Tournament in Texas 5 [3-23-03]. Petition now for VF4...

Discussion in 'Tournaments and Events' started by Oni-Kage, Dec 11, 2002.

  1. Oni-Kage

    Oni-Kage Well-Known Member

    Tourney Details:
    Location: Dallas/Fort Worth area
    Time: March 23, 2003
    Further info: TiT5 Thread at Zaibatsu

    Okay the TiT venues are always huge (mainly for the Tekken tournaments), because the pots are always big ($1000) and a whole lot of people show up (usually 150 or more).

    This one will be no exception. They will have TTT, T4, and Mk5:DA. Problem is, they haven't announced VF4 yet, expecting low participation.

    So... I'm writing this message now to gather interest in the tournament ahead of time. If you'd like to participate in serious VF4 comp, please post up. The more interest we get the higher chances they'll add VF4 to the list.

    Anyways, we'll see how it goes... VF4 has never been big here in Texas (everyone's a namco lover heh heh) but this would be a great chance to collect all the spread out comp into one event. So, if you're serious about VF4 and wanna get into a big tourney, post up ASAP.

  2. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    That's my hometown before I moved to CO, so believe me, I know how unpopular VF4 is there. If I'm in the area at the time visiting or something, I'd definitely enter any VF tournament.

    Well, good luck finding enough people interested.
  3. Oni-Kage

    Oni-Kage Well-Known Member

    The date as changed... it's now March 22nd 2003. See thread for details... VF4 is not confirmed yet. But the more people that show interest in it will increase the odds /versus/images/icons/wink.gif
  4. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    Dallas is my girlfriend's home would be a cinch for me to go and bring at least 2 & perhaps quite a few more. Sweet. Keep us posted as to the inclusion of VF4. Thanks.
  5. Blondie

    Blondie Well-Known Member

    If TiT is having a VF event you can pobably count Florida in!! We'll see as time progresses but Texas isn't that far for us and if more ppl end up deciding to show, uhm, we'll be there =).
  6. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    And if Florida goes, I promise you I'll go with at least another. I wouldn't want to miss out on a chance to play some Blonde_One. /versus/images/icons/wink.gif

    So I'm in for at least 2 if Florida goes. Well actually, other CO players will probably be there for T4, so I can probably get them to join any VF4 tourney as well. That would be around 5 or 6 total from CO.
  7. Oni-Kage

    Oni-Kage Well-Known Member

    Wow... thanks for the interest guys..... like I said, the more people that show interest the higher chance they'll add vf4 as well as increased pot. I'll keep ya posted and update them on the # of peeps interested so far.

    BTW, Blonde_One how many would you expect to show from FL? Dunno how many you got in your crew... thanks.

  8. stompoutloud

    stompoutloud Well-Known Member

    There's about 6-8 in the Florida crew. Scattered around that is. But I will go if they have a vf4 tourney and if I can get out of all the work I have to do. Blonde one, let's start planning if they have the event.
  9. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    FL would likely bring somewhere between 3-5 players to TIT.
  10. ghostdog

    ghostdog Well-Known Member

    Count me in, too. I'd love to participate.
  11. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    Yo Cosmic Forge, any idea if it will be Evo, or the old version C?

    Btw, it's great what you're doing for VF here. I hope you can get the game there.
  12. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    If this happens, I'll probably try to make it, as Texas is my home state (actually, I'll be there from the 22nd to the 29th of this month). Andy's from Texas as well. Sorry if I missed it somewhere in the thread, but what city is it going to be in?

    BTW the tournament should DEFINATELY be Evo, as the Jap. PS2 version shuld be out by then, and I think you'll draw more people if it's Evo.

  13. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    Noooo, ver. C would be better. A lot of people won't have a lot of experience with Evo either cause their arcade doesn't have it yet, or no one plays the game at their arcade so they can't practice, or their arcade only has Evo ver. A and will probably never update with each new version. And even those that import will only have 8 days to practice, which is harldy enough to compete against other states who have had 3 months of practice on Evo.

    Aha, but with ver C, everyone is used to this so they'll be better matches. Which one would you want, a newer version with crappy match ups, or a slightly older version with more fierce competition?

    Just my thought since we should make it fair for everyone. Otherwise, we won't know the true champ until the next NY gathering where we all will have plenty of time to practice with Evo.
  14. BMF

    BMF Well-Known Member

    You could also make the argument that people playing EVO now will be at a disadvantage playing VF4 ver C, since they probably haven't played it since EVO came out. Anways, I think that the majority of VF's are already playing EVO as most big cities already have it.
  15. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    Not as much as a disadvantage as people who haven't played Evo at all. At least Evo players have played ver. C before, and if it's really an issue, just play the PS2 version to get used to it again. Where as there's just no alternative for people who live in areas with no Evo in sight.

    If you want to be fair, ver. C is the way to go. Unless the majority agrees with Evo, then that's the only fair way to do it and still have Evo.

    Regardless of either versions, this tourney if it happens will be very unfair to some people, just cause of the timing of when it's taking place versus the timing of the PS2 import.
  16. imf

    imf Well-Known Member

    I say Evo, just because it's a more attractive game than ver C. That's important for drawing attention to VF. It is the new HOTNESS. Other than that, in terms of gameplay, I'd have to say it doesn't matter to me one way or the other, VF4 is VF4. But, it should be Evo. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  17. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    Of course you say Evo, you probably have the game nearby with a lot of competition. If you were in some other persons shoes, though, who doesn't have access to Evo, would you feel the same way?

    I'd say Evo too if I lived in your area. But the majority rules so if that's what everyone wants, then it's a shame, but oh well.
  18. Oni-Kage

    Oni-Kage Well-Known Member

    Okay guys I got word from the tourney officials that we are ON for VF4 for TiT5. They placed me in charge of running the tourney, which I guess is only fair since I was the one bugging them about it... but I really don't care about WHO runs it as long as we get some good comp. So just wanted everyone to know that it's been approved.

    Now the question is VF4 vs Evo... although I like the idea of playing Evo, there's a couple problems as I see it now. First, as was pointed out, it will only be out on jap. release a week or so before the tourney (which means little practice time for those who haven't had arcade access). Secondly, I don't have an import PS2 and don't know anyone who does (although I had one a few years back). So that would mean we would need multiple imports and import Evos to run an Evo tourney.

    So I guess the biggest issue is really just getting the equipment to even run an Evo tourney. Right now I know I can easily run a Ver C tourney w/out problem. Tvs, PS2s, and VF4 games are in abundance around here.

    If you guys can help out by supplying everything necessary for an Evo tourney then I don't see why we can't run one... otherwise let's plan on Ver C for now.
    We can change the format later if we can muster the resources.

    I plan on getting a hotel near the tourney site the day before, so I (and the Austin crew) can get settled in and have some time to practice and chill and meet up with everyone beforehand. It's kind of a tradition with Texan tourneys anyways... party and get wasted the night before, play games until you pass out, possibly get in trouble with the law... you know how it is. I'll post up when the TiT crew announce specific location/time of the tourney.

    It's still on the 22nd though for whoever wanted to know. TTYL guys, and lemme know your ideas now on the Ver C/Evo debate.
  19. TexasLion

    TexasLion Well-Known Member

    You're too fucking cool Cosmic_Forge! Seriously dude, you just made a lot of VF fans very happy getting the game at TiT5.

    Now about which version....
  20. akiralove

    akiralove Well-Known Member

    Well, even though I've already said this, for myself I have to say it should be Evo. If you don't have Evo in your area, maybe you can do what tons of people in other areas have done: pal up with a local arcade operator and get him to get it. You've got the better part of 4 months, so to me not having Evo in your area isn't a reason to ask the rest of us take a step back to ver. C.

    With regards to people who have Evo and are too lazy to play it... I'm not sure what you mean. But if such people do exist, would they be playing in a tournament? And as far as not being used to ver B of Evo, I don't think anyone in the US will have played it before the PS2 release, so we'll all be on equal ground.

    Evo's just a more exciting game, there are 2 more characters, and it'll have been in arcades for over 6 months by march. If some people haven't adjusted, I think that's their fault (or the fault of their local scene). But I really think at this point serious VF fans who aren't playing Evo are in the minority.

    If it's version C, I'm sure I probably won't bother making the trip from LA.

    Just my feeling


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