Transition from Tekken

Discussion in 'New Starter' started by Saisensatkubakoi, Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Hello, i've reached a point in Tekken, where i find the game risk/reward completely broken with hopckicks slighty punisheable which leads to 3/4 health bar life an i13 +5 on block wich leads to devastating combos and that stuff.
    There are useless moves, useless 10hit combos, a fckin Kangarro (this sounds funny but u have to learn another match up)
    And i must say i've get tired of that, i feel the game rewards retarded tactics to win, very few reads and a lot of OMG a counter hit!!!!!!
    So i would like to know if someone of you come from tekken and could tell me the transition to VF.

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    My skill and knowledge in Tekken is minimal, but as for a good place to start in VF5:FS, here's a great vid:

    Saisensatkubakoi likes this.
  3. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    I was originally tekken player long tme ago, then made transition to VF. I also know few tekken players who where trying to play (or actually playing) vf lately.

    Basically I will say few things may be important to understand:
    1) movement ins not as "Free" in VF as in tekken. Every move can whiff as much as any attack and can be punished.
    This is very simplified statement, but basically it stands.
    2) frames are much more important in VF that in tekken. If you fight skilled opponent, attacking from disadvantage is very good way how to commit suicide.
    3) while basic tekken mixups are mid/low, basic Vf mixups are mid/high. My look ridiculous, but basically while in tekken you mix low attacks and mid jgl starters, in VF you mix mid jgl starters and high throws.
    4) throws are special attacks with their own rules. They are very strong, but they automatically lose to any attack no matter the frames!

    And last, but most important rule of VF, if you come from Tekken:
    5) 2P may seem to be insanely strong in VF, but it is only if you do not know how to play this game. Hitting 2p2p2p all as MC in a row is strong in compare to tekken, but stupid in VF terms. It leads to something like 36 dmg all together... While after first 2P MC you have enough frame advantage to use mid jgl starter and get 80-100 dmg easily out of it!
  4. Thanks for the answers :)
    do you think that based on my "complains" i will enjoy VF more than tekken?
    From the vids of top players i've seen Vf looks extremely deep and better than tekken but... who knows?
  5. YOMI

    YOMI not a legendary game designer

    If you think this kind of stuff was bad in Tekken, you aren't going to like VF any better because it has the same kind of stuff, especially online. People will mash buttons and if you don't know what to do, you will lose. + frame moves on block exist in this game too. The game also has stupid characters like Lion.

    I'd almost like to say on the contrary to this, as VF has ECD and other movement techniques that cover a lot of defensive options to make you very hard to hit unless specifically timed against. While not similar to Tekken's BDC, I would like to say there are some similarities. The movement in VF may seem clunky and restricted at first, but it's just a matter of learning the techniques. Whiff punishment and spacing is as important in VF as in Tekken.

    Although 2P says hello, what Unicorn is sort of saying is that VF doesn't have any retarded mid crushes and other dumb stuff you may have ran into in Tekken. If you net +4 from PK and then do an elbow and they try to attack, it will not lose to some random jump kick that goes so low to the ground it just kills any mid with a bad hitbox.

    Except from +10 or more. Also Wolf has an 9 frame throw and an 16 frame throw.
    Genesis and Saisensatkubakoi like this.
  6. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    I agree, but to this, you will get later on and it is more advanced stuff. I was trying to cover basic situation incoming tekken player may run into.
    VF and Tekken have some similarities here, but unlike Tekken, Vf have general rules that apply on 99 % of moves. That 1 % is unique moves of certain characters. In tekken, I will say that about 10 % (or even more) moves of each character have something special about it.
    In VF, basic rules for attacks are:
    * High/mid attacks put attacker at disadvantage when blocked (basic P, very slow moves and guard breaks are common exceptions out of this rule) and most the times leaves him at some advantage on hit and MC.
    * Low moves (who do not knock down) put attacker at large disadvantage at guard (usually -15 or more); on very small disadvantage on hit and leav him even or at small advantage on MC.

    Another rules are also important, but more intuitive for Tekken players:
    * jumping attacks breaks low attacks
    * crouching attacks breaks high attacks
    * special high attacks hit crouching attacks (exceptions out of this rule are extremely annoying)
    There is difference between bad game system (Tekken) and bad players (your post).
    Also, expecting that you do not need any knowledge for serious gaming in ANY game is... well, misplaced ;)
    Saisensatkubakoi likes this.
  7. I don't mind losing, what bothers me is some moves and tactics available in tekken, but im still not sure if there are many on this game.
    im speaking of:
    Retarded crushing attacks even that fckin mid crushers and their respective wtf moments.
    Retarded hopckicks with their respective blocked? it doesn't matter it's only -13
    Some retarded ch starters with their respective lets throw a few pokes... now the ch starter.. omfg ch!!!!
    Overpowered attacks like EWGF
    I know this sounds like if you lose is your fault (i know that) but there are certain attacks, strings and stuff that make tekken a starters fest and im not sure if VF is the same.
  8. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    There are some basic similarities, but overall, VF is more balanced and skill-based that Tekken.
    It is also more "ascetic" both graphical- and game wise, what is reason Tekken is much more popular with all that flashy stuff it have (again, both graphic and game wise)
    Saisensatkubakoi likes this.
  9. Thanks a lot dude
  10. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    I wouldn't say vf requires more skill than tekken. It's apples and oranges, both fruits but totally different.

    No one can say for sure if you'll like VF, just give it a go and see for yourself.

    Every fighting game has stupid moves and situations and VF is no different there is always something to make you say "This is fucking stupid."

    BLACKSTAR You'll find him on the grind Staff Member Media Manager

    I'd say IMO VF (usually) rewards more for strategic play and Tekken rewards more off of pure reaction, memorization, and picking the right character
    Saisensatkubakoi likes this.
  12. Chibiaya

    Chibiaya Well-Known Member

    exactly this
    Saisensatkubakoi likes this.
  13. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Did Unicorn really just say that movement isn't as free in VF? ...da fuck :/

    Saisen, this is just my personal opinion but I feel that VF has a lot less to take in than Tekken and at it's core the basic mechanics (mid/throw) are a bit more refined. Like Seidon said though, VF has it's fair share of bullshit, you should just pick it up and see if you enjoy it before worrying about the more advanced stuff.
    Saisensatkubakoi likes this.
  14. Mother of god, after trying Vf yesterday and watching a couple of vids, i can say that this game is awsome, no more retarded hopkicks, no more joke charachters, no more useless moves, no more retarded crushers!!!!
    Thanks for all the answers people :D
    Seidon likes this.
  15. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf


    I had very similar feeling back when I swap t5 for vf
    Saisensatkubakoi likes this.
  16. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Which character are you using at the moment?

    Glad you're liking hte game. There's still a few useless moves but they're few and far between. Kage's [8][P]+[K] comes to mind :D
    EastBayKage and Saisensatkubakoi like this.
  17. Akira xD it was the first char i saw on a vid in it was like omg i wanna play like him xD
  18. Seidon

    Seidon The God of Battle walks alongside me! Content Mgr El Blaze

    Akira is commonly one of the most complained about characters. The one with all the bs moves :D ha ha!
    Saisensatkubakoi likes this.
  19. I will try to find some use for them xD
    The thing im liking the most of this game is how each character works, i mean, sure lei fei is offensive and akira balanced and aoi defensive for example, but thanks to all the options in te movelist and the importance of throws and fuzzy guar, i think that you aren't limited by the character, thats pretty cool.
    Tha_FeauchA and EastBayKage like this.
  20. EastBayKage

    EastBayKage Well-Known Member

    It has one use though: it makes me laugh if I hit someone with it. :p

    Akira is one of the strongest characters, but difficult to use well. Don't get discouraged if he feels too hard. The most important thing is to play a character you like.
    Tha_FeauchA and Saisensatkubakoi like this.

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