Vanessa VF5FS Version A Change Log

Discussion in 'Vanessa' started by akai, Feb 8, 2012.

  1. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    DS [6][6][P]- Hit effect was changed. Opponent Crouching (H: Stagger)

    DS [6][6][P][P]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    DS [3][P]- Hardening difference was changed. G: 0 -> 1; H: 3 -> 4; CH: 5 -> 6

    DS [K][K]- Hardening difference was changed. Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed. H: 3 -> 5; CH: 6 -> 8

    DS [6][K]- Hardening difference was changed. G: -6 -> -5

    DS [1][K][+][G]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    DS [6][P][+][K][+][G]- Hardening difference was changed. Damage was changed:25 → 24. Hit effect was changed. G: -5 -> -2

    OS [6][6][P]- Hardening difference was changed. H: -1 -> 2; CH: 3 -> 6

    OS [3][P]- Hardening difference was changed. H: 2 -> 3

    OS [1][P]- Hardening difference was changed. Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed. Strike attack execution frame was changed 21 -> 22. Strike attack active frame was changed. H: -3 -> -4

    OS [9][P]- Strike attack active frame was changed. Strike attack level/type was changed.

    OS [K]- Hit effect was changed.

    OS [K][P][K]- Hardening difference was changed. Hit effect was changed. Delay input timing was changed. H: 1 -> down; CH: 5 -> down

    OS [6][K][K][P]- Shift timing was changed.

    OS [6][K][K][P][K]- Hardening difference was changed. Hit effect was changed. Delay input timing was changed. H: 1 -> down; CH: 5 -> down

    OS [2][K][P][K]- Hardening difference was changed. Hit effect was changed. Delay input timing was changed. H: 1 -> down; CH: 5 -> down

    OS [9][K]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    OS [4][P][+][K]- Hardening difference was changed. Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed. Hit effect was changed. G: -3 -> 2

    OS [3][P][+][K][K]- Hardening difference was changed. G: -11 -> -10

    OS [3][K][+][G](hit)[P][+][G]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    OS [6][P][+][K][+][G] - Hardening difference was changed. Damage was changed:25 → 24. Hit effect was changed. G: -5 -> -2

    (intruder step)[P][+][G]- Damage was changed:25 → 15.

    (intercept position)[2][K](hit)[P][+][G] - Sober properties were changed:0 → 2.

    (intercept position)[P][+][G] - Sober properties were changed:0 → 3.

    (facing wall)[6][P][+][K][+][G]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed. Hit effect was changed (also against Taka).

    DS [P][+][G]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    DS[6][3][2][1][4][P][+][G] - Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    DS [4][4][P][+][G]- Cannot be thrown time was adjusted.

    DS(opponent left)[P][+][G]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    DS (opponent crouching)[1][P][+][G]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    DS (opponent crouching, left)[2][P][+][G]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    OS [P][+][G]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed (also against Taka).

    OS [6][P][+][G]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    OS [4][P][+][G]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed. Sober properties were changed:0 → 1.

    OS [4][6][P][+][G]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    OS [4][1][2][3][6][P][+][G]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    OS [6][6][P][+][G] - Damage was changed:25 → 15.

    OS (opponent back)[P][+][G]- - Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (takedown)[P][+][G]- Properties pertaining to the technique (post execution) were changed.

    (takedown)[6][P][+][G]- Damage was changed:40 → 50.

    (takedown)[4][P][+][G]- - Damage was changed:40 → 45.


    Above is the list of moves that were adjusted in Version A (From AM2's Website). The purpose of this thread is to keep a record of the changes to later update FS command lists (based on the Masters Guide). Note: "Hardening Difference" refers to actual frame change related to the attack being guarded (GD), hit opponent(H), or counter hit opponent (CH).

    Edit: Added additional information from Lettuce's Blog (mainly the actual frame changes to execution of a move and the "hardening differences."
  2. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    I wonder if this a new move or did they just map b+k+g to a new input :confused:
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2022
  3. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    New input for old move - (at least they have the same name):
    Quick Toe Kick
  4. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    I was thinking about vane's VF5FS nitaku-speed mids from DS:

    WS [P] no changes
    [6][K] CH no longer deals guaranteed damage
    [K] simplified followup input (i also remember reading it now combos on recovery CH but i can't find the source)
    [3][K] lost pushback, no longer crouch staggers, less safe
    [P][+][K] no longer has a mid followup
    [6][P] no changes
    [6][6][P] no changes no longer tracks to her stomach
    [3][K][+][G] lost pushback, does 5 more damage (note: in vF5FS all characters have more life)
    [1][P] no longer sabakis sweeps, still chip trivial damage, not for nitaku anyway

    I think i'll be using [K][K] a LOT more. AFAIC having a solid hitbox is more important that ever (see other character's movelists ; evasive moves have not dissapeared/toned down, instead they have been generally given easier inputs) AND sideturned situations tend to favour the attacker in VF5FS. Just a thought.

    EDIT (April 5th, 2014): there's a new [6][6][K][+][G] sidekick that knocks down on NH; i'm currently trying to use that move more as well.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2014
  5. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    Good work, but can i ask what [1][P] "still chip damage" means?
  6. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Good question. If i had to quantify "chip damage" for VF i'd have to say "less than p,k" (32 dmg).

    [1][P] would fit that definition because, even if you Large Counter Hit (Attack Damage ≥ 25) an opponent with, vane just gets 18*1,60 = 28 damage.

    Also, bear in mind that most players will go for jab or low punch from disadvantage, in which case vanessa will get 18*1,3 = 23 damage. Hence my "not for nitaku anyway" comment.

    AFAIK any single hit that does 19 or less damage fits the bill. For multihit/moves that combo on NH, well, one has to do the math i guess. For example Lion's [1][K] is listd as "7,20" damage so 7*1,6 = 11 + 20 = 31 = chip damage AFAIC.

    BTW this is the definition i used when i compiled my own take on VF5 vane' movelist. Notice how DS jab says "chip damage" whereas OS jab has no such mention. Just in case anyone wanted to know. Also in case anyone wanted to know, fast/slow speed breakpoints are =<14 and =>19 ; short/long range is more subjective, sorry.

    Anyway, i'm kinda deviating from VF5FS discussion here, sorry :oops: Back on subject, i don't know if anyone has noticed that VF5FS got rid of [8][K]. It looked like the move was going to be a staple when it got increased reach and a new input with [9][K] in VF5R but then they scrapped it :( Also "block up knee" (or at least that's what i think the japanese announcer screamed) from VF5R, a far reaching mid knee that knocked down on normal hit, we didn't get to see that either.

    ON THE OTHER HAND i totally forgot about her new moves :oops: According to [6][6][K][+][G] (far reaching mid kick, knocks down on normal hit, share the animation with a Sarah move) is 18f and [6][P][K][G] (the stance-switching shoulder ram) is 19f. They seem to have a good reach, maybe they'll be used after blocking an opponent's move that has good pushback.

    That said, I was also thinking that even if the opponent chooses to evade [K], all is not lost for vanessa since the new [K] followup is full circular. And in VF5FS there's no evade p+k so it must be somewhat more difficult for the opponent to autopilot around the followup - whereas it's easier for the vanessa player, all he has to do is press [K], not "[K] plus the direction the opponent evaded to" like now.

    Also the nww [K] followup seems to have a better hitbox than the current one since it's used in rebounce combos (eg. stomach/foot crumple > low punch rebounce > [K][K]). So it might hit evade > crouchdash > launcher routines (evade yoho/shoulder ram/dragon cannon/high angle/regret discharge etc.). Hopefully :)

    I'm not saying [K] is superpowered or anything, i'm just saying that recent changes might favour it more than some of the other mids. Which might be a good thing (*cough* [3][K] *cough*) ;)

    RIP Bone Crush Middle
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2022
  7. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I asked about the 'chip' damage as the term as i understand it doesn't mean low damage, but damage suffered whilst blocking. 18 dmg isn't that low for a mid elbow anyway. Considering what the move does, i think the damage is about right.

    I hadn't noticed. [K][K] was full circular. Good spot with that. While it makes [K] a good option i still think there is a place for [3][K]. Especially considering their difference in range and damage. Bone crush middle has the useful charge as well.

    Today i noticed that when you're knocked down in OS you can go into Vanessa's lying down stance. When you stand back up you're left in DS. I had assumed she'd only have the lying down state available in DS.
  8. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Oh, OK, i get it now, chip was a poor choice of words. I'll use something else from now on.

    You're also right about [3][K] ; it also has the new backdash stagger since it's a sidekick. And now there are more damaging followups that just another [3][K] (eg. [6][P][+][K][+][G] floats a staggered opponent)
  9. Chefboy_OB

    Chefboy_OB Well-Known Member

    I don't understand anything in this thread.
  10. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    You're right Chefboy_OB, just wild speculation :X3: Why don't you give us your first impressions about VF5FS vanessa? Like, how did DS [6] [6] [P] change? Or OS [9] [P]?
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2022
  11. Chefboy_OB

    Chefboy_OB Well-Known Member

    Impressions are coming soon! Just keep a lookout for the newsletter.
  12. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Vanessa's movelist for FS can be seen in the link below:

    FS Vanessa's movelist

    This spreadsheet will receive continuous updates as I find more info on Vanessa.

  13. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Thank you Kruza (y) Has the command for DS 6P3K really changed to 6P2K or is that a typo? :oops:

    Also, i was thinking that that OS P+K is quite buffed. It's 16f, P+K,P is no longer throw punishable and even has some pushback, P+K,K knocks down. I am also under the impression that it combos on normal hit.

    If so OS 3K seems kinda pointless. VF5 vanilla 3K,PKG bakchand followup is gone, 3KP does silly damage (unless 3KPK combos on CH?) and 3KK is still hella unsafe.
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2022
  14. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Whoops. Yeah, that was a typo I made putting in the Back Knuckle Toe Kick and Hold Face Knee commands. They're fixed now. Thanks for pointing this out, erdraug.

    If you find any other proofreading mistakes let me know.

  15. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Intercept position k+g is probably a high attack, not a hit throw. Also, don't this move and DS k+g have sideturn?
  16. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    Yes, both moves you mention sideturns the opponent on hit.

    I still have to add finer points like this as notes or comments for a few characters on my spreadsheets. Up to now the only characters I have gone somewhat in-depth with in regards to listing minor details is Aoi and Shun.

    And thanks again for identifying proofreading mistakes. All of these spreadsheets need to be critiqued with different sets of eyes from my own.


    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

    Did Vanessa really lose all her [P][+][K][+][G] Style switches after moves?
  18. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Yes :(
    Last edited: Jun 4, 2022
  19. Kruza

    Kruza Well-Known Member

    I think so.

    Edit: After going over Vanessa's movelist again, the Back Charge Set Up ([4][4][K]+[G] charge [2]) is the only move that allows OS-DS and DS-OS switches after execution.


    BLACKLAC Well-Known Member

    Well nice knowing you Back Knuckle.

    -4 on hit as well? Damn.

    Toe Kick should still be useful though. I assume you can still delay it?

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