Vanessa (OS) rising K

Discussion in 'Vanessa' started by alantan, Jan 20, 2003.

  1. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    I was just reading from the 1/60 wensite about Vanessa's moves. It seems that her OS rising K looks very powerful in Ver B. They changed the recovery from mid P counterable (-12) to uncounterable (-6). Wow... Isn't is very good? Does anyone know if this move is being abused in Ver B? It is a knee, with +24 on MC... and 16 execution, -6 recovery... too bad it is not circular.
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    +24 on MC? Does it cause the same odd crumple as goh's knee does?
  3. Mike90210

    Mike90210 Well-Known Member

    Yes its exaclty like that. You can low throw or do [3][K],[K]. Wow -6 /versus/images/icons/shocked.gif seems like itll be very nice in ver B.
  4. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    is there a better followup? I think for goh's knee, he can get a stomach crumble after the knee (MC) using one of his punch moves.... can Vanessa get that too? How about f+k+G (flop)? Somehow, the d/f+k,k looks pretty mild.
  5. Mike90210

    Mike90210 Well-Known Member

    I dont think Vanessa can get a stomach crumple after the rising knee since her crumple moves from OS usually require second move of a combo to MC. Maybe [6]+[K]+[G] will hit. Its exactly 24 frames(according to 1/60) so you wont be able to dash in. Im not sure if this will reach. You might also try [3]+[P]+[K],[K], stomp. Im not sure of the range or frames in EVO but its 19 frames in ver c. Thats all I can think of from OS.

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