top ten moves

Discussion in 'Dojo' started by shadow_angel, Feb 10, 2003.

  1. shadow_angel

    shadow_angel Member

    what in your opinion are the top ten moves in VF4 and why?

    also what are the top ten moves for each character and why?
  2. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    haven't seen this one in a little while.

    Just off the top of my head, and not necessarily in order:
    Akira's f,f,f+P - fast, safe, mid, crumples on MC for an easy damaging combo.
    Akira's df+P+K - safe, useful frame advantage on normal hit, easy damaging combo on MC, hits low.
    Akira's FC,f+P - utterly safe midlevel, nice chunk of damage plus some initiative if it hits, and in evo you have a guaranteed canned followup (also mid, also uncounterable) to make the damage something to worry about.
    Kage's FC, DF+P (both evo's and version C are great) -fast, safe, only -2 when blocked in evo, easy guaranteed combo on MC or mC.
    Kage's df+P - it's slow, but has some evading properties that allow it to beat jabs and low punches. It's one of the rare moves that can start a combo every single time, even if the opponent is guarding low. It's safe if blocked and better yet recovers low.
    Lau's b,f+P -very fast, guaranteed combo on any hit, strong minor counter after many blocked moves, good after a stumble throw too.
    Lau's FC,DF+P - it sucks compared to older versions of the move, but it's still an utterly safe combo starter with 2 good canned followups.. .df+P+K to start a combo if you think the opponent will low punch or guard low.. or a simple jab if you want to try for a MC punch-throw. If the jab is blocked, Lau retains initiative.
    Aoi's b,df+P (version C only, evo's is crappy) - way too fast, crumples on MC for an easy combo + techroll mindgames, safe if blocked.
    Jeffry's b+P (version C is better) - easy "one-button-knockdown" with guaranteed pounce for 25% of the opponent's life, or ground pickup for higher potential reward. It's not super fast and safe, but this is offset by having huge range.
    Sarah's uf+K - it seems like a strange entry, but I'm a believe after seeing this move used well. It crushes rising attacks and low punches, it's not too risky if blocked, and if interrupted sarah flops to the ground (so there's a limit to how much she can be punished when MC'd). It starts an easy combo for better than 25% damage every time, even if the opponent guards.

    These lists are deceptive, because it depends on how much priority you put on risk vs reward. Stuff like sarah's dragon cannon or lei's uf+K+G are all excellent free combo starters... so what's more useful, an attack that's safe and guarantees 30% damage combos, or an attack that's P/throw counterable and guarantees 40-50%? It's all pretty subjective and arguable.
  3. Hayai_JiJi

    Hayai_JiJi Well-Known Member


    chouwan: its 15 frames the speed of an elbow. It floats on any hit giving you atleast 50 damage everytime. Its -2 on block.

    df+p: its 15 frames, moves really far,gives you a nice damaging combo off of hit. +6 on Mc. Not overall the best move stat wise but it pisses people off.

    b+k+g: 15 frames its hit box is fucking retarded large and it beats all rising attacks clean and in evo doesnt leave you as screwed

    b+p: -2 on block, +1 on hit +9 on Mc. is special high is a semi circular attack. we all know this move is evil.

    k,k,p: ah the 14 frame move that gives you 50 damage on any hit. and leaves you basically safe.
  4. Shou

    Shou Well-Known Member

    Ermmm, I just have a top 5 here for my favorite 2 characters. /versus/images/icons/tongue.gif

    Even though you can evade it in either direction in Evo, it still will go through numerous moves in closed stance. It's only -4 on block just like a [2]+[P] and on normal hit gives +3. On MC, it gives an easy 35% combo with [6][6]+[K][K].

    It has the same execution time as his other safer elbow but can get a 25% combo on normal hit and nearly 40% on MC with the move below. Sure, it's -6 on block but if you guess wrong on trying to punish Akira, you can lose 35% of life.

    The range has been shortened in Evo and the recovery time can be as bad as -10 but with the canned elbow followup, I don't see many people trying to punish it. The damage you get from this is fairly high even though it is a 1 frame move.

    Much like Akira's [6][6][6]+[P] in that on either normal hit or MC, it causes quite a bit of damage and on block even though it's -6, following up can be extremely dangerous. The move evades all high attacks, is half circular, and recovers low. At distance, he can cleanly beat attacks like SDE.

    By far, probably Kage's most abused move in Evo. With the change from a chop to an upper, he can interrupt far more moves and get more damage than before. It staggers crouching opponents, gives him +2 on any hit, MC will yield a damaging float combo. On block, it's only -5 and with Kage's [3]+[P] and [2]+[K]+[G], it's also dangerous to follow up.
  5. shadow_angel

    shadow_angel Member

    i'm a newb and this is one of my first posts

    i'm amazed how well this post is doing
    keep it coming!
  6. Chill

    Chill +40 DP Content Manager Shun Gold Supporter

    [2][6][8][4]+[P]+[G] - 60 points damage, +6 DP, [4],[6]+[P]+[G] to escape.

    [1] or [7]+[P]+[K]+[G] - Nothing special in damage but excellent evasive move even (sometimes) on disadvantage and some nice follow ups if it happens to float.

    [3][3]+[P]+[P] - Floats on MC, huge follow up, can mix up with [P],[4][P],[P].

    [3],[3]+[K] (better in Ver. C). Good float, good for interupting attacks, huge damage. Too bad her DC went from [1]+[K] to [3],[3]+[K] in Evo it had to be one of the simplest float moves to execute in the game.
  7. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Low drop kick + KS
  8. American_Pai

    American_Pai Well-Known Member

    Off the the top of my head:

    TFT: OG move of doom is still awesome today although now it's probably better as a ringout tool than than for damage.

    SDE: No brainer. The move is super good.

    Double Palm: Intelligent use of the Double Palm is scary. It's sick range, it's way too fast, and it makes Akira super annoying coming out of tech rolls.

    Lei's b,f+P+K: Any wrong jab or throw attempt you eat a painful combo.

    Jacky's Elbow/Punch string: Jacky's been eating off this move forever and it's core to make his opponents freeze up for his other craziness.

    Giant Swing: Classic move that's still too good if for nothing but surprise throw factor.

    Shun's Dodge Attack: Does good damage, fast, and it slams down giving Shun enough time to keep rushing or back the hell up.

    Vanessa's/Jacky's Dodge Kick: Does great damage on a counterhit and leaves them with a ton of intiative to do what they want.

    Lunging Knife: Great range and crazed damage.

    Lion's Pounce: His whole okizeme game based off the fact he has an insane pounce. Sure it didn't get put you on the ground but it will make you get the hell up.
  9. kungfusmurf

    kungfusmurf Well-Known Member

    The SPOD: [G][P][K]+[P][K][4][3]+[4][P] /versus/images/icons/shocked.gif
    If done right of course, say good night and once it's starts BAM! BAM! BAM!

    It would be a whole new level of hurt if it could be done in real life, ouch /versus/images/icons/shocked.gif And wow it looks so damn beauty. /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  10. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    WOLF: top 5

    1> HCB+[P]([P]) - wolf's fastest mid, great for mixing in a series of attacks or punish low jabers, on MC gets a fair launch and a variation on lights and mids with the reverse hammer. the second hit can be delayed to play on the opponent's timing.

    2> [6][2]+[K] - great defense tool, fast and easy for interrupting a poke frenzy series, also nice opportunities on MC to pounce, pick up or ground suplex them /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif

    3> [2_][3]+[P] - lengthy staggering has never been so easy (MC), it does'nt have a charge animation, just enough time to pop in a guarenteed stomach crumple, then do what ever you like.. it has better distance in evo.

    4> [2_][6]+[P] - fast, powerful and has a wide hit range, great after high jabs or evade.

    5> [4]+[P] - beautiful move, the only thing which spoils it is that it's a high attack and can be punished after ducked, it's great for an evade counter move, or a back dash counter. it also gives wolf some great combo setups.
  11. Robyrt

    Robyrt Well-Known Member

    Pai's scissor kicks come to mind, as does Jacky P+K,P.
  12. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    3>[2_][3][P] - lengthy staggering has never been so easy (MC), it does'nt have a charge animation, just enough time to pop in a guarenteed stomach crumple, then do what ever you like.. it has better distance in evo.

    I'd be careful calling the stomach crumple 'guaranteed'. A good player will struggle and guard your [6][P].
  13. Dougydug

    Dougydug Well-Known Member

    ...Lei Fei...[8][G]+[K].....pull that off as a round opener - you will never be so satisfied....
  14. BK__

    BK__ Well-Known Member

    apologies.... i thought you'd have advantage wether the opponent struggles or not... i've been guarded, but i've always thought it was down to my timing.
  15. Pai_Garu

    Pai_Garu Well-Known Member

    I can't believe that no one has mentioned Vanessa's parrying high kick... [4][6][K] and her intruder hook.. [G][8][P].

    The parrying high kick is hands down the best sabaki attack in the game. The sabaki property begins as soon as the move is executed. Plus the move sabakis High Punch, Mid Punch, High Elbow, Elbow, High kick, and Knee!!! Even on block, you can do the [P] followup, which is a special high that can't be interrupted by low attacks, and you are still at +2 on block!! wtf!?! /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif Her intruder hook effectively reduces the high/mid linear attack poking game and makes dealing with okizeme much easier for the Vanessa player, and it's BARELY a throw counterable move. These moves are crazy!! /versus/images/icons/laugh.gif

    p.s. I think these moves have been changed somewhat in Evo ver B. I sure hope so!!
  16. alantan

    alantan Well-Known Member

    the bf+k do not sabaki knee in Evo ver A. There are
    some moves that cannot be sabakied. Actually I think
    her d/b+p is better than the intruder hook. The intruder
    hook is throw counterable so it is quite dangerous to use.
  17. sanjuroAKIRA

    sanjuroAKIRA Well-Known Member

    "Top ten" can mean lots of things, I suppose. I can't post to a thread like this without mentioning:

    [3][K]-Good ol' sidekick. "Hide" this with your crouch dash in pursuit of your opponent or backstagger them or wall stagger them. The first not really "special" move I learned in VF2 and still a good friend. I know, I might as well mention [P] & [2][P] I just did.

    [6][6][K][K]: Easy, high damage combo ender for Aoi, Lion & Akira. Eases especially the learning curve for Akira as it finishes nicely SDE, LBF & QCB+[P] counters while letting you get some decent float (yoho/shrm/knee) damage (yeah, you'll whiff the second one a bit) while you find your yoho, p, shrm, dbpm...stuffs rising low kicks like a charm. Not a stand-alone move unless 1)you NEED to clown your opponent or 2)Kumite is your opponent.

    [6][6][K] after [6][P]+[G]: This one makes me wonder about Sega...somehow in this one situation [6][6][K] produces an MC yoho or knee quality float allowing followups like p, shrm, DJK vs the little girls. The damage is "only" 80 for this puppy & the SJK can be dicey in open stance (esp. with both backs to the screen, in my experience), but the physical and psychological effects of this move are...immeasurababble, if you get my meaning.

    [2][K][P][P] (Vanessa): True combo on counter like Jacky's [3][P][P][P] & guarantees the same big stomp & is similarly delayable with fair RO potential but has the added benefit of starting low. Kyasao eats the first & third hit of this string on the VF4 gamedisk replay. Abuse of this string will get you hurt, but it's wicked enough to sprinkle liberally throughout your play until then.

    [6][6][K] (Vanessa): IMO a move she can't survive without. Again, like Jacky's [4][6][K]+[G] but without the little wiggle. A nice anti TR, anti machi weapon. Crushes would-be rushes . A mean mid-hitting crescent. When Vane lands one of these, generally it's her round to lose.

    I could go on with a bunch more moves no one would agree with, but I'll stop here. Have fun.
  18. Namflow

    Namflow Well-Known Member

    I think Vanessa's [1]+[P] is really underrated. It dodges high attacks, sebakis low attacks, and isn't throw counterable. It forces crouch if it hits (if I remember correctly)... only +2 for normal hit and MC though /versus/images/icons/frown.gif. But for a move that beats both high punches and low punches its not bad at all.
  19. kbcat

    kbcat Well-Known Member

    I completely agree. We have no Vanessa players here in TO, and when you came up and busted out db+P with Vanessa I was amazed at the power of that move. I was totally amazed when you stuffed Brad's sweep with it. Makes me think I should play Vanessa :p

  20. supergolden

    supergolden Well-Known Member Content Mgr El Blaze

    In ver C my favorite move is Jacky's [2][K][P] where he does a fake [2][K] into a low backfist.... It's great for getting that bit of energy at the end of the round!


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