    Since i haven't got much feedback (though the little i have received is most welcome)
    I think i will try a more formal shoutout for some testing and reports.
    Foremost the USB controller support, you'd go about it like this:

    Testcase 1:

    1. Start your Windows/Linux computer
    2. Either plug in the Usb Arcade Stick or Pad now if not already done before booting.
    3. Start the InputCommand Tool.
    4. Press "Start Controller" and it will hopefuly say ON.
    5. Do inputs on the controller.

    What you should look for is how responsive it is, and what sort of inputs seems tougher to do then on VF, oh and if it works at all.

    6. Tell me WTF doesn't work, and what stick/controller you have.

    Testcase 2:

    Fill in inputs in the raw box, like 2p 66p 6_k or whatever,
    Paste to somewhere and see if the brackets and filling is alright.

    The idea is that this should save a bunch of time working on combo-lists,
    or just when casually explaining inputs in the shoutbox or the forums.

    Check to see if it translates right, or if there are any corner cases where it does the wrong thing with the inputs.


    Any report, good or bad, is totally helpful, and it is feedback that would drive my motivation to keep improving the tool, feature requests are likewise very welcome.


  20. Ellis

    Ellis Well-Known Member

    Maybe resurrect this, tho traction kinda went down ^^

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