Timing to Buffer Modified Double Palm?

Discussion in 'Akira' started by EDK, Mar 21, 2002.

  1. EDK

    EDK Active Member

    When is the right time to buffer Akira's double palm let's said after D,f+P? After the D,f+P hit the opponent, i should be in df,DF or i should already buffering the whole m-DP command?

    Can someone explain in detail and step by step?
  2. ken

    ken Well-Known Member



    n= Neutral

    Seems better if let it go to neutral first rather than rolling the stick.
  3. CreeD

    CreeD Well-Known Member

    he's asking when, not how. . .

    anyway, the timing is strict, I've heard it must happen within two frames after the single palm. You want to be buffering the d/f, d/f during the single palm, then as soon as the single palm recovers you want to be entering b during the first frame, and f+P during the second. Remember that since the crouch dash itself is buffered, you don't need to be psychotic about how fast you enter it...you can do a lazy d/f, d/f during the recovery of the single palm. It's the b,f+P that has to be insanely fast.
  4. feixaq

    feixaq Well-Known Member

    anyway, the timing is strict, I've heard it must happen within two frames after the single palm. You want to be buffering the d/f, d/f during the single palm, then as soon as the single palm recovers you want to be entering b during the first frame, and f+P during the second. Remember that since the crouch dash itself is buffered, you don't need to be psychotic about how fast you enter it...you can do a lazy d/f, d/f during the recovery of the single palm. It's the b,f+P that has to be insanely fast.

    What I've heard from Howard, who in turn read up about this on the Taiwanese bulletin boards, is that inputs entered before the single palm enters the collision phase are null and void, so buffering them too early doesn't work. So the Taiwanese players recommend holding the first DF after the single palm comes out, then once you see the hit, enter df, b, f+P very quickly.

    I've more or less dropped Akira from my list of primary and secondary characters (Lei/Kage and Lau/Wolf respectively), so I haven't been able to test the above fully though.
  5. MrWhite

    MrWhite Well-Known Member

    Sounds about right . Though I dont exactly do it that way... Say ST, d,f+P ( I used to tap, now I roll it like a fireball) -Look at the execution animation- Just before the single palm hits I start moving the stick towards the d/b position and get to a full d/b as the single palm hits- double tap that and finish the m-dblpalm command ( it might be easier if you roll the stick to back then forward after your second d/b ). You cant think about this as it happens, it has to be drilled and then you'll be conscious of the previous. * Your first diagonal command should be inputted as the single palm hits and the rest of the double palm input should be done in so that there is no apparent recovery animation for the single palm.
  6. gamesmaster1_2be

    gamesmaster1_2be Well-Known Member

    i think this may also be useful.
    as soon as you see th sglpm come out hold guard a bit, then do the inputs i dunno why, but it helped me!

    *edit* i think it worked better because you can chain it all together rather than having to wait after the sglpm,
    just give it a try! /versus/images/icons/grin.gif
  7. Akira_Zero

    Akira_Zero Well-Known Member

    Ah so df before then DF after the single palm? I usually do both df's after the sgpm without much trouble.

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