Tutorial Video: Escaping Side Throws

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by Leonard_McCoy, Jun 12, 2009.

  1. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    <object width="480" height="295"> <param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/4s4h8Kt2Sd0"></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/4s4h8Kt2Sd0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="480" height="295"> </embed></object>

    So Sal and me came up with the idea of making a tutorial video about escaping side throws simply because we never really dug deeper into side throws. Even the VFwiki isn’t a too great help here. Not only is it hard to distinguish which side your opponent is on (left or right). But also, the whole rule provided there doesn’t work out on the 2P-side anyway.

    So we came up with our own rule:
    • When being side-turned to the background, throw-escape with forward.
    • When being side-turned to the foreground, throw-escape with backward.
      Note: You can only get one throw-escape successfully registered. You can’t enter both options at the same time.
    Thanks go to Sal (aka SuddenDeath) for his assistance with making the video. Only VF music was used throughout the video tutorial. Can you guess which? [​IMG]
  2. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Firstly, the wiki is not wrong so I'd appreciate you correct your video. The information on VFDC is only as good as what gets contributed by its users.

    Secondly, it kind of peeves me when people with wiki edit access would rather choose to do a video production, even go out of their way to point out that "the wiki is wrong...", instead of perhaps correcting or enhancing the wiki? Can't figure out people sometimes.

    Thirdly, this recent post referred to this video on side throw escapes which has the same tip (in Japanese) for remembering which way to escape side throws in relation to the direction you're facing (foreground/background).

    So I guess it's just pure coincidence that you and sal came up with the exact same rule.
  3. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Thank you, this really makes more sense than the wiki entry!

    EDIT: wow myke is fast, i was about to send him a PM asking him if he'd like to edit the wiki entry, guess that's a yes [​IMG]

    The old info read:

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">A special rule applies for escaping Side Throws. Side Throws are escaped with either [4][P][+][G] or [6][P][+][G], depending on which side your opponent is on. Think of the [4] direction as your left, and the [6] direction as your right, and you escape the Side Throw by entering the left [4] or right [6] hand side and [P][+][G] based on where the opponent is.

    If you're on 1P side, and the opponent:

    * Evaded [8] to the background (your left), then you escape the Side Throw with [4][P][+][G].
    * Evaded [2] to the foreground (your right), then you escape the side throw with [6][P][+][G].

    If you're on 2P side, and the opponent:

    * Evaded [8] to the background (your right), then you escape the Side Throw with [6][P][+][G].
    * Evaded [2] to the foreground (your left), then you escape the side throw with [4][P][+][G].

    You cannot enter multiple Side Throw escapes.</div></div>

    The new info reads:

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">A special rule applies for escaping Side Throws. Side Throws are escaped with either [4][P][+][G] or [6][P][+][G], depending on which side your opponent is on.

    • When being side-turned to the background, throw-escape with forward.
    • When being side-turned to the foreground, throw-escape with backward.

      You cannot enter multiple Side Throw escapes.</div></div>

      I fail at throw escapes so i have to confirm, we're still sure about the "no multiple sidethrow escapes" thingy, right?
  4. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    So is it official that its not possible to do multiple sidethrowescapes?

    This matter has confused me to no small amount because I cant test it myself.
  5. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Actually you know what, false alarm, i realized Leonard's & Sal's answer does not cover 100% of sidethrows - it covers sideturned situations, not situations when somebody OM's to his opponent's side.

    Maybe i should revert the wiki entry back to it's original form until we can reach a consensus [​IMG]
  6. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man


    ps. I agree that if the wiki is wrong, then I think the correct course of action would have been to post the vid here and ask for wiki to be fixed. Then publish the video.

    pps. Wikipedia with wrong information - shock and horror!

    EDIT: I actually watched the video now, theres no proof in there that you CAN'T input multiple sidethrow escapes.. uhh..

    EDITx2: The wiki entry IS wrong in that it mentions "left" and "right", which is wrong imo. Heres what I believe:

    The sidethrow input to my knowledge depends on the stance of the person being thrown, not the left/right side.

    Opponent is on the side of the front foot = "back" side = escape: back+P+G

    Opponent is on the side of the rear foot = "front" side = escape: forward+P+G

    (in escape inputs back refers to away from opponent, forward refers toward the opponent)
  7. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    ...or just a normal evade, which is what the original wiki entry use as an example to escaping throws from a side.

    Leonard/Sal example defines "side throws" by mentioning where your character is facing after being hit by a side-turning attack. It gives a situational answer not a general answer to "side throws."

    The old wiki definition of "side" (first paragraph of what erdraug quoted) attempts to explain it in context to all situations of side throws: ie which side of your character (left or right side) is your opponent facing or flanking-a general answer.

    The second portion of the old wiki, gives an example of which side your opponent is flanking your character: your opponent evaded to one side or the other--a siutational answer.

    As for editing the wiki, the first paragraph (the general answer) sentences can be re-worded to make it more coherent. Both the old wiki entry (opponent evading to flank your character) and Leonard/Sal's entry (opponent using a side-turned attack) can be used as examples.

    Note: Some character's have additional side throws (Jeffry), which throw escape direction is the exact opposite of what was mentioned in the old wiki definition and Leonard/Sal's definition.


    edit: Looking at the bright side of things, people mentioning what is incorrect or difficult to understand about the wiki is a good thing. We want to make it as best as it can be. Big thanks to the VFDC community who have contributed to the wiki either by writing portions of it or making constructive comments about it.
  8. Leonard_McCoy

    Leonard_McCoy Well-Known Member

    We tested that with Jeffry - did't effect our STE rule.
  9. Rodnutz

    Rodnutz Well-Known Member

    I have watched the vid, but to my understanding there is possibly to sets of rules that really isn't hard to figure out.

    If your side turned then;

    1P side

    if your front side is showing then to escape it's [4]
    if you back side is showing then to escape it's [6]

    Reverse for 2P side

    if you are attacking and opponent with say middle kick and they evade up I really don't think it matters what side is facing but to escape is [4] and [6] if they evade down... same rule applies on both 1P and 2P sides.

    I could be wrong but that's what I figured out on my own. I only got to test it a few times with someone. I wish I could have dug deeper into it.

    Any way I'll check the vid out in a bit! Thanks for sharing!
  10. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    By looking it just seems to me like forward is your right arm, and back is your left arm for the escapes. So you're trying to protect that specific arm from the throw, whenever your right arm was getting grabbed you used 6P+G. Sorry if this got mentioned in previous posts.

    I must say though that I thought you could multi escape side throws, no wonder my percentage is so low escaping them.
  11. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    I don't know how many times this needs to be repeated but you can't mult-escape a side throw. The end!?

    And once again, the wiki entries regarding side throws are correct. For reference, the wiki entry referenced in the video is here: Side Throw

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">
    • Side Throws on the Right of your character are escaped with [6][P][+][G]
    • Side Throws on the Left of your character are escaped with [4][P][+][G]

    I'm getting this feeling that people are confusing "Left" and "Right" in the context of the onscreen character and the player's input, so humour me of a second while I break it down using Player 1 side, with two examples.

    Player 1 Example 1[/size]
    • Player 1's right hand side is toward the foreground
    • Player 1's right joystick input is [6]
    • If the opponent evades into the foreground, putting them on your right hand side, then you can only escape the side throw with the right joystick input, i.e. [6][P][+][G]
    This is why the wiki says:
    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Side Throws on the Right of your character are escaped with [6][P][+][G]</div></div>

    Player 1 Example 2[/size]
    • Player 1's left hand side is toward the background
    • Player 1's left joystick input is [4]
    • If the opponent evades into the background, putting them on your left hand side, then you can only escape the side throw with the left joystick input, i.e. [4][P][+][G]
    This is why the wiki says:
    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Side Throws on the Left of your character are escaped with [4][P][+][G]</div></div>

    The other entry in the wiki: Side Throw Escapes
    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">If you're on 1P side, and the opponent:
    • Evaded [8] to the background (your left), then you escape the Side Throw with [4][P][+][G]. (refer to Player 1 Example 2)[/size][*]Evaded [2] to the foreground (your right), then you escape the side throw with [6][P][+][G]. (refer to Player 1 Example 1)[/size]

    If you're on 2P side, and the opponent:
    • Evaded [8] to the background (your right), then you escape the Side Throw with [6][P][+][G].
    • Evaded [2] to the foreground (your left), then you escape the side throw with [4][P][+][G].
    ... this says the exact same thing. I've added the reference to the examples above in case it's not clear.

    Again, as akai mentioned, the video presents a nice way of figuring out the direction of side throw escape when you get side turned -- a situational answer -- and still agrees(!) to the rules stated above.
  12. Slide

    Slide Well-Known Member

    Thanks it was just something I had forgotten.
  13. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Sorry Slide. While your reply got in before mine, that comment wasn't directed at you, even if it looks like it was [​IMG]
  14. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    If that is true, then the command lists need to be changed. I will check it, when I get back home from school/work
  15. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Myke's post is most informative and finally cleared up things for non-native english speakers such as myself. Might i suggest editing the wiki in order to replace "right" with "right hand side" and "left" with "left hand side"? Maybe add in one of his examples too, I believe it would make things more clear.

    OFF TOPIC THEORETICAL QUESTION: wouldn't it make more sense for SEGA to just have up and down as sidethrow directions instead of left and right? I mean, goh's tsukami has an up throw direction so that door is opened anyway.
  16. Manjimaru

    Manjimaru Grumpy old man

    The reason I have been confused is this:

    Involving escaping Wolf's DM P+K on another thread. I thought that that produced standard sidethrow when hitting from the side. Therefore I assumed that multithrow escape on sidethrows are possible.

    EDIT: Nevermind. Mykes explanation is correct. I confirmed it inasmuch as I could playing two sticks by myself. I guess it wouldnt hurt if this was explained more clearly in wiki.
  17. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    I think some of the confusion may be due to the use of the arrows.

    Normally arrows are used in this context:
    [4] direction input away from opponent
    [6] direction input toward opponent

    In talking about side throws the arrows are used as what Myke posted:

    [4] left direction input
    [6] right direction input
  18. erdraug

    erdraug Well-Known Member Content Mgr Vanessa

    Based on Myke's and akai's feedback, i humbly suggest the following rewording for the wiki entry, provided i haven't yet misinterpreted the mechanics involved [​IMG]

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Side Throws are escaped with either [4][P][+][G] or [6][P][+][G], depending on the relevant position of your opponent to your body:

    * Side Throws on the Right Hand Side of your character are escaped with [6][P][+][G]
    * Side Throws on the Left Hand Side of your character are escaped with [4][P][+][G]

    A special notation rule applies for escaping Side Throws: these directions do not change depending on which side you're on.

    This means that, say for example, if Player 1 evades toward the foreground, putting them in Player 2's left hand side, then Player 2 can only escape the side throw with the left joystick input, i.e. [4][P][+][G]

    Please note that you cannot enter multiple Side Throw escapes so watch those hands!</div></div>

    Also it would also be nice to offer a link to Leonard & Sal's vid stating that "sideturned situations can be simplified to"...
  19. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't add a link until the video is corrected.
  20. Sudden_Death

    Sudden_Death Well-Known Member

    nonononono, we made the recording/idea-making process WEEKS before that other video, plus we dont speak japanese [​IMG]. anyway, the video's purpose was just as someone already said, a nicer way to see how to escape it, a visual "training" if you will. the wiki being "wrong" is partially due to its hella confusing way that it was written.

    side throws escapes have been discussed to death here, so i didnt think we needed to put another side throw escape thread, a visual explanation seem like a better idea.

    leo -might- edit his video to include / exclude some minor stuff, version 2.0 i guess (not 100% sure tho..)

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