Ultimate Post EVO2k3 Socal gathering...

Discussion in 'Local Scene' started by Brisal73, Aug 10, 2003.

  1. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    Dear god I just got up and I'm sure everyone else is asleep. But last night was the best time I have ever had with a group of guys and a woman just hanging out and playing a game. Mad props to Sean for holding it, and for everyone that showed up to attend.
    For everyone else who didn't make it to EVO2k3 get your tissue ready because your going to cry when you see the pictures and videos that we got. -Brian w"I"

    "SO WHAT!"
  2. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    /me starts crying...
  3. Mike90210

    Mike90210 Well-Known Member

    That was the BEST gathering the US has ever had or ever gonna have!!!! I feel sorry for anyone that couldve came but decided not to...

    Playing against Chibita was amazing and very inspiring /versus/images/graemlins/shocked.gif

    /mike cries for imf
  4. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    favorite quote of the night/morning

    "Chop,Pu, PU, PU" Japan announcer dude.

    damn that was funny /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif

    -Brian w"I"

    <font color="red"> </font> "SO WHAT!"
  5. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    Well, there's always next year, huhuhu. /versus/images/graemlins/laugh.gif
  6. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    yeah, last night was INSANE! I'm sure someone will post all the details later, but...

    Yesterday, those who showed up fr Evo basically got their own, personal Beat Tribe Cup, complete with full commentary from Yamagishi-san (Maru-Y), which was only done for VF. The screaming, the tension, everyone yelling, and the fact that Chibita pulled it out (and I think that while we all hooted for Myke more than anyone, that after him, most of us probably were hoping Chibi would take it, after all getting to play with him first hand, and learning what's so special about him).

    When Chibita was in tight spots in the finals, Maru-Y'd shout "genius...? GENIUS?!!?" So great.

    Then after, we all hung out around the big screen, congratulating everyone, taking tons of pictures etc.

    Slowly, we all headed back to the hotel (alcohol in tow), thinking the Japanese guys would probably be too tired to hand out/play more... but after about 20 of us packed into a single room, sure as shit, they all came, and we continued to drink, hang out, talk, take pictures... until the COPS broke it up! This was about 2 am, and probably the only time ever that a VF gathering has been broken up by the fuzz.... (there was a problem with another Evo gamer at the hotel getting way too drunk).

    So, we decided to relocate to Shawn's house... again thinking that we'd probably just play by ourselves for a few hours, no way the Japanese'd want to bother coming to someone's house from the comfort of their hotel at 2am... half drunk.

    But, wrong again! Ohsu, Yamagishi, and Neo Tower all showed up to play on tiny TV's, in small room packed with about 20 people, for hours, well after the sun came up! This was the highlight of the whole thing for me, seeing your typical US vf ghetto-ass gathering happening... but wait, there's Ohsu playing with Brisal, who's just been dubbed "LA Low Punch Cut" by Beat Tribe's Yamagishi (you have to change your screen/ring name now, brian). Imagine the BT announcer at your local gathering, running commentary on the casual play drunk as hell: LA has it GOOD! They were so cool, and actually wanted to see what it's like to live and play Vf in america, on the REAL.

    Maru-Y told me, "Oh, I see, VF in the US is like a party! this style is good!"

    Everyone drinking, having so much fun, cramped as shit onto tiny couches... I have some video of it I'll put up. And supposedly, they're doing it all again tonight!!!! Sadly, I have to draw the line at 4 days of gaming and hang out at home... I'm dying to go, butlast night's memories will last forever.

    People who didn't come... even if this all happens again next year, you REALLY MISSED OUT on something special. I imagine those who went to Korea saw a similar spirit, but to have it here, in America.... I haven't had that much fun in a LONG time.

  7. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    Great story Spotlite that sounds awesome! Much more like a gathering than a tournament by the sounds of it. Having the Japanese players and even Yamagishi - cool stuff. Can't wait to see all the media that you guys have got!
  8. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    Man that was crazy. My day started at 5:00 am Saturday in Reno Nevada. I worked all day in the sun, left at 6pm for California, drove 500 miles. Got home at 2:20 am today, and then drove to Pomona for some awesome VF. I haven't slept at all in the last 39 hours so I gotta pass on tonight. Even though I missed the tournament, I feel like I was there for some really good stuff.

    Can't say that you get to play against Ohsu Akira and Neo Tower every day in California. Not to mention Sanjuro and crew, Modestmouse, Junosynth, Yahiniku, Myke, and Ghostdog, too. Fucking awesome.

    Huge thank you's to everyone who signed my controller. What a cool thing to do.

    I cry for IMF, too. Why weren't you guys HERE?

    EC5 EC5 EC5 ! December 2003 as far as I hear. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif ShinZ? Maybe?
  9. NewBassHippo

    NewBassHippo Active Member

    So did anyone manage to beat Chibita?
  10. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    /versus/images/graemlins/grin.gif all done Spotlite - Brisal73
  11. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    This was the highlight of the whole thing for me, seeing your typical US vf ghetto-ass gathering happening... but wait, there's Ohsu playing with Brisal

    This kills me because we all know it's so true, the aromatic wad of twenty-something and teenage guys crammed into a hotel-like environment playing in front of a little TV on the PS2... I wonder if it was a refreshing change of pace compared to the arcade atmosphere ohsu etc are so used to. It makes me feel like the scene isn't quite as sad as we all make it out to be /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  12. NewBassHippo

    NewBassHippo Active Member

    "aromatic wad"???
  13. Brisal73

    Brisal73 Well-Known Member

    it was actually 3 setups...wish there was more beer though /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif
  14. OffBrandNinja

    OffBrandNinja Well-Known Member

    Damn, that was cool. Yamagishi was acting a fool, he called me tricky ninja. He also understood exactly what "13 damage Ko'enraku" meant. That whole thing with the super drunk guy was pretty bad though. The VF community never would've let that happen. Quoting Sanjuro here, "Samurai never get that drunk."

    I think my highlight of the night was when I was proposing a get-together in New Orleans for Mardi Gras and I asked, "So when's February?" Really guys, I wish I would shut up too sometimes. In any event, this was the best experience with any game that I've ever had. Nothing compares. I feel sorry for those who didn't come, and I pity the fool who doesn't play VF.
  15. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Creed said: "It makes me feel like the scene isn't quite as sad as we all make it out to be"

    yeah, I think they think our scene is cool, like 'these guys don't have shit, and they're still playing in this kind of cool, do-it-yourself way, and they're not bad'. Yamagishi told me I should make an LA-VF website, and post new movies all the time like they do with the BT site.

    I get the feeling they want to help our scene grow. He asked how many players we have in LA, and I said about 15 he said "Many people! Many people!"

    They were a little stunned about how popular MvC is, and they see that CvS is next, with Tekken in 3rd, maybe with Alpha. He told me he wants to see VF take 3rd most popular in the states after Marvel and CvS. He also said that the VF fans there also hate Marvel /versus/images/graemlins/wink.gif.

  16. gribbly

    gribbly Well-Known Member

    unbelievable. I knew I'd be missing out, but I didn't realize how much I'd be missing out. Now I'm sad /versus/images/graemlins/frown.gif

    Anyway, here's what I was up to: http://www.gribbly.org/lucky12/. Kind of a different vibe, but still pretty special.

    Seriously, I'm really happy for you guys - it sounds totally great. I just hope I get a second chance.

  17. DRE

    DRE Well-Known Member

    Yeah, I'm pissed that I couldn't make it. Maybe next time.
  18. Raider

    Raider Well-Known Member

    Great Story guys, it all sounds so fucking unbelievable.
    I'm looking forward to some pictures /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif!
  19. Plague

    Plague Well-Known Member

    I like the name change. I'll make sure to improve so I can SPoD you every time you LPC. /versus/images/graemlins/smile.gif

    Any news about more VF action last night? I finally went to sleep at about 9:30 and didn't move till 5:30 this morning.
  20. KTallguy

    KTallguy Well-Known Member

    I played Neotower and got owned =)

    Everyone was really nice, it was awesome to meet so many people. It was also great to have so many people from out of state (and country) come and participate. I got to play a lot of good people, and it's already helping my game.

    The Japanese guys were fricking cool. I had so much fun hanging out with the beat tribe owner, and the arcadia guys. They were all trying to guess how fricking tall I was in cm. =) That dumpling place was also very good, mad props to that suggestion (beats Dennys by a long shot).

    Since I'm kind of new in the VFDC community, I was shocked at how cool everyone was. I felt really welcomed. I met so many people that it would take forever to list them all.

    Oh, and Srider, weird how small a world it is really! I'm looking forward to playing more VF with you in the future.

    Anyway, I'm glad I could shock some of you with my random reversals and scrubby vanessa skills. You guys all kick ass and make me want to go to LA more often. Thanks for the good times.

    Oh and the tournament went really well, besides some of the technical BS. I hope that some of the people who discounted virtua fighter in the past that were in the audience will go out and buy Evo when it comes out in a few days. Beat Tribe hyped up the crowd like crazy, and many of the matches were nail biters. The audience was really getting into the matches too =) Chibita owned all of us though, oh well... there's always room for improvement.

    Edit: oops... misspelling sucks

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