Training on VF2 Saturn Or PS3?

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by Manjoume, Aug 19, 2014.

  1. Manjoume

    Manjoume Well-Known Member

    Hey guys, Manjoume here.

    I've just recently gotten back into non-handheld gaming and one of the games I bought was VF2 on PSN but I also have it on Saturn and the CPU has that learning option. I was wondering if it'd be better to practice/learn VF2 on the Saturn

    For the record I'm using my Saturn pad atm. Here's is my layout.

    I've seen the sticky for info on move lists, counters, etc and I've downloaded them all. To start off I want to play against CPU and start to feel competent before trying to fight anyone online (whom must be deadly because imagine even if there aren't many players the ones that are there are really good).

    Though, once I do I'll be lookin' for PSN players on the other sub forum here on VFDC.
    Tumbling Dice likes this.
  2. Tumbling Dice

    Tumbling Dice Well-Known Member

    The Arcade and Saturn versions of VF2 play slightly differently; the difference is hard to explain but you'll notice if you play enough. I think a lot of it is in the float heights and midair combos. I'm not a very technical player, though, so I might be off. If you're looking for some online competition, I'd recommend the PSN version, even though its single player options get old faster (maybe that's just because I've been playing VF2 for so long already, haha). Don't be afraid to hop into a player match and send some friend requests; from my experience on XBLA, everyone is always super nice and helpful, and it's also a great way to learn new tactics and see what works -- the AI in VF2 is absolutely infuriating and a lot of the things that work on real people won't work on the computers, and vice versa. Either way, enjoy and happy training!
  3. Manjoume

    Manjoume Well-Known Member

    Gotcha, I'll try some PSN later today!

  4. GodEater

    GodEater Well-Known Member

    Saturn is okay for practicing certain things without worrying about the timer running down too fast or damage or RO - you can set all of these things to their maximum level and then just practice, practice, practice.

    But VF2 has collision and speed issues so you need to keep those in mind when you play. It will affect how you think your spacing is and what combos can hit in what stance.

    If you can find a competent partner with a mic and patience to bring you up to speed that will always be better.

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