To Whom It May Concern

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network' started by SNAKE BOSS, Nov 20, 2021.


    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Hi everyone. I want to wish everyone happy upcoming holidays but before I do that I want to clear some air on my recent actions online from a couple of months ago. Most of you already know what I am talking about so I will just get to the point. I did what I did is because some of you in the community were beings disrespectful and insulting to me for no good reason and this was even before VF5US came out. Saying things that were not true about me and being disrespectful in stream chats to me especially in tournaments. So I thought that they must be trolling so it was time to give it back to them. So I did and it escalated. That is all that was from my part is just trolling back to defend my self. Even though I was going to stop and I did. I wanted the people that I was trolling back know it. It was with no ill will or any hate that I did this with. I was not mad at anyone. Just a bit disappointed for some of your actions and I just acted in self defense. That being said I know I should not have even done all that even if some of you were acting like asses. With that I apologize to the community and anyone that was insulted with my online actions. Because that was not my intention at all and it was just a big misunderstanding. Even though I did nothing illegal it was still a mistake and I apologize for it. We all make mistakes. What is more important is to learn from our mistakes and fix them to better our self. Those of you who know me in person know how I am in reality and I am done with all the online nonsense. I am just going to enjoy the game and maybe we all can do it together. With that I forgive those that were jerks to me and apologize to those who thought I was being one to them to because that was not my intention at all. Well now you know my side of the story about this matter.

    I will not respond to any comments about this matter and not even read them especially if they are negative. If you have anything negative to say then you will only make your self look bad and I do not even have to respond. With all that said I want to wish everyone a warm and happy upcoming holidays in this month and the next going into the new year. Be good to each other. Stay safe, be well and enjoy VF.
  2. Chanchai

    Chanchai Well-Known Member

    I do wish you a Happy Holidays @SNAKE BOSS and I'm glad that my experiences with you have been good ones (as far as I can remember).

    I think you're a good player and I do look forward to sparring/fighting in VF with you!

    Hopefully we will have a good connection when we do play (fortunately, I have a good connection with a lot of players).

    Our VF schedules probably don't mesh well, but I'm always happy to try to schedule a session if you want :)

    Again, Happy Holidays!

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Thanks man and yes we can do some matches sometimes. I have you on my friend's list already and happy holidays to you too.
    Chanchai likes this.
  4. ICHIBANin10000

    ICHIBANin10000 Well-Known Member

    HimaJean lags just as much as Snakeboss and nobody says anything. Kind of BS.
  5. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    Akai JC
    In my opinion, the issue here is not about lag, bad connection, or using wireless connection, but is an issue about integrity.

    Some background information for those not familiar with the situation. Whatever happened or was stated that led to the actions taken by Snakeboss (BlackbeltSpartan), I do not know for sure. What I do know are the actions that he did took:

    1. Intentional disconnecting from rank matches. Multiple players with proof shows Snakeboss, BBS, doing this. The game has enough issues, but for any players--especially high level players or those that consider themselves part of the VF community--to intentionally "cheat" the game system...

    2. Intentional use of a secondary account to participate in events that he was not allowed to participate or was not intended for him to participate in. This include at least a Baby Choya event for "new" players hosted by ifixmachine & a Flash Cup hosted by Chief Flash. I believe it was discovered he was using a secondary account as he accepted cash prize money for finishing in the top 3 in the Flash Cup.

    This happened with Ultimate Showdown. However, both intentional disconnecting from rank matches and intentional use of a secondary account to participate in an online tournament/event that he was not allowed to participate in is something he has done in the past in Final Showdown.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2021

    SNAKE BOSS Well-Known Member

    Like I said it was a big misunderstanding but I already explained it in the above post. Also there were a bunch of people who disconnected in my matches and some of them are from here on vfdc and I have videos of that but I am not going to say who because it is not my style. They know who they are. Also I did not cheat anything. I just gave it back to those that cheated me. That is all. As I said just a misunderstanding which I cleared up in the above post. Happy Holidays.
  7. DomAug

    DomAug dom Content Manager Lion Bronze Supporter

    HIMAJEAN is in Canada. I'm on the East Coast and my connection has been fine with him the two or three times i played him, so idk.
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2021
    ToyDingo and Tricky like this.
  8. OvertPan

    OvertPan Member

    Wow. I've only remembered playing this person a couple of times from the PS3 version years ago launched in that year. Some things never change, I guess? Preserving ego of a misguided rank or class, over developing in substance?

    Even predating back to early to mid 2000 of this online, people should have learned their lesson to this almost 20 years later. It's on-going stagnation.
    DomAug likes this.

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