Ultimate Showdown - Wolf Resources

Discussion in 'Wolf' started by Mister, Jun 3, 2021.

  1. Mister

    Mister Well-Known Member Content Manager Wolf Content Manager Sarah

    AWoooo||| Welcome into the pack fellow cubs.

    If you are unfamiliar with the incredible resource that VFDC is, let me help point you to the right places as you begin your journey to master this character. There's more information available if you poke around the forums but this should get your started. Consider this a landing page* of sorts.

    Reading material:

    1. VF5 Wiki

    You can't be the best if you don't understand the game in general. Read through each of the system links and get familiar with how the game works.

    2. Wolf's Wiki

    General information on the best wrestler on this page. See My Wolf punishing the cast thread for individualized punishment videos against every character!

    3. Wolf Start Guide

    Pretty self explanatory, this piece of content will give you something to think about while you ready up your suplexes.

    4. Wolf moves analysis

    In here you'll find also the 10 best moves Wolf has which will serve you good as starting point, from there you can build up your game since every move is designed to cover a specific scenario.

    5. Wolf Strategy

    The infos in here whould give you a pretty good idea on where Wolf shines as character and where his weaknesses lie.


    1. Wolf Command List with Frame Data

    This is worth keeping open while you practice and play. It's best to hit the "view" button in the upper right corner in order to set the display it to a flat list view so you can have everything on one page

    The command list can be sort by clicking the columns headers at the top. So, for example, if you click on the "GRD" column header then the command list will be sorted based on each move's recovery when it is guarded. Clicking one time sorts from lowest-to-highest value; clicking another time sorts from highest-to-lowest.


    This is useful when looking at other characters moves as you can quickly find out what is block punishable. You can of course use this to find out which are your fastest moves, or which moves have the most actives frames e.t.c. Have fun, there's a lot to discover here ;)

    Additionally, you can click a move for a more detailed breakdown on it and an image of what the move looks like. This should really help you familiarize with Vanessa's movelist!


    2. Wolf Combo List

    Here you can find a curated list of Wolf combos. The guidelines for posting combos mean that most sub-optimal combos won't be featured in these combo lists (even if they re perfectly serviceable!).
    Despite that caveat, there's still a LOT of information to absorb, so you might want to refrain from using the flat list view option initially, to avoid getting overwhelmed.

    If you're unsure of what an input means, please hover over the icon for it and a handy box should appear explaining more.

    To find combos for against a specific character you can simply click the icon for their name and it will filter only combos with that character in the list. This is great for those bigger or more awkward characters.

    Just like the command list headers, the combo lists column headers are also clickable.

    For the most part the combo lists tend to ordered in the same fashion: first are listed combos that work on everyone, including Taka who is the heaviest character, then progressively combos that only work on lighter characters. Most of the time this also means that combos are ordered from least to more damaging.


    However, sometimes that's not the case e.g. Taka is the only character that can take a combo from [6][P][P][+][K].


    Watch List:

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    Wolfzaka AKA Kagurazaka Wolf

    If you're creating content for Wolf please send me a link to your twitch stream/youtube channel/socials, in order for me to add you to this section to help other Vanessa players find you. Likewise if you think there are any core resource missing from this list please let me know.
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2021
    MadeManG74 and Sozos like this.
  2. Chazzy_Chef

    Chazzy_Chef New Member

    Super helpful, thank you.

    I am really enjoying the chance to get back into VF thanks to US, though diving straight into ranked has given me a lot of bad habits which are massively found out now I'm above Hunter! Most clearly demonstrated by being lucky enough to get a match against Mister the other day... plus best of 3 doesn't give much chance to learn against individuals. Time to un-learn and re-learn.
    Mister likes this.

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