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Update on Evo Shundi

Discussion in 'Junky's Jungle' started by Shundi_05, Oct 11, 2002.

  1. Shundi_05

    Shundi_05 Well-Known Member


    Hey shun addicts out there. Here's a good new. Shun di is strong in Evo. Just played more than around 8 hours using mainly Shundi for the pervious two days. He had become a more confusing character. Here's my opinons on Shundi's new moves.

    Falling Kick ( [4]+[K] )
    Pretty good mid attack however range is short. Can follow up with [P] or [K]. But do remember that shundi will be turning 2 beautiful rounds before the follow up connects. And it is possible to be interrupted by opponents' fast attacks.
    Getsugachougeki ( [4]+[K],[P] )
    Long range mid attack. Better to use this move when u are far away. Stomach crumble ( think must Mc ) After stomach crumble, [2]+[P],[1]+[P],[K] is not confirmed. Staggers when block but distance is quite far so think that nothing is confirmed.
    Toushinsoutanshuu ( [4]+[K],[K] )
    Short range low attack. However, Shundi lie face downwards and recovery is not immediate ( similar to [1]+[K],[K],[G]-the lying part ). Only causes opponents to fall upon Mc. Will reduce Dps.

    Kouhisentai ( [2_][4][K] )
    Not really that useful cos Shundi draws back before the kick comes out. If opponent doesnt dash in, they are very safe and they should have advantage. However, if hit causes opponents to falls backwards and somewhat stun. But again distance is far, so think nothing is confirmed.
    Plus : Myke
    This move has got a followup. And the followup should be [2]+[K]. Also useful only if opponents dash in.

    Tenshin Getsugachougeki ( [4][P]+[K] )
    Sabaki. Required 10 Dps. Stomach crumble ( think must Mc ). After stomach crumble, think [2]+[P],[1]+[P],[K] is confirmed. Auto throw on successful Sabaki.

    Lying position.
    Changed to [4][1][2][3][6][P]+[K]

    Handstand position.
    Changed to [6][3][2][1][4][P]+[K]

    Grab & Fling ( 270 throw ).
    Very easy to execute now. U wont accidentally go into any stances. Still required 10 Dps.

    Rengeki Tenshin Oosoushu ( [4][6][6]+[P]+[G] )
    New throw. Need a bit of getting use to execute the command. Required 3 Dps and reduces 3Dps upon successfully executing. Increases Shundi's reliance ( is there such a word? anyway who cares. ) on Dps.

    Koushirenkyaku ( [K]+[G] )
    ( Backturned ) mid attack. In my opinon, this is the most effective move so far. Forces opponents to think twice when techrolling and getting up. A good okizeme tool ( okizeme refers to mind games right? )

    Drunken Stance ( one leg standing stance )
    Extremely strong cos a lot of new changes. Very good okizeme tool.
    Drunken Walk Right [2]
    Drunken Walk Left [8]
    These two drunken walks only useful if u are far away cos any follow ups will only connect after the drunken walk finish. In any case, opponents can easily interrupt u if they are near to u.
    Thrust Punch ( [P]+[K] )
    Same properties as normal [P]+[K] except that it has different follow ups.
    Gyoushinsuitai ( [P]+[K],[K] )
    If I am not wrong, the additional [K] command only makes Shundi turn 2 beautiful rounds. Open up further follow ups. Follow up with [P] or [K].
    Getsugachougeki ( [P]+[K],[K],[P] )
    Same properties as normal Getsugachougeki ( [4]+[K],[P] ) Wow, same name as well.
    Toushinsoutanshu ( [P]+[K],[K],[K] )
    Same properties as normal Toushinsoutanshuu ( [4]+[K],[K] ) Wow, same name as well.
    Zen Ten ( [6]+[P]+[K]+[G] )
    Exit the stance by rolling forward. Execution of commands must be precise cos I keep juming foward a step instead. ( But the joysticks' conditions also very bad ) A good okizeme tool. Follow up with [P] or [K].
    Shinposuikoushu ( [6]+[P]+[K]+[G],[P] )
    Roll forwards and ends with lunging uppercut ( [4],[3]+[P] ) Think it has same properties as the lunging uppercut. Fast long range mid attack. A good okizeme tool.
    Suisenrensoutai ( [6]+[P]+[K]+[G],[K] )
    Rolls forwards and ends with something similiar to scissor kicks. Fast long range low attack. A good okizeme tool.
    Sit Down
    Changed to [P]+[K]+[G]
    Lie Down
    Changed to [8] / [2] [P]+[K]+[G]

    Overall Shundi is strong. But I dont like the fact that they made him rely on his Dps more.
    Plus these are my opinons so they could be wrong. Will play more. Have fun.
  2. Ealsen

    Ealsen Well-Known Member

    I thought [4][P]+[K] is more like high and mid punch, elbow type reversals to me. Very useful against heavy puncher type opponent like Lau. I could be wrong but I am pretty sure it dodges throw as well. Similar to Lei Fei [4][6][P]+[K]. Another thing, I am pretty sure it crumbles on every hit. Doesn't have to be an MC

    [BT][K]+[G] followup is another [BT][K]+[G] /versus/images/icons/smile.gif Quite damaging.

    I've been doing some experiment with drunken walk from drunken stance. The use of this move is very limited. It's quite similar to Shun's [2]and[8][P]+[K]+[G]. It dodges stuff at early animation. There were a few times I executed drunken walk successfully and I ended up behind the opponent back after the walking animation finished. The best bet to utilize drunken walk is usually when you're really close to your opponent where you're expecting an attack while you can't interrupt his move from drunken stance.

    Another thing. [BT] [P]+[K]+[G][P][P] is very good now. It's very fast. Now it's actually easier and possible to play abit of mind games with this move, such as [BT] [P]+[K]+[G][P],[P]+[G].

    Btw. Shun's [BT][P]+[K]+[G][P][P] now hits H,H,M instead of L,H,H,M.

    Another thing I'd like to comment on Shun's [2]or[8][P]+[K]+[G],[P][P]
    The second [P] is not a guarantee hit even when the first [P] hits.

    Also [P][K][4] is very useful in my opinion /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  3. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    Hey, for his [4][6][6][P][G] throw, is it even worth it? I mean, to LOOSE DP's, it would have to do like 80 pts of damage or something...otherwise, what's the point?
  4. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    It does about 60 damage -- not a lot more, but you can also get a small down attack in usually, and it's a new throw direction.

    The really good Shun players really don't rely on DPs, so I doubt they mind.
  5. Shadowdean

    Shadowdean Well-Known Member

    How can you say they don't rely on DP? I mean, to at least open up a lot of his high/low game, you have to have 7 dp....I think its just fucking retarded to have a throw that penalizes you for using it.
  6. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I say that b/c I watch them. It's kind of a known fact. A really strong Shun never drink after they knock the opponent down, and don't go for the normal [P]+[G] throw -- always [3][P]+[G] or [4][P]+[G]. When the [8][K] is pulled off, they always do [6][P][P][K] or a pounce, for maximum points. I still rely a bit more on drinks than most people, but less than some as well.

    Try to find a match with SHU -- you'll generally only find him drinking between rounds that he's won.
  7. Shundi_05

    Shundi_05 Well-Known Member


    I think the follow up to Kouhisentai ( [2_][4]+[K] ) is not [2]+[K]. Could u find out the correct command?
  8. Shundi_05

    Shundi_05 Well-Known Member


    Tenshin Getsugachougeki ( [4][P]+[K] )
    Sabaki. Required 10 Dps. Stomach crumble ( think must Mc ). After stomach crumble, think [2]+[P], [1]+[P], [K] is confirmed. Auto throw on successful Sabaki.

    Okei. [2]+[P], [1]+[P], [K] is not confirmed. /versus/images/icons/frown.gif
    [1]+[K], [K] is confirmed. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
    [3]+[P], [P], [K] is confirmed but only in one stance. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Getsugachougeki ( [4]+[K], [P] )
    Long range mid attack. Better to use this move when u are far away. Stomach crumble ( think must Mc ) After stomach crumble, [2]+[P], [1]+[P], [K] is not confirmed. Staggers when block but distance is quite far so think that nothing is confirmed.

    Okei. [2]+[P], [1]+[P], [K] is not confirmed /versus/images/icons/frown.gif
    [1]+[K], [K] is confirmed. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Drunken Stance ( one leg standing stance )
    Shinposuikoushu ( [6]+[P]+[K]+[G], [P] )
    Roll forwards and ends with lunging uppercut ( [4], [3]+[P] ) Think it has same properties as the lunging uppercut. Fast long range mid attack. A good okizeme tool.

    Okei. This works. [6]+[P]+[K]+[G], [P] then [2]+[P] then [4], [3]+[P]. Techrollable but should be quite hard.
    [1]+[K], [K] is confirmed. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Will experiment more. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  9. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Okay first, just a quick English tip -- I think the word you want to use is 'guaranteed' not confirmed. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Anyways, if you get thes auto throw with [4][P]+[K] nothing is guaranteed. If you stomach crumble with it, then [2][P][1][P][K] IS guaranteed (I do it all the time).
    [4][K][P](MC) and (DS)[P]+[K][K][P](MC) which both have similar animations, and also stomach crumble do NOT have a guaranteed [2][P][1][P][K].
    Anyways, [4][K][P] is easily dodged, so you'd better not do it too much.

    (DS)[6][P]+[K]+[G][P] floats on MC and staggers on crouch. I've ALWAYS gotten [1][K][K] in after both, as the recovery is so damn fast. Length is nowhere near as good as [6][P]+[K]+[G][K].

    Just any FYI -- there's a VF4 Evolution Shun thread with a lot of this info in there.
  10. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    I thought this was pretty Good Stuff - you guys only disagree on one point anyway.

    To Shun Di, this is an ok place to post your Shun Di evo info, and confirmed is sometimes used by VF people in the USA and canada to mean guaranteed... same thing *shrug*

    Please keep up with the nice Shun info /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  11. Shundi_05

    Shundi_05 Well-Known Member


    Regarding this :
    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />

    Anyways, if you get thes auto throw with [4][P]+[K] nothing is guaranteed. If you stomach crumble with it, then [2][P][1][P][K] ]IS guaranteed (I do it all the time).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Could u please confirm this again. Cos I TRIED MANY TIMES and it is not 100% guaranteed. Or could it have some special properties like stances or weight dependent? And could u also find out the follow up to Kouhisentai ( [2_][4]+[K] )?

    Anyway thankz and I will also try to figure out myself.
    Plus I already read the VF4 Evolution Shun thread before I posted all these. It was pretty good stuffs but I felt that the information was not sufficient and they were like all over the place. Furthermore, the later part of the thread was talking about some other stuffs instead of Shundi. This is my opinon, not meant to be offensive to anyone here. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  12. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Well, I don't know how to confirm any further. I do it all the time. Try this:

    If someone is really good at escaping your throws (Which people try to do to keep Shun from drinking) then do [4][P]+[K] once instead of the throw. If they try to throw you, they'll stomach crumble. It's easy to goof, as you've got to be fast, but you can ALWAYS get [2][P][1][P][K] in. It's the same follow up as [2_][3][P](MC). Sucks about the other two moves that have similar animations, and the same stomach crumble - you just can't get them in.

    I guess there's one other culprit -- maybe they made some changes to EVO before exporting it to other countries. (???)

    I've heard of a mysterious follow up to [2_][4][K] but have never seen it. I assume it depends on DPs. I don't know the command either. Could be someone's eyes playing tricks on them. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  13. Shundi_05

    Shundi_05 Well-Known Member


    Thankz. Will try it myself and post the results later.
    Plus the follow up exists but I will try to figure out the execution.

    Will keep on updating. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  14. Shundi_05

    Shundi_05 Well-Known Member


    </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
    Anyways, if you get thes auto throw with [4][P]+[K] nothing is guaranteed. If you stomach crumble with it, then [2][P][1][P][K] IS guaranteed (I do it all the time).

    [/ QUOTE ]
    [2][P][1][P][K] is NOT guranteed. There are some properties which, unfortunate, I was still unable to find out cos the computer level is set to very hard. /versus/images/icons/frown.gif

    Finally, the follow up to Kouhisentai ( [2_][4]+[K] ) is just holding [2]. /versus/images/icons/smile.gif

    Will keep on updating on any new stuffs found. Have fun! /versus/images/icons/smile.gif /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif /versus/images/icons/smile.gif
  15. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Either you're doing something wrong or we've got different versions. I've *NEVER* not been able to get [2][P][1][P][K] after the [4][P]+[K] stomach crumble, except for the times I goofed up and put in [1][P] first. Remember, you have to almost buffer the [2][P] -- you don't get time to react, it needs to one motion.

    I did it 3-4 times on one opponent yesterday.
  16. Shundi_05

    Shundi_05 Well-Known Member


    I dont think that I am slow in buffering the [2][P]. Maybe we got different versions.
    SummErs was talking about the existence of different versions in the thread "Going Osaka" in Jamboree.
    So did you try out the misterious follow-up? I like that move cos it looks pretty cool. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif

    Plus: Thankz Myke for your PM. Now I know what okizeme is. /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif
  17. Ealsen

    Ealsen Well-Known Member

    Shundi_05 is right. [2]+[P],[1]+[P],[K] is not guaranteed after [4]+[P]+[K] stomach crumble. That's the version I am playing in Melbourne.

    It could be stance dependent ?

    It also true for head crumble [4]+[K],[P]
  18. longhair

    longhair Member

    hi all I am a new comer~
    I am using shun as well, although I am not a really strong player, but i know something about shun.
    After [4][K][P], [4][P]+[K], the [2][P], [1][P][K] is guaranteed. Anyway it is difference from the counter attack after [2][[3_][P], Maybe I should say you can't hit the [2][P] at once after [4][P]+[K] and [4][K][P] launched, u should wait a bit moment, about half a sec, and then hit the [2][P] follow with [2][1_][P][K], if u got ur [2][P] buffered, that's too fast, u can't hit with full combo, I have tried too many times, so I can guaranteed =)
    Tell me more if u really test it out, thanks ^_^
    For those guys who can read chinese, pls come here and join our discussion:
    some movies of HK players "level" competetion also available here:
  19. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    I've probably posted this stuff before, but on the Japanese version (which I assume is the only official one at this point)

    [4][P]+[K] (MC) [2][P][1][P][K] is guaranteed
    [4][K][P] (MC) [2][P][1][P][K] is NOT guaranteed, even though the animation looks the exact same.

    I'll keep trying to miss it to find a discrepency, but I always get it. Remember though, I don't always get 10 drinks per game.

    Shundi_05 -- do you EVER get the [2][P][1][P][K] in? Can you tell me some instances where you do?
  20. longhair

    longhair Member

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