Vanessa combo thread

Discussion in 'Vanessa' started by MakiLeSushi, Mar 28, 2013.

  1. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Van combo list checking, and adding new combo... discussion, discovering and explanation about vaney's combos, put ur message here.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2015
  2. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    From Brad to wolf, combo list checked.
    I will add other combos with other starter once i finish to check what is actually available on the combo list...
  3. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    The combo list is looking good, i'll have to mess around with some of them tomorrow.
  4. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Good, i didn t do anything yet i mean next to what i have to do... There s a lot of work (check actual combos and add other combos)
    But ty i try to do my best =)
  5. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Ty steelbaz. He s looking "better" for sure but i didn t finish yet. I added 3 new combos for Bunker Buster but i didn t check it yet... There is a lot of work, check actual combos and add all combos i know and check it too... Anyway i ll do my best...
    steelbaz likes this.
  6. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Yeah I know it's a lot of work (list is very helpful though), especially considering how many combo possibilities she has. I have an EZ mode combo I came up with last night that isn't on there. Since some of her combos are not only character specific, but also require stance checking, I wanted something a little easier as I continue to work on my Vane.
    She's a complicated girl :p
    MakiLeSushi likes this.
  7. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Hmm maybe i'll help with some of these Vane combos.
    DS [4] [P]+[K] > [P]+[K][P] > [6][P][K][K] does 80 damage on Eileen, Blaze, and Vanessa in open and close foot position (works on Sarah in open stance) , it can also wall splat with the right distance for extra damage. It's only 1 point more damage then the highest damaging combo on the list, but it works on more characters than the 79 damage one :D
    Also I have a question what is OS [9][K]+[G] ? It's on the combo list under the new bunker buster combos you added, maybe you typo'd the command?

    I can probably come up with some other combos to add to her list if you want. It probably doesn't hurt to have a lot since Vane has tons of possibilities for combos in FS :cool:
  8. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    I didn t know about this combo, it could be helpful =)
    Oh, OS [9][K]+[G] is my input, lol it s the hawk strike, if you prefer it s [9][K]
    Np baz all combos are welcome and i ll add it once it checked =)
    steelbaz likes this.
  9. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    OS [4][4][K]+[G] > [2][P] > [2][P]+[K] > [P]+[K][K] does 82 damage on normal hit and 101 damage on full charge. Works on a lot of the cast, only works on akira in open stance (might be closed I forget). If you use the [P]+[K][P] ender instead of the [P]+[K][K] it works on Akira in both /open/closed stance, and does 81 damage normal, and 100 damage full charge CH. So basically 1 point less damage.

    I didn't see any combos listed for OS [4][4][K]+[G] so there is an EZ one, for decent damage.
    erdraug likes this.
  10. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Hmm, nice catch steelbaz. I suppose vs Wolf and Jeffry the vanilla [2][P] rebounce > [3][K][P][K] combo is still a decent alternative? Any ideas what to do vs Taka btw?
    steelbaz likes this.
  11. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    I'll check on taka's fat ass later and see. i'll try and check jp matches for taka stuff too.
  12. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    I didn t coz i miss time those days, i know for this combo but i use [6][6][K][P] at the end coz the tech roll is hard on this move, and if the opponent doesn t tech roll, u can get bonus dmg with [3][K] (u have to input for this bonus [3_][K] ) and it works even on heavyweights
    Otherwise i checked ur combo with [4][P][+][K] it seems to work on more char, for that u have to delay the first [K] of the [6][P][K][K]. Nice combo =)
    steelbaz likes this.
  13. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Ok so here is another I found from jp players, while searching matches last night It works on Jean, i did test it on Sarah in closed and it works too (but there is higher damage combos already that work on Sarah I think).

    OS [9][P] > [6][P]+[K]+[G] > [2][P] > [6][P][3][K]

    I got 69 NH, 84 CH on Jean in both stances, the [2] [P] might need a little delay. In the youtube match it did 74 damage on Jean so some testing will be needed. I didn't see this on the list for the OS [9][P]so not sure if you guys know this combo or not.
  14. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Nice one no i don t know for this one... One more i have to tedt... Maybe the 74 was on nh or rch...
    steelbaz likes this.
  15. steelbaz

    steelbaz Well-Known Member

    spliffy baz
    Yeah dunno how he got the 74 damage, just found the combo late last night, so only did a few quick tests on it. I wasn't sure if I was spamming the thread or not, so I waited until today to add that combo :p
  16. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Any ideas on what to do after OS HCF [P] [2] foot crumple? I go for [2][K][P][K] like in vanilla but maybe there is something more damaging?
  17. MakiLeSushi

    MakiLeSushi Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    It s not a move that i usually use, (even if i should) but i follow it with [2][K][P][P] or like you for heavyweights. I think something is possible if u dash and do a [2][P] immediately after the starter... something like [6][6]->[2][p]->[6][6][k][p] I m pretty sure i saw it in one of pecola's video...
  18. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Since the latest forum update there's a new column in the combo lists, dedicated to how many drinking points each combo removes from Shun.

    So i thought a commented list of sobering moves might be a useful first step. Of course this information is available in the command list (minus the comentary). But i'm grouping them in combo starters (not all of them, just those that remove DP themselves), combo enders (to use with any combo starter) and miscellaneous moves - something that the command list can't do. Please note that there is some overlap between the various categories as some moves obviously have more than one use.

    DS Combo starters:
    [3][P][+][K] 1DP floats (well it head crumples really, but lets keep things simple)
    [2][K][P] 1DP floats, combos on CH
    [6][K][+][G] 1DP floats
    [4][6][P][+][K] 1DP floats on successfull sabaki or near walls
    [4][P] 1DP combos to sobering moves on side CH (+25) or wall stagger (wall splat) or side stagger (crumple AFAIK)
    Intercept Position [K][+][G] 1DP combos to sobering moves ([3][P][+][K]) on side CH

    DS Combo fillers and enders:
    [2][P][+][K] 1DP
    [6][K][+][G] 1DP rarely used as combo filler AFAIK
    [6][P] 1DP part of the [6][P][K][K] or [6][P][3][K] strings
    [P][+][K][P] 1DP

    Other DS moves:
    [6][P] 1DP has followups, including [6][P][3][K] which can sober on CH (see below).
    [P][+][K][P] 1DP combos on NH, side wall hit can combo to more sobering moves, but it's so situational i hesitate to put this move in the combo starters section
    [4][6][K][P] 1DP combos on NH, again, situational side wall hit can combo to more sobering moves
    [4][6][P][+][K] 1DP
    [K][+][G] 1DP
    BT [K][+][G] 1DP (maybe it wall splats?)
    [3][K][+][G] and [6][P][3][K] hit-throws 1DP
    [6][P][+][G] throw 1DP
    Wall multipart throws 2DP
    [1] and [3] low throws 1DP
    Intercept Position [2][K] hit-throw 2DP
    Intercept Position [2][K] catch throw 3DP

    OS combo starters:
    [6][P][+][K] 1DP floats
    [9][P] 1DP floats
    HCF [P] fully charged 2DP floats
    Intruder Step [P] 1DP floats
    [3][K][P] floats on stagger (and side crumple although your better off doing a more damaging combo after OS [3][K] side CH)
    HCF [P] 1DP wall splats
    [4][P][+][K] 1DP floats near walls
    [6_][K] 1DP floats on CH
    [K][+][G] 2DP combos to sobering moves :)6:[P][+][K]) on late CH

    OS combo fillers and enders:
    [K][P][P], [2][K][P][P] and [6][K][K][P][P] 2DP
    [2][P][+][K] 1DP
    [P][+][K][P] 1DP
    [3][P][+][K][K] 1DP lol completely forgot this can be used as a combo ender

    Other OS moves:
    [3][P][+][K][K] 1DP floats but cannot combo into any sobering moves AFAIK
    [4][P][+][K] 1DP rarely used as combo ender AFAIK
    [4][P] 1DP rarely used as combo filler AFAIK, situational side wall hit can combo to more sobering moves; [4][P][K] wall splats, combos on CH and recovery hit
    [3][K][P] combos on NH, again, rarely used as combo filler AFAIK
    [P][+][K][P] 1DP combos on NH
    [K][P][P] 2DP combos on CH and recovery hit
    [2][K][P][P] 2DP combos on CH
    [6][K][K][P][P] 2DP combos on recover hit and crouch guard.
    [P][P][P][P] 2DP combos on [P][P][P] CH AFAIK, rarely used as combo filler AFAIK
    [4][3][P][+][K] and [3][K][+][G] hit-throws 1DP
    Wall throw 2DP
    [4][P][+][G] throw 1DP
    [6][P][+][G] takedown multipart throw 1DP

    After this first look, i surmise that OS is superior when it comes to sobering Shun: there are more combo starters that sober on NH and some combo fillers even remove 2DP.
    steelbaz likes this.
  19. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Fun facts!

    • none of the DS arm hold options sobers :(
    • DS moves that sober for 2+DP require a wall or vanessa to be in the Intercept Position.
    • DS [4][6][P][+][K], [P][+][K][P], [6][K][+][G], hit-throws and low throws didn't sober in VF5 vanilla :)
    • OS [9][P], [6_][K], [P][+][K][P], [3][P][+][K][K], hit-throws and Intruder Step [P] also didn't sober in VF5 vanilla :)
    • OS [4][3][P][+][K] used to sober one DP but that DP removal was transferred to the hit-throw (see above).
    • OS [6][K][+][G] still doesn't sober in VF5FS :confused:
    • OS takedown didn't have an option to sober in VF5 vanilla :)
    • OS [K][P][P], [2][K][P][P] and [6][K][K][P][P] used to only sober 1DP in VF5 vanilla :cool:
    • Vanessa now has 2 different throw directions that sober (DS [6] and OS [4]). Still subpar compared to most characters but at least it forces Shun players to actively pay attention to Vanessa's style switching in order to consistently break her sobering throws.

    All in all i think vanessa's sobering game has been seriously buffed.
    steelbaz likes this.
  20. Chefboy_OB

    Chefboy_OB Well-Known Member

    It better have gotten better. Shun can be battle ready after two attacks in this game. =/
    steelbaz likes this.

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