Vanessa's P+G from tackle

Discussion in 'Vanessa' started by vfbum, May 23, 2003.

  1. vfbum

    vfbum Well-Known Member


    I have not been able to get the P+G throw off of her tackle position. I mash on P+G and what I see is Vanessa waits for a few seconds then delivers a really big punch to the head of the victim. Any hints on how to get this out?

    I don't think I'm getting the P+K move from tackle either
  2. PGhacker

    PGhacker Well-Known Member

    you can't escape that throw.
    you have to guard her attack first([6][6][K]+[G])
    If you get hit by [6][6][K]+[G], then [P]+[G] is garanteed

    (or at least i think..... /versus/images/graemlins/tongue.gif)
  3. Dandy_J

    Dandy_J Well-Known Member

    Are you playing ver. C or evo? In evo, yes you can escape the [P]+[G] tackle punch with [P]+[G] (the one where she says HEEEEYYYY!. If it's the heavy [P]+[K] punch, then you just hit [G] to escape (she says Hungh!)

    If you're playing ver. C, then after the tackle you just mash [G], and if she does it from the low leg takedown ([6][6]+[K]+[G],[6]+[P]+[G]) then it's guarunteed.
  4. vfbum

    vfbum Well-Known Member

    I'm sorry, I did not phrase my question correctly. I should've written:

    "I am playing as Vanessa, and cannot execute the P+G and P+K moves from the tackle position. Is there anything I am doing wrong?"
  5. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    [ QUOTE ]
    vfbum said:

    I'm sorry, I did not phrase my question correctly. I should've written:

    "I am playing as Vanessa, and cannot execute the P+G and P+K moves from the tackle position. Is there anything I am doing wrong?"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Firstly, answer the question which was already asked: are you playing evo or not? If you're not playing Evo, then you have no control in the mount position apart from a single [P] attack (which is sometimes automatic, depending on the entry).

    Secondly, what makes you think you're not executing those moves? The [P]+[G] and [P]+[K] are just heavy strikes. Are you expecting to see something different?
  6. Cas

    Cas Active Member

    To check if you are getting them correctly, why not just pop into command training mode, load up that entry on the move list and see if you can pass it?
  7. vfbum

    vfbum Well-Known Member

    I am playing Evo, I guess I was expecting to see something other than a heavy strike. For some reason I assumed that she'll automatically do a heavy strike if you don't do anything. /versus/images/graemlins/blush.gif
  8. Zero-chan

    Zero-chan Well-Known Member

    If you just don't do anything and let her get off the guy, and the opponent is slow to get up or rolls in the wrong direction, it's a free pounce attack. If they roll away quickly, though, you're in trouble. It's a definite gamble, but it yields about a 90% success rate for me.

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