Tuch MaBallz6699's list of why i want to explain something to you

Discussion in 'General' started by Tuch_MaBallz, Jun 19, 2017.

  1. Tuch_MaBallz

    Tuch_MaBallz Active Member

    i cau;ght some assault charges and had to do a bit of time - but im back on my feet now - and if as i suspect someone has taken my crown, i am comnig for you - and i want everyone to know i beat him with Lion.
  2. jm571

    jm571 Member

    and no comments........... and no one cares...lol.
  3. jm571

    jm571 Member

    BTW….It’s your Mom sweetie….my playstation id is tuchmyboobs69…….I just started playing The Virtua Fighter and wanted to tell everyone how proud I am of you. You are just like your father….always harassing people, disconnecting and just being an all-around nuisance. He would be so proud of you honey. My favorite characters are Lou, Bryant and Jackson and of course Eileen because that is my name…lollollollollol . Keep up the great work son. We all love you.

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