V4 Evo

Discussion in 'Console' started by VirtuaGambit, Aug 24, 2003.

  1. VirtuaGambit

    VirtuaGambit Member

    Should I get the game?
    Or someone review it for me?
    Thanks, Dudes
    Oh, one of my friends says it stinks?
    Help I am stuck!!!!!!
    Currently Playing: DarkCloud2,VirtuaFighter4,Driver2,and SoulBlade. /versus/images/graemlins/ooo.gif
  2. replicant

    replicant Well-Known Member

    Kinda pointless to go to the most biased fans of the series and ask if you should buy it. All of us are going to say buy it unless they are wanting to screw with you. Go buy the game and surrender yourself to the greatest fighting game made to date. It isn't an instant gratification kind of game, so that may be why your friend didn't like it. It takes dedication to be good at.

    Here is a link to the gamespy review.

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