True Dragon Lance and crouch dashing from 2P side

Discussion in 'Akira' started by KIYOSHO, Nov 12, 2010.


    KIYOSHO Member

    Hi there, I'm having serious trouble with this. I can't seem to do the true dragon lance combo to the left or proper crouch dashing (for buffering before f+p, p / b, f+p). I have no problem at all doing them to the right (1P side). I'm using the Madcatz TE Fightstick.
  2. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Just gotta practice, man.
  3. MAtteoJHDY

    MAtteoJHDY Well-Known Member

    Be patient, if you are new to the game, because it takes some time to master 2P side moves. Its a long term commitment, not a one month love affair.
  4. MarlyJay

    MarlyJay Moderator - 9K'ing for justice. Staff Member Gold Supporter

    I can't do it either. Been playing for years now. I'm not really an Akira user though and has been said, practice makes perfect. Only thing i can suggest is going into dojo mode on the 2p side and attempting the move continuously.
  5. AkiraZero

    AkiraZero Well-Known Member

    practice makes perfect. don't input too fast or else you will lose accuracy. turn on the input display in Dojo, this will show you exactly what you are inputting. what are you doing to buffer your crouch dashes?

    KIYOSHO Member

    Thanks for the replies guys. I've done the true DLC once from the 2P side but for some reason, I can't do it consistently from the 1P side (stopped playing for like two weeks) so I'm back training with that now.

    Sorry, I should've rephrased what I meant by having trouble crouch dashing. I don't have a problem crouch dashing but rather that I can't pull off a buffered crouch dash -> Double Palm. On the 1P side, I press df, df, b, f+p and I have no problem doing it consistenly but I struggle to do it from the 2P side. I can't crouch dash to the left very well so I press db, db when playing from the 2P side but then I have trouble getting in the b, f+p. The required movements just feels difficult to do with my wrist.
  7. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    DLC will come with practice, I find it important to to hit [3][K]+[G] then [6][P] as quickly and as clean as possible then you'll have plenty of time for the rest of the input.

    Doublepalm should come with practice too, if you're trying to input it as [1][1][4][6][P] then after you've done the [1][1] you can just roll the stick straight to back, if you're new to the stick this might take some practice.
  8. adverse

    adverse Active Member

    I have the exact same problem as a new Akira user. : / I'm slowly getting better at 2P play, but it was hard for awhile.

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