Time limit for editing post

Discussion in 'Site News, Questions and Feedback' started by Chibitox, Jun 7, 2012.

  1. Chibitox

    Chibitox Well-Known Member Bronze Supporter

    I wanted to edit the first post of my topic in the Lion dojo to add the combo section and more feedback.
    I intended to update it regularly, and keep the info structured in the first post. But I ran into the time limited rul [​IMG]

    I just had a discussion with Akai on the purpose of the time limit for editing post in the forum.

    I understand the purpose a this limitation, but I feel it's hurting people who want to contribute for the sake of a few drama queens [​IMG]

    May be we can find a solution by allowing unlimited edit for the first post of a topic, or by adding user rights to contributors so they can edit their posts ?

    If it's not possible, what's people opinion about this rule ? Is it really worth it ?
  2. Unicorn

    Unicorn Well-Known Masher Content Manager Wolf

    From my experience from other gaming forums, the limit is not worth it; the time of last edit (shown either overall, or after the post is not the last one in the topic) is enough.
  3. Feck

    Feck Well-Known Member Content Manager Akira

    Hmmm, I don't mind sending a PM to a mod if I need a thread updating but adding user rights for contributors would make more sense if it was possible.
  4. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    Guys, all the good stuff should really go on the wiki. Please be patient until I can get the user authentication working against the forum database again.

    In the meantime, keep posting your good work in the threads.
  5. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    Yeah but who can edit the Wiki? I'm not seeing an option to edit or create new pages. I guess you have to log in to the Wiki first but I don't see a link to create an account for the Wiki.

    Anyway, still begs the question why there's a time limit for editing posts anyway? What terribly damaging way could this be abused? Everyone seems pretty well-behaved here anyway. More behaved than 8WayRun and even that site doesn't have a time limit for editing posts.

    OR... if you send me the raw ubbthreads.php file, I'm sure I could tell you what and where to write a line of code that would always allow the first post of a thread to be edited.
  6. Myke

    Myke Administrator Staff Member Content Manager Kage

    The answer to your question was provided in the very next sentence to the one you quoted:

    Once this works again, then authorised users will be allowed to edit the wiki. It won't be editable by anyone, for hopefully obvious reasons.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">Anyway, still begs the question why there's a time limit for editing posts anyway? What terribly damaging way could this be abused?</div></div>There were incidents in the past where users went on a deleting rampage. There have also been incidents during flame wars where people have gone back to change the things they said, only to add further fuel to the flames. The current edit time limit in in place to prevent that from happening again.

    <div class="ubbcode-block"><div class="ubbcode-header">Quote:</div><div class="ubbcode-body">OR... if you send me the raw ubbthreads.php file, I'm sure I could tell you what and where to write a line of code that would always allow the first post of a thread to be edited.</div></div>Thanks, but I'm sure I'm more than capable making such changes myself. I will, however, consider implementing a separate and configurable time limit for Original Posts.
  7. akai

    akai Moderator Staff Member Bronze Supporter

    And I am more than willing to help update someone's first post if they PM me about it. Writing something within the thread itself may take longer for me to update changes as there is a lot more posts to go through post-VF5FS than before.

    "Quote" the post you want updating with the revisions already made, provide a link, and I likely can update your thread post within 24 hours.
  8. Cla

    Cla Well-Known Member

    My brain interpreted this as referring to the ability to edit post past their time limit. Thanks for clearing that up.

    The people here seem way too behaved for that to even be a worry though. Also, a strict no-flame-war policy is the best counter anyway. (flame wars can still happen even with the current limit, or even if you disable message editing altogether) Have mods lock flame wars upon sight and boom problem solved. I think the large need to edit informative posts outweighs the small chance of abusers and the subsequent terribly-devastating emotional damage* their actions bring. But this is your website so do what you think is best.

    *Yes this is sarcasm. I think we're all big boys who will live through some insults should some kind of flame war break out. Honestly, I think you're insulting the integrity of the majority of the community you put together here if you think some random assholes can ruin this entire message board or cause ANY kind of rift in the community. I think we're all stronger and better than that. On any other website, most of the community ignores trolls/flames and simply respond with something like "Cool story bro. A mod will be here to lock this thread soon" and move on with the day. Even the majority-asshole SRK community sticks together and survives daily trolls who say things that make your past flame wars look like Dr. Seuss. I think the mostly-professional VF community will be ok in the small chance some kind of flame war breaks out. Have mods in different time zones around the world so there can always be at least one mod on at all times and lock/delete/hide flame threads upon sight.

    [/end probably unnecessary rant] Look it is your site so do whatever you want man. Either way, we'll live and get these threads updated somehow.

    Ok but if lack of time becomes the reason it isn't happening, my skills are still offered. I also offer to help with the Wiki/Forum cross-authentication.

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