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Trivia Answers (winners)

Discussion in 'General' started by GaijinPunch, Oct 24, 2002.

  1. GaijinPunch

    GaijinPunch Well-Known Member

    Okay, I'm calling a tie. CreeD & Myke by far gave the best answers, although neither of them got them all right. However, CreeD did get half of the 'hard' question, so I'm throwing him 2 tapes, and Myke 1 w/ some other goodies.

    Here are the answers in case you gave a shit.

    1: Lion = Lee (like the jeans) and own (for Japanese pronunciation) or "on" from the English pronunciation of the French name. I think they just mispelled the name Leon (but that's actually pronounced Lay-own in Japnaese, so who knows.) Kage - Ka (as in cock) and Ge (get out of here). Aoi - Ou (from Ouch) O - (as in go) and ee - (Long e sound). Damn near everyone got those right.

    2: Chibita = CHIbita -- The accent is on the CHI, not the BI. Those weren't bad. Kyasao left a bit to be desired. KYAsao - the Kya & Sa are almost the same really. It's 'not' Kee-yah-sao.

    3: If you search posts of mine of who I look like "at least according to Japanese people" the answer is Brad. I mentioned this a few times when Evo was in beta testing, so that wasn't too hard. Just had to search. Myke got that one dead on, so cudos to him. It's not something I'm proud of. But, I finally get to say the line all my black friends said when I was a kid, "I guess we all look the same to you."

    4. Fight money -- a trick question. All of the ways until a few days ago were Mission mode, quests, prize matches, and now there are two more -- Battle Arena (the Q&A game) and now you get money by just playing (like 10G per win). There was no announcement on VF.Net, but there was on the main page EVO page.

    5: CreeD got half of this one right. Tama-chan is the arctic seal living in the filthy rivers of Tokyo right now (since August). He was headline news almost daily until the 5 Japanese kidnapped by North Koreans (in the 70's) were discovered, and allowed to come back home -- that's all that's on right now - interesting reading if you're keeping up w/ just how phuct up a country North Korea is. Uta-chan is a baby seal from the arctic that popped up in September. So yes, we have two arctic seals living in possibly the most poluted rivers in the world. BTW - they're named after the rivers they were first discovered in.

    All right. There you go!

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